Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1585 The realm of the void, against the firebird!

South of Dawn City, border area.

An inverted triangle-shaped island in the sky floats quietly at an altitude of hundreds of meters.

Boom boom boom!

In a gray sky, one after another of purple lightning bolts kept bombarding the island, as if there was some kind of force on it that was attracting these lightning bolts.

On the land, millions of players from the three major families, the Dragon Clan, the Reviver, and the Fengyun, have arrived here quickly.

Everyone standing on the land below the island in the sky looked up at the island in the sky.

At this time, the situation at the head of the crowd resurfaced and asked suspiciously: "This is the realm of the void?"

"According to the directions on the map, it should be here." Yi Ye Guzhou looked at the map and said, "The location that Yi Qi Juechen told me is right here."

Pointing to the island in the sky, Yi Ye Guzhou continued: "If nothing else happens, the ghost king Luojia is there, it is devouring the dragon crystal and evolving the seven-star ghost king!"

Hearing that, Fengyun Tianqi, a level 215 rank eight knight, pulled out his spear with a "swipe" and shouted, "Then what are you waiting for? Kill it and kill the ghost king!"

At this time, Fengyun Rising saw that there was a white light beam linking to the island in the sky directly below the island in the sky, and said, "That must be the teleportation array that landed in the realm of the void, go over there!"

Saying that, Fengyun Rising and a group of people under his hand immediately flew towards the teleportation array.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden turmoil in the air!

Looking up, I can see: a giant flamingo with purple ghosts burning all over its body, flew down from the void!

They are huge in size, and their eyes emit an ice-blue cold light, and the blood-red id on the top of their heads comes into view——

lv255 Void Firebird (Magic Department, Ordinary Monster/Ghost Race)!

"It's the Void Firebird!" Looking at the familiar firebirds, someone in the crowd shouted: "A week ago, when the Ghost King helped us fight the dark capital, the ghost servant army that was launched was this Void Firebird! "

Seeing those Void Firebirds who have been infected with ghosts, Fengyun raised his brows and said solemnly, "This is a level 255 monster, everyone should be careful!"

"One team and two teams cover, and the third team charges! Enter the Void Realm!"

With the order of a single leaf boat.

The players of the three teams of the resurrected, immediately start action!


As the group of Void Firebirds entered effective range.

On the land, thousands of advanced archers and magician players from the first and second teams of the Resurrection have locked on them and launched long-distance attacks!

Whoosh whoosh!

Boom boom boom!

Countless sharp arrows and magic balls bombarded those Void Firebirds in unison.

Resurgent players have a lot of firepower.

But after all, the enemy facing this time is too powerful!

A 255-level Void Firebird, where is a group of 210-level players who can be moved?

The attack of a group of players, hitting the Void Firebird, is not painful at all!

That is to say, with the advantage of the large number of people, within the effective attack range, thousands of mage shooters fired at the same time, only to barely shoot and kill three Void Firebirds!

The remaining dozens of Void Firebirds also began to fight back.

hoo hoo hoo hoo!

They opened their mouths one after another, and spewed out clusters of purple ghost fires from their mouths.


Strong flames swept the crowd.

Accompanied by a scream.

Once the players are touched by the ghost fire, without exception, they are all one-shot kills!

Even a knight can't resist the damage of a level 255 monster!

The players killed by the Void Firebird also fell directly to the ground. The corpse did not trigger the refresh, but only dropped the life orb.

In order to give the three resurrected teams, as well as the players of the Dragon and Fengyun families, time to enter the Void Realm to stop the Ghost King's plan.

The players of the first and second teams of the Resurgents also risked their lives and fought desperately against the Void Firebird, which was dozens of levels higher than them!

However, the third team of the resurrected, the Dragon Clan and the Fengyun Clan players had not yet approached the teleportation formation, and they were once again attacked by a large number of Void Firebirds that flew directly out of the teleportation formation!

It turns out that they can not only fly down directly from above, but also follow the teleportation array!

The players of the three teams and Fengyun were blocked by the firebird group and could not get close to the teleportation array at all!

All this was arranged in advance by the ghost king Luo Jia.

In order to ensure that the dragon crystal is swallowed this time, the plan to evolve the seven-star ghost king is foolproof.

It set up the ghost world in the ghost underworld in advance, trapping the most threatening Jon, Viana and the others in the ghost underworld.

Then they domesticated these Void Firebirds and used them to block the players of the three major families.

If the full-level god-level dragon warrior Jon is with Viana, who is also a full-level god-level dragon soul master, he will definitely be able to easily break through the blocking of these Void Firebirds and go directly to cut Luo Jia. .

Luo Jia just concluded: at this stage, except for Jon and Viana, no human beings in Dawn City can pose a threat to it, so they dare to start devouring Dragon Crystal so openly!

The Void Firebird near the teleportation array is extremely ferocious.

The attacking troops of the three major families fell on the way.

Realize that if it goes on like this, I am afraid to wait until

After the ghost king Luo Jia completely absorbed the power of Longjing, they could not attack the Void Realm.

A lonely boat shouted to the players from the three surrounding families: "Brothers with flying mounts, fly up with me, and the rest will cover!"

Said, Yi Ye Guzhou bore the brunt, summoned the ice dragon, then rode the ice dragon and flew directly towards the island in the sky!


Among the crowd, more and more players with flying mounts are also driving their mounts to fly to the Void Realm!

At this moment, everyone is united, and no one backs down.

Because everyone understands: If you can't stop the ghost king Luojia, wait for it to evolve into a seven-star ghost king, and then use the energy spar grabbed from the dark imperial capital to release the entire ghost family.

At that time, Dawn City will face thousands of ghosts, countless five-star, six-star, and even seven-star ghost kings!

By that time, Dawn City will really be over!

Saw someone trying to fly straight into the Void.

Those Void Firebirds who came to block these humans under the instructions of the ghost king Luojia quickly organized to attack Yi Ye Liaozhou and the others!

Riding a lonely boat on an ice dragon, relying on the powerful strength of a full-level dragon bloodline and a hidden professional magician, he just cast a spell to kill a Void Firebird.

In the blink of an eye, three firebirds attacked at the same time!

Yi Ye Guzhou could not help but grit his teeth: "Damn!"

"It would be great if the seniors were here."

The voice just fell.

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless sharp arrows formed a dense rain of arrows, swept past Yi Ye Guzhou, and landed on the Void Firebirds in front of them, killing them instantly!

When Yi Ye Guzhou turned his head, he saw below, a large group of archers from the Dragon Race were escorting him!

At the same time, a shout came from the crowd: "Brother, just rush forward, and leave the rest to us!"

Yi Ye Guzhou nodded.

Holding a scepter and driving an ice dragon, together with the other hundreds of players with flying mounts, they passed through the swarm of flamingos and rushed to the Void Realm!

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