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Chapter 1742 Devouring Heart Upgrade Mission!

Spirited Away glanced at Zhang Yi in surprise, and said, "You have already guessed this."

Zhang Yi smiled and said, "After all, you asked me to help you with this at the beginning."

Spirited Away will not go around in circles: "This original god-level necklace of mine is very special, because according to the setting, it is the product of your star country, and later it went to our cherry blossom country, so it must be in your country. The upgrade task can only be performed within the territory of the star country.”

"The higher the task level, the more difficult it is, I really can't complete it"

"No problem." Zhang Yi blurted out: "I'll help you break through the devouring heart to the sss level."

Hearing this, Spirited Away was overjoyed: "That's great!! Arigado!"

Look at the current time: nine o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Yi went on to say, "But it's too late today, let's start tomorrow."

Spirited Away nodded: "Okay!"

So Zhang Yi rode a dragon and left Hell City.

Looking at Zhang Yi's back in the sky, the Xingchen Palace battle general said thoughtfully, "This guy, he has been staying up late at night for the past two days. He came and went in a hurry. What are you doing?"

"Who knows~"

On the other side, after Zhang Yi left Hell City, he went straight to the Dragon Soul Palace.

At this time, Han Yarou had already fallen asleep on the side of the bed, so Zhang Yi didn't bother, just quietly waited for the two of them by the bedside.

After a while, Zhang Yi left the Dragon Soul Temple and began to search for Ganoderma lucidum in the wild.

In the middle of the night, Zhang Yi returned with Lingzhi.

Continue to stay by Han Yarou's side, use the dragon flame of the minibus to bake Ganoderma lucidum, and transmit the energy contained in Ganoderma lucidum into Han Yarou's body.

During this process, Linger squatted beside him, blinking a pair of big eyes and quietly looking at Han Yarou.

Then, he suddenly said to Zhang Yi, "Baba, is this my Ma Ma?"

Well, that's a question worth thinking about.

But Zhang Yi thought: Since Linger has already regarded herself as her "Baba", it's okay to have another "Mama"!

So Zhang Yi was silent and said, "She is Baba's favorite person."

"That must be Mama!" Ling'er circled around Zhang Yi, looking very happy: "Linger has Mama!"

It turns out that in Linger's definition: the person who treats her best is Baba.

And Baba's favorite person is Mama

Every time the relationship between Ling'er and herself got closer, Zhang Yi felt a little deeper in her guilt.

When Cayenne and Miya get out of training, if you have the conditions, let's have another one

So this night, Zhang Yi guarded Han Yarou, and Linger guarded Zhang Yi and Han Yarou.

The three are really like a family of three, staying together quietly.

Early the next morning, Zhang Yi returned to the city to bring Han Yarou breakfast. After breakfast, he said goodbye to Han Yarou and left the Dragon Soul Palace for the time being.

Then, as promised, he found Spirited Away.

In the Apocalypse World, each piece of original god-level equipment has unique special effects and upgrade conditions.

Just like the hell dragon slayer sword of the Lord of the Underworld, the special effect is to strengthen the damage to the dragon, and the upgrade condition is to kill the dragon and devour the reputation of the dragon.

The higher the level of the Dragon Slayer Knife, the more dragons you need to kill and the more reputation you need to devour the dragon clan.

The Devouring Heart in the hands of Spirited Away has the special effect that killing monsters can absorb the souls of monsters, so as to achieve the effect of summoning the same monsters through the souls to fight for themselves. The upgrade condition is to kill ordinary monsters, plus kill high-level bosses!

Ordinary monsters are easier to kill, and this Spirited Away and Miyamoto Musashi can be done by two people.

The difficulty is the boss.

The Devouring Heart has evolved from S-level high to ss-level elementary. The upgrade condition is to kill 12,000 ordinary monsters with a level not lower than itself, and kill a boss with a level of 205 stars or higher!

As long as the quest is activated, the Devouring Heart will automatically search for nearby targets.

Last time, the 255-level 200-star boss Frozen Beast King: Nightmare, which was an upgrade from an S-level medium to an S-level high level, was enough to toss Miyamoto Musashi and Spirited Away.

It is conceivable that with the strength of the two of them, what can they do against the 205 star boss?

Early in the morning, Spirited Away and Miyamoto Musashi were ready to go, and even thoughtfully prepared breakfast for Zhang Yi, as well as a lot of supplies for red and blue potions!

Just wait for Zhang Yi to come to the city to join the two.

Miyamoto Musashi said to Zhang Yi: "First of all, thank you very much for helping us, and secondly, we will not waste your time and energy. Every time you help us complete a task, I will pay you 1 billion gold coins. ."

"One billion?" Zhang Yi made a simple calculation: "One task is one billion. The Heart of Devouring is currently at the S-level high, until the peak of the SSS level. There are a total of 7 tasks and 7 billion gold coins. Do you have so many gold coins?"

"No." Miyamoto Musashi also said very decisively: "You can write it down first, and when I return to the country in the future, I will take the money from the family and give it to you."

Seeing Miyamoto Musashi so serious, it didn't look like he was joking.

Zhang Yi waved his hand and said with a smile: "No need, we people of Xingguo have always been generous. It was agreed that if you have any difficulties in Xingguo, or if you need help, I will help you unconditionally, then follow the agreed rules."

Having said that, Zhang Yi is not talking nonsense.

Yu Qianxun said, "Is there a location for boos?"

"Yes!" Spirited Away immediately opened the map and showed the map in front of Zhang Yi.

I can see that on the map, a flashing red dot is marked on a 246-level map called Void Land!

Without further ado, Zhang Yi immediately rode on the dragon and took Miyamoto Musashi and Spirited Away to the Void Land.

Although it is helping Spirited Away with the upgrade task.

But in fact, this process will also bring a wave of huge benefits to Zhang Yi!

Because the Devouring Heart has risen to the sss level, seven more tasks must be completed, which means that seven bosses must be killed!

And the star of the boss starts from 205 stars, and the star must be higher and higher later.

By winning these seven bosses, Zhang Yi can also get a lot of benefits!

If you are lucky, you might get a few golden skill books!

As long as Zhang Yi needed it, even if he gave all the boss trophies to Zhang Yi, Spirited Away would definitely not have a single complaint.

After all, for her, upgrading the Devouring Heart is the most important thing!

As for Zhang Yi, who has already won the first-level main city in strength, except for the super ancient Dragon King and the Taichu Dragon King, there is no other opponent.

Others brush monsters for leveling, he brushes bosses for leveling.

The biggest difficulty is that high-level bosses are hard to find.

Spirited Away's Devouring Heart can automatically locate the high-star boss's position. This feature directly solves the problem Zhang Yi is currently facing!

So next.

Bosses of Hell City, prepare to tremble!

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