Faced with Zhang Yi who suddenly appeared in the woods, the players in the underworld turned pale in shock.

They never dreamed that this was actually a trap set by Zhang Yi!

It turned out that starting from the previous Scorpion King boss, it was a trap.

Except for Zhang Yi at this time.

Behind Zhang Yi, there are two figures.

They are Miyamoto Musashi, and Spirited Away!

And the scorpion king boss was actually killed by Zhang Yi, and his soul was swallowed into the heart of devouring by Spirited Away.

It was Spirited Away who used the Heart of Devouring to summon the Scorpion King and control it!

The people from the Xingchen Hall disguised as loose people who were chasing the Scorpion King to lure players from the underworld to grab the boss.

Then Spirited Away is responsible for manipulating the Scorpion King, using the Scorpion King to lure the underworld players to a map that has the restriction of resurrection in place of death: Evil Woodland!

This is Zhang Yi's overall plan!

The method of directly using the oppressive force of the minibus to force the enemy to the death map is very effective against ignorant newcomers.

However, Zhang Yi used this trick many times, and the people in the underworld were prepared. They prepared a scroll of instant return. Seeing Zhang Yi and directly crushing the scroll and returning to the city, that trick of Zhang Yi was useless.

So using this new method, the effect will be better!

However, a very important question also arises.

While panicking, the Sword Emperor of the Underworld asked in surprise: "How did you find us?"

After all, they had been hiding in the city during the day and deliberately waited until the dead of night to come out.

And when they went out of the city, they were also extra careful. They only went out of the city when they were sure that they had not been followed or discovered.

However, the other party deliberately used a boss as bait to lure them into this evil woodland, and made a squat here in advance, as if Zhang Yi already knew that they had left the city, and also knew where they were!

At this time, Zhang Yi smiled indifferently and said, "Isn't this thanks to your captain, Lord of the Underworld?"

When the players in the underworld heard this, they were all confused.

"It wasn't that he contributed a tracking scroll to me. I really don't know when you are in the city and when you are out of the city."

It turned out that when he released the underworld Wuxin and the others in the Dragon Soul Palace last night, Zhang Yi quietly used a tracking scroll with positioning ability that happened to be exploded by the underworld master!

Using the tracking scroll, the other party will not get any reminders, and within the next 24 hours, the whereabouts will be marked on the scroll user's map in the form of a red dot.

At this time, Zhang Yi looked at the underworld Wuxin who was released by him in the Dragon Soul Temple last night, and said, "Why do you think I released you last night? Do I look like a Virgin?"

At this moment, the underworld Wuxin's face turned blue.

All the players in the underworld who knew the truth were all "thankful" to the Lord of the underworld in their hearts: he gave his brothers such a big surprise when he died, I'm really convinced!

at this point.

The underworld who knows the strength of the other party is unintentional, how dare to provoke Zhang Yi.

He hurriedly said to Zhang Yi: "Brother, our captain has already been killed by you, we and we will definitely not offend you again in the future, please let us go!"

"Really?" Zhang Yi said thoughtfully: "Then who said that just outside, let's develop a wave of wretchedness first, wait for the limelight to pass, and then you will reunite and take revenge on me and the Dragon Clan?"

Hearing this, Netherworld Wuxin's face suddenly turned ashen. He had no idea that the conversations he had had with his subordinates were actually overheard by Zhang Yi!

Of course, the person who heard this at the time was not Zhang Yi, but the Xingchen Palace player who Zhang Yi sent to follow Wuxin in the underworld all the way.

Zhang Yi had been waiting for the underworld in the Evil Woodland early in the morning.

Underworld Wuxin is trying to defend himself.

At this time, Zhang Yi's expression suddenly became indifferent.

In his eyes, a flash of killing intent flashed: "I've come here, so I have to leave something behind. Why don't I just leave my life behind!"

The underworld players turned pale in shock, and without saying a word, they turned their heads and ran away.

But suddenly, he was blocked by a knight man in fire armor!

Taking a closer look, I found that the other party was actually the "God of the Underworld"!

To be exact, it is the "God of the Dragon Race"!

Looking at the traitor who betrayed the underworld to join the dragon clan, the underworld Wuxin pointed at the god of the dragon clan, and shouted furiously: "You traitor! You really have the face to live!"

"Traitor, wasn't that forced by you?" The Dragon God said: "Besides, I just recognized my own faction. This is not betrayal, it is called abandoning the dark and turning to the light!"

"Damn it! I gave you a face?"

At this time, Zhang Yi in the back said to the God of the Dragon Clan, "Let's start, showtime."

"Yes, boss." The God of the Dragon Clan took the order, and with a sound of "Qiang", he used a long spear to station, and was stationed on the only retreat of the underworld players.

At the same time, Zhang Yi said to the players in the underworld: "I will not interfere in this battle. If you can defeat him and kill him on this path, I will let you go."

Hearing this, the underworld said unintentionally: "This is what you said!"

"A gentleman's words are hard to follow." Zhang Yi said, "I hereby declare: I am a gentleman."

It seems that if you want to escape, you can only kill the Dragon God!

no underworld

Xin and the Sword Emperor of the Underworld looked at each other, and a smug look appeared in their eyes.

They thought to themselves: Yinuo Qingcheng really overestimated the god of the dragon clan, actually thought that with the god of the dragon clan alone, they could resist them?

Underworld Wuxin admits that he is not the opponent of Yinuo Qingcheng, but the god of dragons.

Not to mention the thousands of people working together, the underworld Wuxin only needs to work with the underworld sword emperor, the underworld heaven punishment and a few underworld squad leaders to easily defeat the dragon god!

After all, they had defeated the Dragon God two days ago. If it wasn't for Miyamoto Musashi's rescue, they would have killed the Dragon God at that time!

So now, they still have full confidence that they can grasp the God of the Dragon Race.

"It actually gave us the opportunity to take care of the traitor in the underworld? You are too much valued for this traitor. You are really stupid!"

Think so.

Underworld Wuxin, Underworld Sword Emperor, Underworld Heavenly Punishment, and several other Underworld captains were filled with cold light.

"Go on, kill this traitor!"

As soon as the words fell, the six leaders picked up the guy and killed the dragon god at the same time!

Others haven't acted yet.

And the six of them are the six masters under the lord of the underworld, and it is also the six that the lord of the underworld sent to track the dragon god a few days ago, and later defeated the dragon god!

Same scene, but different recipe.

Last time, these six people completely defeated the god of the underworld.

But this time, they are facing the dragon god

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