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Chapter 1588 Lingzhu Appears, Miracle Reappears

In the realm of the gods.

Zhang Yi lay on the back of the minibus and flew aimlessly into the sky with the minibus.

At this time, he was already a little numb.

After racking my brains, I don't know if there is any other way to leave God's Domain.

At this moment, in the Dragon Soul Ring, Viana's voice suddenly came: "Zhang Yi, how are you over there, have you got the Divine Seal?"

"I have bad news to tell you that the ghost king Luojia has evolved seven stars, and its next plan may be to go to the main city of the ghost clan to release the ghost clan."

"The only way now is to stop it before it releases the ghost clan. Do you know the location of the main city of the ghost clan here in Dawn City?"

After receiving the news from Weiyana, Zhang Yi immediately recovered and became nervous involuntarily.

Because Zhang Yi himself is now trapped in God's Domain and can't get out, but in Dawn City, there are too many brothers he cares about!

Even if he were to be trapped in the God's Domain for the rest of his life, he absolutely couldn't watch Dawn City be destroyed by the ghost clan, all the people of the dragon clan were killed by the ghost clan, and he would not be saved.

However, Zhang Yi searched in his mind for a while, but found that: he does not seem to know the connection port of the ghost clan on the side of Dawn City, that is, where the main city is located.

Because in the last life, Zhang Yi was also on the side of Dawn City.

But Dawn City players fought against the ghost clan for eight years, and until Zhang Yi died, no one found the connection port of the ghost clan.

This has always been an unsolved mystery.

Therefore, Zhang Yi had to tell the truth: "I don't know where the main city of the ghost clan is."

"However, you must persevere. As long as we work together, the ghost clan will definitely be defeated!"

Wei Yana, who received Zhang Yi's reply, said, "Okay, you too, keep at it."

It was not until this time that Zhang Yifang came back to his senses.

No one will give up hope, including myself!

"Everyone is doing their best to live, what qualifications do you have to give up hope?"

A few short conversations with Wei Yana instantly made Zhang Yi regain his confidence.

"Definitely, there will be other ways to leave God's Domain, there will be!"

Think so.

Just when Zhang Yi was about to continue to look for new hope with the minibus.

In front of him, a milky white light group suddenly floated!

The sudden light group has been surrounding Zhang Yi and refused to leave.

Moreover, it gave Zhang Yi an inexplicable, very familiar feeling!

It's like, where did you come into contact with this little thing!

The light group has been floating in front of Zhang Yi's eyes.

So Zhang Yi couldn't help but stretch out his hand.

Unexpectedly, the light group actually fell directly into Zhang Yi's hands!

The white light gradually dissipated.

What gradually came into Zhang Yi's eyes was a man wearing a small flower dress, with a pair of small translucent wings, and a white and green garland on his head. Bai Nen is cute, like an angel-like little girl!

The little girl who was only half the size of her palm and was standing in the palm of Zhang Yi's palm stared at Zhang Yi with her big sky blue eyes.

And in her arms, she was holding a golden token that was almost bigger than her entire body!

That is exactly the divine seal that was lost by Zhang Yi just now!

At this moment, Zhang Yi was stunned.

What is this "thing"?

Just when Zhang Yi was extremely confused.

The little girl opened Kazilan's big eyes and looked at Zhang Yi eagerly. Suddenly, she walked towards Zhang Yi from the palm of her hand, as if she wanted to give Zhang Yi the divine seal she was holding.

But what I didn't expect was: she forgot where she was now, and she didn't know her weight, and she didn't have the weight of the divine seal.

As a result, just before she took two steps, she fell forward because she couldn't hold the divine seal.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi responded in time and caught her with his right hand.

This caused the little girl to hold the Divine Seal and lie down on Zhang Yi's right hand.

Zhang Yi dragged his right hand and put it in front of him, watching this little cutie carefully.

Seeing her struggling to get up from her palm, she couldn't help but smile.

And at this moment, the little girl picked up the divine seal again, and with all her strength, raised the divine seal to Zhang Yi.

The next second, a subtle but very clear voice came into Zhang Yi's ear: "Baba"

Zhang Yi was stunned for a moment.

Until this moment, he finally remembered where this familiar feeling came from!


Zhang Yizeng takes good care of her every day, takes it with her anytime and anywhere, and always pays attention to her little emotional spirit beads. The little life inside is finally born!

At this time, Zhang Yi was both surprised and happy.

Unexpectedly, Lingzhu has a memory, she remembered Zhang Yi, and even deeply remembered the smell of Zhang Yi, so after the birth, she found Zhang Yi directly by smelling the smell!

Because Zhang Yi was the only person she had contact with from the birth of Lingzhu to the present, so she even regarded Zhang Yi as her father.

However, what makes Zhang Yi feel incredible is that

"How did you get in?"

You know, Zhang Yike has never forgotten: this spirit bead is the crystallization of the love between the death knight of the dark dragon family: Cayenne, and his human wife Miya.

If it is inherited from the blood of Cayenne, then the most

, she will only be born with dragon blood.

However, the prohibition of God's Domain is that non-Dragon campers cannot enter or leave!

Unless it is pushed by other powerful forces and forced to come in.

Just like Zhang Yi.

Could it be that she was forced to come in like this?

There is also a very strange point: normal children are born, certainly not so small, and they will not have consciousness, and they will not be able to speak.

However, this little guy's thinking is very clear.

After his birth, he was able to find Zhang Yi based on the memory of Zhang Yi's taste.

Moreover, Zhang Yi, who had accompanied her and fed her before, was regarded as a father!

This little guy seems to be very spiritual!

A very rare and rare race in the world of Apocalypse: elves, very similar!

Looking at the little guy the size of his palm, Zhang Yi said softly, "Are you here to accompany me?"

Maybe it's because he was too young, this little guy didn't say anything other than calling Zhang Yi "Baba" just now.

She only focused on pushing the divine seal in her arms to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi reached out and picked up the Divine Seal, and said softly, "You want me to use it, right?"

The little guy blinked and stared at Zhang Yi with big clear eyes, and nodded vigorously.

Zhang Yi said, "Thank you, but I can't use it. Because, I'm not a member of the dragon camp."

The little guy seemed to understand what Zhang Yi said.

Just wait for Zhang Yi's voice to fall.

The little guy suddenly spread the small wings on his back and took off from Zhang Yi's hands.

She kept spinning in circles in the air.

Turning and turning, golden spots of light shook off his body.

Those light spots floated on the golden divine seal in Zhang Yi's hand.

The next moment, that divine seal actually gradually began to be absorbed by Zhang Yi!

at the same time.

In the air, the situation suddenly changed, lightning and thunder.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

Two huge space-time cracks were torn apart from the air.

Under Zhang Yi's attention, two super dragons leaped out from the two cracks respectively!

The powerful aura made Zhang Yi feel a strong sense of oppression.

The golden IDs on the top of the two giant dragons made Zhang Yi suspect that he was dreaming!

lv255 Super Ancient Dragon Emperor Universe (Bright Dragon Race / Seventh-Order Dragon Emperor)!

lv255 Taichu Dragon Emperor Yu (Dark Dragon Race / Seventh-Order Dragon Emperor)!

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