After Han Yarou's reminder, Zhang Yi remembered: Today is indeed his birthday!

But, how could Han Yarou remember her birthday in a state of amnesia?

Therefore, Zhang Yi's first reaction was: Han Yarou has recovered her memory!

Zhang Yi was dubious and could not be completely sure.

After all, just like the last time he knew his name through Han Yarou, he thought that Han Yarou had recovered his memory.

In the end, it turned out that Zhang Yi himself had told her his name before.

So this time, Zhang Yi thought that it was during the day-to-day getting along with Han Yarou that he inadvertently mentioned topics such as birthdays while chatting with Han Yarou.

But what Zhang Yi did not expect was that Han Yarou nodded and said with a smile, "I remember, I remember everything."

"When we were 18 years old, we met in Hengquan, knew each other, and became each other's first love. Maybe it was because of fate that we separated for a while."

"Until the apocalypse, let us meet again."

"Even though there were ups and downs along the way, we never gave up on each other. We went through the difficulties of the Dark Dragon King together. We said that we would be together forever."

"You are the joy of youth and the sweetness of the rest of your life."

"You are the person I love the most and the father of the child"

Laughing and laughing, Han Yarou suddenly burst into tears.

Zhang Yi gently took Han Yarou into his arms, stroked Han Yarou's head, and said softly, "Xiaoya, you finally remembered"

Han Yarou nodded vigorously, then cried and said, "I'm sorry Zhang Yi, I actually forgot about you"

"Since then, I've always had the feeling that something important was missing, and it turned out to be you"

"Baba is not a thing!" Seeing Zhang Yi and Han Yarou hugging each other, this warm scene made Linger happily circle around the two of them, while smiling and learning from Han Yarou and said, "Baba is a young and numb one. Rejoice! Hee hee hee"

Zhang Yi hugged Han Yarou and said softly, "It doesn't matter, as long as you don't forget me in the future."

"No, I will never forget you again!" Han Yarou raised her head, looked at Zhang Yi with a serious face, and said, "Even if I forget myself, I will never forget you again!"

Zhang Yi stretched out his hand to wipe the tears from the corner of Han Yarou's eyes, and said with some distress: "Fool."

"By the way, this ring." Zhang Yi raised his right hand, looked at the ring that Han Yarou had put on for him just now, and said thoughtfully, "Where did you get it?"

"I made it myself!" Han Yarou said to Zhang Yi, "Look at the lines around it."

Hearing this, Zhang Yi looked around the ring carefully, and sure enough, on the edge of the ring, a few lowercase letters were engraved - zy.hyr!

This is the initials of Zhang Yi and Han Yarou's names, and a little heart is also engraved on them!

It looks very delicate, and it is enough to see Han Yarou's originality!

I thought it was just an ordinary ring, but Zhang Yi's eyes stopped on the ring for a while, and the data of the ring was actually displayed in front of Zhang Yi's eyes!

Untitled (fashion ring).

Grade 1.

Quality: 200 star semi-artifact.

Effect: The wielder can reduce fatigue consumption by 30%, and increase fatigue recovery speed by 30% in resting state.

Holder: Yinuo Qingcheng (unbound).

Caster: Yarou.

This is actually a 200-star semi-artifact!

Zhang Yi was stunned: "Xiaoya, when did you start doing it?"

Although Zhang Yi knows: players in the world of Apocalypse can make their own custom equipment and even artifacts in a special way.

However, due to the complex process and various materials required, it is very time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it is difficult to make high-value equipment, so very few players are willing to make their own equipment.

Zhang Yi couldn't believe it: How did Han Yarou make this semi-artifact ring? And it's 200 star quality!

What level of materials do you need to do this?

At this time, Han Yarou said, "I started doing it a week ago."

"I see you running around every day and coming to accompany me at night. It's really exhausting. But I can't share anything for you, so I thought about making you something that can relieve fatigue."

Zhang Yi asked curiously, "How did you know the function of making equipment?"

As soon as the voice fell, before Han Yarou could speak, a deep voice suddenly came from her ear: "Of course she doesn't know!"

At this time, Liga, the Dragon King of Destruction, who had been stationed outside the Dragon Soul Hall, suddenly flew in from outside!

Sitting beside Zhang Yi and Han Yarou, Liga, the King of Destruction Dragon, said to Zhang Yi, "This emperor told her."

Zhang Yi looked at Han Yarou with incredible eyes.

Han Yarou nodded and said, "It was indeed he who told me that even the ice stones, blood crystals, god dew, and Qian Yunsi materials for making the ring were all collected by him for me!"

The materials that Han Yarou mentioned can only be dropped by special monsters close to level 240-250, or collected in extremely dangerous situations.

With Han Yarou's strength, she would definitely not be able to pick it.

But for Riga, who is a 255-level seventh-order dragon king, it's too simple!

But Zhang Yi is a little unclear

Bai, looked at Riga, the Dragon King of Destruction and asked, "Why are you helping this?"

"Ask her!" Liga, the Dragon King of Destruction, glanced at Han Yarou with resentful eyes, and said with a slight temper: "Among you humans, women are indeed the most terrifying creatures in the world, and that's true! "

Han Yarou stuck out her tongue, and whispered to Zhang Yi with some mischief: "I told him, if he doesn't help me, I'll leave here and I won't come back!"

Zhang Yi couldn't help laughing "pochi", and said to Liga, the Dragon King of Destruction: "The seventh-order dragon king of the dignified dark dragon family, you also have today!"

Riga was somewhat dissatisfied, but she was speechless and could only hum.

At this time, Han Yarou went on to say:

"Perhaps it was because of this ring that I slowly remembered you in the process of making it."

In addition to these necessary high-level materials, in the process of forging equipment by the players themselves, they have to bring the equipment they are making in the morning and afternoon to a place with aura for consecration.

Once there is a lack of consecration, the equipment will fail to be cast, and you have to start from scratch.

So, starting from a week ago, Han Yarou went out every morning and afternoon to look for spiritual light when her weakness had not been completely cleared away.

Just to be able to make Zhang Yi a piece of equipment that can relieve fatigue

"I originally planned to give it to you when you came in the evening. Who would have thought that you came earlier today than before." Han Yarou bit her lip lightly, and said, "I didn't expect you to hit me right in the face. no surprise”

"Of course it's a surprise!" Zhang Yi said with a smile: "Why not be surprised?"

At this moment, Han Yarou blinked her big clear eyes and looked at Zhang Yi, and said, "By the way, I just finished this ring today, and I haven't named it yet!"

"What should it be called?" Han Yarou was full of expectations.

Zhang Yi thought for a while and said, "Chaoxi."

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