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Chapter 1781 Angel's Domain, a major discovery

East of Hell City, lv248 Angel's Domain.

Looking at the front, that barren city filled with silver stars.

Zhang Yi walked in with the scavengers.

Just entered the realm of angels.

In the line of sight, I only saw a group of scattered players inside, using hoes to dig something!

Bangdang ~ Bangdang sound resounded throughout the barren city.

There were about 20 to 30 people in the group, including men and women. Their levels were not high. On average, they were only about 214-215. This level could only be ranked in the third-tier level of Hell City.

Moreover, the equipment on them also looks very inferior, and there is almost no good equipment in sight.

Obviously living at the bottom, but these scattered people are very happy to watch.

While digging, someone was still humming.

The laughter and laughter between each other also inadvertently fell to the ears of Zhang Yi and the scavenger here.

One of the youths, a 215-level archer in green chain armor, waved a few green spar stones in his hand, and said to the others around him: "Family, tonight's harvest seems to be good, I have already Three angel tears have been dug up, how about you?"

Another 214-level warrior man with a fat body next to him said: "I dug up two!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a thin young assassin scratched his head and said, "Ah, I only dug up one, so embarrassing."

The rest also followed suit.

"Hahaha! Xiao Jiu, you can't do it!"

"I told you to eat more at night, but you didn't listen. You don't have the strength to dig now!"

"Family, come on! It's not too far behind, it's enough for 100! After digging up 100 Angel Tears, I'll go back to the city tonight and invite everyone to have a late night snack!"

In the sound of words, everyone shouted.

This scene, like a big family, is very happy and very warm.

But at this time, Zhang Yi was a little puzzled.

Looking at the scavenger beside him, he asked, "Where's the coolest secret you said?"

"Didn't you see it, brother?" The scavenger asked Zhang Yi in turn.

Then, the scavenger pointed his finger at the group of people who were digging the ground, a young demon beastmaster wearing a gray robe and a thin body, and said to Zhang Yi: "Nuo, look at that person!"

Following the direction of the scavenger's finger, Zhang Yi saw the beastmaster.

It turns out that he is really unusual!

That is: his level is unusually low!

This group of people at least have 214-215 level.

Only that beastmaster was just level 210!

However, it is understandable that the beastmaster's upgrade is slow. After all, the beastmaster's monsters also grow by swallowing the player's experience.

However, Zhang Yi did not find anything special about the beastmaster.

Just when I was about to ask the scavenger.

Suddenly, the young beastmaster shouted, "I dug up the tears of an angel!"

Immediately afterwards, the beastmaster squatted down, and sure enough, in a deep hole he just dug, he held out a green spar!

At this time, the people around them cast their happy eyes.

And the young beastmaster couldn't help holding the spar and kissed it!

At the same time, Zhang Yi here seems to have suddenly realized something, and his heart is suddenly shocked!

Demon Beastmaster! Lose body shape! Stutter! Obscene!

and many more

Isn't this the one Zhang Yi has been looking for?

That's right, it's the one who controls the secrets of Medicine King's Valley - Headwind!

When he was in Dawn City before, Zhang Yi gave the scavenger a one-person task and asked him to find the wind.

Because of this headwind, it is the person who unlocked the Medicine King Valley password in the last life, entered the Medicine King Valley and obtained the hidden deputy professional Medicine King!

However, because Lifeng was the id he changed later, Zhang Yi didn't know what the id was before he changed Lifeng, so he couldn't find him through the id search.

According to the characteristics provided by Zhang Yi, the scavengers almost turned the Dawn City upside down, and they did not find this person.

What Zhang Yi didn't expect was that he was actually here in Hell City!

At this time, Zhang Yi carefully looked at the id on the head of the young beastmaster and found that his name was Zhufeng!

Combined with those characteristics, it seems that he is indeed the headwind of the last life's Medicine Emperor, that's right!

At this time, the scavenger on the side said: "How about you, this secret, isn't it cool enough?"

"It's so cool!" Zhang Yi put his eyes on Zhu Feng, and couldn't help being excited.

Because Zhang Yi couldn't open the combination lock of Yaowanggu, only the wind in the previous life, that is, the wind in front of him, knew the password.

Finding him means that Zhang Yi can finally crack the Medicine King Valley and obtain the Medicine King profession!

At present, Zhang Yi, who is just an ordinary S-level pharmacist, waited for this moment for too long!

Surprised, Zhang Yi asked the scavenger, "How did you find him?"

"You may not believe it when you say it." The scavenger said, "It happened by chance!"

"Didn't I just search for the Warrior Profession Scroll outside, and then passing by this place, I happened to hear the guy stuttering, and then at first glance, I found that he not only stuttered, but also the rest of the characteristics, which you asked me to find before. The characteristics of a person are exactly the same!"

good guy!

Ask the scavenger to find the scroll. He didn't find the scroll, but found a guy with a higher value than the scroll!

Without saying a word, Zhang Yi was about to go over to say hello to the wind.

However, at this moment, at the other end of the Angel Domain, a large group of aggressive players burst in!

That group of players is about a hundred people.

As soon as you enter the realm of angels, you will directly surround Zhufeng and others!

The group of players came fiercely, and they looked bad.

Their level is much higher than those of the scattered people who are surrounded, all of them have reached about level 220, and they are among the first-line advanced players in Hell City!

And they have the id above their heads, and they are uniformly prefixed with the word dynasty!

Seeing this id name, Zhang Yi said thoughtfully, "Why does this name look familiar?"

Keep looking at the field.

At this time, a hundred players of the dynasty will be surrounded by the wind.

Among the crowd, a 224-level assassin man with an id called Dynasty: Fatal, with a vice-captain position sign at the back, shouted to Zhu Feng and them, "Give me the Angel Tears you dug up!"

The surrounded people immediately hid the tears of angels they had just dug in their hands.

Facing Dynasty: Deadly Deterrence, one of the mage girls responded: "Why do we hand it over to you?"

"Why?" Dynasty: Fatal snorted, and said with a grim face, "With this knife in my hand!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Chaofa suddenly launched a flash, and instantly moved to the front of the 214th-level mage girl who was speaking. He didn't know how to pity Xiangxiyu at all, and he wiped the mage girl's neck with a "swipe"!

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