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Chapter 1744 Dragon group spawning monsters

"Miyamoto, how long has it been since he started?"

"17.9 seconds." Miyamoto glanced at the time interface.

Spirited Away looked shocked: "It's too exaggerated to win a 248-level 206-star boss in 17.9 seconds!"

Surprised, Qian Yu Qianxun hurriedly ran over.

Swinging the staff, it is easy to kill the Void Worm that was beaten by Zhang Yi to the point of only 1 blood!

At this moment, the crystal necklace that Spirited Away wore around her neck glowed with golden light, and a pleasant system prompt sounded from her ears—

"Ding~ Congratulations on completing the upgrade task of the Devouring Heart. Your equipment, the Devouring Heart, has successfully evolved into an SS-level elementary!"

At this time, Zhang Yi came to the corpse of the Void Worm Queen and checked the dropped objects.

It was found that in addition to three 248-level 200-star equipment, there are also some bright crystals, a red quality, and an orange quality skill book.

Zhang Yi picked up the skill book and the bright crystal, and said, "I want the skill book and the crystal, and the rest belong to you."

"No no no!" Spirited Away quickly said: "Everything is yours! It's all yours!"

Zhang Yi is not polite: "Okay, then I will accept it."

After all, things like these equipment, although because the level is too high, can't be used for the time being.

But they are all the best!

Put it in the warehouse first, and wait for the level of the dragon people behind to raise, and use it for the dragon people, which can greatly improve their strength.

Before that, every time Zhang Yi killed a boss, all the equipment was stored in the warehouse, which was prepared for the people of the dragon family.

At this time, after the completion of the s-level high ss-level elementary tasks, in addition to the basic attributes of Spirited Away's Devouring Heart, the maximum number of soul-devouring special effects has also increased by 20.

The next upgrade task is to hunt down 15,000 ordinary monsters, plus a boss with a level of no less than 210 stars!

At this time, Spirited Away came to Zhang Yi, and said to Zhang Yi very gratefully: "Thank you for your help! Next, when we finish the first half of the task of killing ordinary monsters, please help me with the rest. It's the task of killing the boss!"

"Let's fight quickly." Zhang Yi said, "Within three days, I will help you raise it to the peak of the SSSS level."

"Within three or three days?" Chiyo Qianxun said in shock, "How can this be accomplished?"

"Killing ordinary monsters is a waste of time." Spirited Away said, "It took us several days to kill 12,000 ordinary monsters before!"

"It's okay." Zhang Yi said, "I'll help you."

Having said that, Zhang Yi looked around and said, "Let's start here, there are more bugs here."

After speaking, Zhang Yi took out the Dragon King Token.


A huge enchantment appeared behind Zhang Yi.

Immediately afterwards, countless giant dragons leaped out of the barrier!

Because the dragon is completely formed, it takes up to ten days before and after.

Therefore, in recent days, as long as Zhang Yi has a bright crystal to follow up, he will combine these two points to evolve a dragon egg to cultivate a giant dragon.

At present, the total number of giant dragons cultivated by Zhang Yi in the Dragon Domain has reached 2,200!

Apart from the thousand guarding Han Yarou in the Dragon Soul Hall, Zhang Yi summoned all the other 1200 giant dragons!

In an instant, countless giant dragons were flying in the sky above the void!

Under Zhang Yi's order, they began to use dragon flames to attack the Void Worms in the Void Land.

Although they are all 235-level ordinary dragons.

However, due to Linger's talent enhancement, their strength is 1.2 times higher than that of ordinary 235-level dragons!

The actual combat power has reached the level of a 250-level dragon!

A group of level 250 dragons is naturally more than enough to fight against these level 246 bugs.

hoo hoo hoo hoo!

The endless dragon roar and the roar of the worm of the void mixed together, resounding through the sky.

It was the first time that Spirited Away and Miyamoto Musashi saw the scene where more than a thousand giant dragons went into battle at the same time to kill monsters for players.

This spectacular scene can not help but shock people!

"Is this the deterrent power of the dragon campers?"

Zhang Yi's dragon can deal about 1 trillion damage to the Void Worm.

A Void Worm with a total of 7 trillion HP can be killed in a few clicks.

This made Miyamoto Musashi feel ashamed.

With his all-out attack, the damage was not even as high as a dragon that Zhang Yi casually summoned.

Under Zhang Yi's settings, all the dragons turned on the blood lock protection mode, only beat the Void Worm to 1 blood, and then handed it over to Spirited Away to capture the final blow.

Because the upgrade condition of the Devouring Heart is that the progress is calculated only when the equiper himself completes the kill.

So Spirited Away's mission simply turned into a harvest!

If you see any residual blood, just go and harvest it. This task should not be too easy!

Despite Zhang Yi's help, Miyamoto Musashi was not idle during this process.

He was still attacking those bugs, crippling them, and handing them over to Spirited Away to kill them.

With the assistance of thousands of giant dragons, the efficiency of killing monsters is extremely high!

Moreover, even the dragons of the dragon camp can only bring players 10% of the experience gain in the process of killing monsters. (Monsters with more than 50% of the damage contribution provided by the dragon die, which is calculated as the income from killing monsters by the dragon).

Just this 10% experience is also the experience bar of Zhang Yi and the three of them, soaring rapidly!

Seeing that the task progress bar and the experience bar are both rising rapidly, I have never experienced Spirited Away that has been brushed by a boss of this level, and I feel the joy of soaring!

in this way.

The task of "killing 15,000 monsters with a level not lower than oneself", which originally took at least seven or eight days, was solved in just one day with the assistance of Zhang Yi and Long Qun!

Even during this process, Zhang Yi took time to deliver a meal to Han Yarou at noon, and had a ten-minute meeting~

At the end of the day, Zhang Yi's level rose from 235 to 236.

I have to say that the efficiency of using the dragon group to brush monsters is indeed high!

If it weren't for the limited experience in monster farming, Zhang Yi was confident that he would be able to reach the full level in three days!

Of course, losses are inevitable in this process.

In one day, 15,000 Void Worms were successfully killed, and more than 30 of Zhang Yi's dragons were killed in action!

However, there are losses and gains.

By hunting so many monsters, Zhang Yi also exploded more than 50 bright crystals, which can be used to cultivate more than 50 dragons!

In addition to the losses, more than 20 extra pieces of materials for raising dragons have been earned.

After completing the first half of the upgrade quest.

Next, comes the most exciting moment: kill the boss!

According to the guidance of the Devouring Heart, the boss Zhang Yi and the others are about to face is the 249-level 212-star Tracer: Jie!

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