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Chapter 1784 The Secret of Chasing the Wind

Although it is not clear how this Zhufeng went to Dawn City later and cracked the password of Yaowang Valley.

But it turns out: he is indeed the one who controls the password of Yaowang Valley!

And what Zhang Yi needs to do is to draw him to the Dragon Clan, and after returning to Dawn City, let him help crack the password and open the entrance to Medicine King Valley!

Facing the invitation of the No. 1 God in Hell City, or the No. 1 God in the Star Country.

The old priest, Ru Feng, who seemed to be highly respected and seemed to be the most powerful among the loose people, still said to Zhang Yi: "My God, I know you are pitiful for us and want to help us, but we I don't want to add any burden to the dragon clan, the kindness of the great god, we have taken it!"

Zhang Yi was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, in today's world, there are people with such a simple heart!

Yet at this moment.

Zhu Feng, who was in the crowd, suddenly ran to Zhang Yi, looked at Zhang Yi and asked, "You and you, are your Dragon Clan treated well?"

"Is there any benefit to joining the Dragon Clan?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the scavenger on the side had a question mark on his face.

what the hell?

Should this be what someone who was personally invited by the dragon captain should say? Shouldn't his first reaction be like everyone else around him, incredible?

This guy, this tone is like a god! He actually opened his mouth to ask about the treatment!

After all, if someone else had the opportunity to join the Dragon Clan, even if he was asked to pay the Dragon Clan every day, he would be willing to do so!

What I didn't expect was: Zhang Yi smiled at Zhufeng and said, "Of course, if you join the Dragon Clan, I will give you one million gold coins every day."

one million! every day!

This made all the scattered players around who took out all their money and added them together, but only had a few million gold coins, were all stunned.

This was also the first time the scavengers felt that Zhang Yi's brain was short-circuited.

Not so.

Zhang Yi's purpose is to satisfy him no matter what needs he has, as long as he can pull Zhufeng into the Dragon Clan.

Even for Zhang Yi, it is good to treat him as a chess piece.

As long as this chess piece can finally help Zhang Yi open the Valley of Medicine Kings and let Zhang Yi get the hidden deputy professional Medicine King.

A mere one million a day, why not?

Don't say anything else.

Zhang Yi killed a boss casually in the wild, and the explosion of gold coins was enough to pay him half a year's salary

And as long as he gets the Medicine Emperor profession, Zhang Yi can smelt sss-level medicinal pills anytime, anywhere, and the value soars billions of times!

Hearing this condition put forward by Zhang Yi, Zhufeng showed a satisfied smile: "Okay, I will join the Dragon Clan!"

Zhang Yi smiled slightly: "Welcome."

With that said, Zhang Yi looked at the scattered people behind Zhufeng and said, "The same goes for you, one million per person per day."

These loose people seem to have a different relationship with Zhufeng. If you want to keep Zhufeng, these people must also stay together.

For the Medicine Emperor, Zhang Yi was still able to take out tens of millions of gold coins a day.

However, the group of loose people quickly waved their hands: "No, no, no, no! We don't want it! It's a blessing to be able to join the Dragon Clan!!"

"By the way, this is how a normal person should react!" The scavenger on the side thought to himself.

He really didn't understand what the wind was thinking.

Why does he think that he is eligible to receive a salary by joining the Dragon Clan with his own strength?

However, Zhang Yi did not pursue this, nor did the scavengers.

Anyway, if someone finds it, everything will be fine!

So, Zhang Yi then said to the chasing wind and the others: "The dragon clan has no spare positions for now. You can change the id first, and I will create a team later and invite you to join the team."

"If someone bullies you in the future, report the name of the Dragon Clan."

Then, Zhang Yi said to Zhufeng alone: ​​"Let's add friends, if you have anything, just contact me."

In the voice of the speech, Zhang Yi seemed to put his hand on Zhufeng's shoulder naturally.

Zhu Feng nodded, revealing a wretched smile that looked like a scavenger.

Some people don't need to do anything, the word "wretched" seems to hang on his face!

After adding a friend, Zhang Yi was about to call Zhufeng with one million gold coins for today's salary.

Then, he and the scavengers evacuated from the Angel's Domain.

On the way back to the city, the scavenger asked inexplicably: "Brother, do you really give him money? This kind of person, you need to use him, you can directly put the knife holder around your neck, believe it or not, it is better than giving him money. Make?"

"It's not necessary." Zhang Yi said, "Have you ever heard of a dog jumping over the wall? If you end up losing the Medicine Emperor career for this money, it will be more than worth the loss."

The scavenger frowned and said, "Why do you feel that apart from being wretched, this person is a little stupid?"

"He's not stupid." Zhang Yi said: "He's smarter than anyone."

Hearing this, the scavenger glanced at Zhang Yi in disbelief: "Why do you say that?"

However, Zhang Yi showed a smile that seemed to see through everything, and did not answer the scavenger's question, but silently took out the memory heart of the artifact from his bag and deleted the memory of the wind that he had just copied.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

In the realm of angels.

After Zhang Yi left, the group of scattered people also returned to Hell City.

At this time, Zhufeng, who returned to the city, was separated from his teammates, and he was alone and quietly

Then came to an abandoned storage room in the city.

I saw a young magician in a black robe lying quietly on a haystack in the storage room!

That young man looks like Chasing the Wind! It just looks a little weak, and it seems that his legs can't move.

As soon as he saw Zhufeng, the young mage who was lying on the hay called weakly, "Brother, you are back!"

At this time, Zhufeng came to the young mage and squatted down, smiled and said to the young man: "A Feng, guess how many gold coins I earned today."

"How much?" asked the young wizard known as "A Feng".

"More than 1.3 million!" Zhufeng said with joy: "Let me tell you another good news, I met Yinuo Qingcheng today, and I was invited by him to join the Dragon Clan!"

"Really?" Hearing the news, the young mage A Feng also smiled.

Then, he touched his unknowing legs again, and said to Zhufeng with a look of embarrassment: "Brother, you should leave me alone, let me fend for itself, my legs can't get better, I I don't want to hold you back any longer."

"What did you say?" Zhu Feng said seriously: "You were attacked by Eternal Tribulation in the Tower of Eternal Life in order to help me with the task, and ended up with this wound that cannot be repaired naturally. At this time, I How can I leave you alone? You are my brother!"

"If you persist, when I work hard to refine medicine and become a sss-level pharmacist, I will refine the sss-level soul pill for you, and then your legs will recover!"

His eyes were full of hope.

And at this time, he didn't stutter at all.

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