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Chapter 1797 Hidden realm activation!

In the family group, everyone was shocked.

Juggernaut: "You have all the materials in one go? Come on! Be a person!"

Warring States Lu Bu: "Someone pretended not to pretend, haha!"

Juggernaut: "Lu Bu, open it for me, hurry up and give me the materials you got from the Warring States Period, and when I create the main city, I will give you a gatekeeper position!"

Warring States Lu Bu: "No, get out, get out!"

At this time, Zhang Yi went on to say something even more shocking: "I have three territorial certificates here, one for Xingchen Hall, one for myself, and one more, who do you want?"

sky, Lord God: "You have three territories to prove by yourself? Outrageous"

Zhang Yi thought for a while and said, "Why don't you do it like this, roll, whoever gets the most points goes to whoever."

Juggernaut: "So forthright? As expected of you, old Zhang! I like someone as forthright as you! I'll come first!"

Huang Wuji: "Juggernaut, don't you have proof? What are you here for?"

Juggernaut: "Cough, I will help Lu Bu, and if I get it, give it to Lu Bu! Besides, Zhang didn't say that he couldn't participate, right? Don't tell me I'll come first! I'm the best at this, see me Roll a point that you can't surpass!"

Saying that, the Juggernaut called up the group roll interface, and in front of the family members, the Juggernaut's roll points on the group message interface rolled wildly, and in the end, it stayed at 1 point!

At this moment, there was a sudden silence in the group.

After a long time, Sky and the Lord God said: "It's really impossible to surpass."

Juggernaut: "That's right, it's boring, I quit, I don't play anymore!"

Immediately after, Huang Wuji, Lord God, Lu Bu and the others all started the group roll function.

What I didn't expect was: In the end, it was the highest score of 87 points in Liuhuo in July to win!

Qiyue Liuhuo Aite Zhang Yi in the group: "Does this count?"

"Forget it." Zhang Yi said: "The proof belongs to you, and I will give it to you when the next first-level main city communicates."

Qiyue Liuhuo was a little surprised: "You really give it?"

Zhang Yi: "No? That's for Juggernaut."

Sword Saint: "?? Who called me?"

Huang Wuji: "Juggernaut, didn't you retire?"

Juggernaut: "Then I won't come back if I don't say I quit!"

Huang Wuji: "You need a face"

Lu Bu of the Warring States Period: "He has lost his face eight hundred times. When you come to our Shenyue City, you can easily pick up the face of the Sword Saint on the side of the road."

At this time, Qiyue Liuhuo said in the group: "Well, I will keep the territory certificate for me, but I will not ask you for nothing. I will exchange 50 energy-based materials with you."

Zhang Yi is a little surprised, 50 energy-type materials, this value is not small!

Energy-based materials, but a good thing!

Except for the initial creation of the main city, which requires 100 copies, the rest of the construction also requires energy-based materials.

This thing, it can only be said that the more the better!

In the later stage, you will need this material to build arrow towers, sentries and the like.

Therefore, Zhang Yi did not refuse the voluntary provision of 50 materials in exchange for Qiyue Liuhuo.

But in fact, even if Qiyue Liuhuo did not put forward this condition, Zhang Yi would not take the initiative to ask him for it.

The territorial certificate is even given to him.

After all, in the last life, Qiyue Liuhuo, as the first titled God of War in Xingguo District, once led the players of Tiange, won countless honors for Xingguo in the national war!

Go into battle to kill the enemy, repel countless invaders, and make the invaders of major countries terrified of the stars!

No matter what he had done before, even if it was against Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi can ignore the previous suspicion.

As long as it is the future hero of the star country!

Closed the group chat interface.

Zhang Yi also accompanied Han Yarou to finish lunch.

Leaving the Dragon Soul Palace, Zhang Yi continued to brush pictures and perform domain tasks in the afternoon.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

In a certain dark realm, the six-star ghost king, the lord of the underworld, is waiting for news from his subordinates.

But more than a day passed, and there was no news.

At this time, news finally came from the Holy Shield of the Underworld!

"Master Ghost King! Yinuo Qingcheng doesn't know what's going on. I haven't played the boss for the past two days! He brushed the Mysterious Land dungeon yesterday, and today it is said that he brushed the normal wild monster map around Hell City!"

Hearing this news, the Lord of the Underworld frowned: "Don't kill the boss and run to kill wild monsters? Everyone else is evolving, why are you still degenerating?"

"If you don't kill the boss, what will I eat?"

At this time, Sacred Shield of the Underworld asked inexplicably: "Actually, I have always had a question that I can't understand, sir, you are now a six-star ghost king, and you have such a strong strength, why don't you kill the boss yourself, and then devour the boss? The heart grows, instead of picking up food behind Yinuo Qingcheng?"

The Lord of the Underworld snorted coldly: "You should go find a boss for this king!"

The Holy Shield of the Underworld frowned and said, "Yinuo Qingcheng spends money to buy bosses, and we don't have the money to buy it!"

After a pause, the Underworld Sacred Shield said timidly: "I heard that Yinuo Qingcheng has been brushing pictures everywhere, and all the resources that have been brushed will be put into the underworld to cultivate our people in the underworld."

"Humph! Those traitors will only eat people's soft lips!"

As the voice of the Lord of the Underworld just fell.

The Underworld Sacred Shield thought: Aren't you cannibalizing yourself? and you eat

More than four million people in the underworld

At this time, the lord of the underworld continued: "Don't worry, when this king will step on a promise and conquer the city of hell one day, this king will let you be the city lord of the city of hell!"

Hearing this, the Underworld Sacred Shield was very pleasantly surprised: "Thank you, Lord Ghost King!"

"This king is only one step away from the Seven Stars. I don't need to use Yinuo Qingcheng, this king can also evolve into the Seven Stars by himself!"

The Lord of the Underworld said: "It's a pity that there are no dragon slayer and sword emperor professions. Otherwise, when this king appears in front of you with the strength of the seven-star ghost king, you will be nothing but an ant!"

After all, the Lord of the Underworld left the dark realm and prepared to go out for food

One day is fleeting.

In the blink of an eye it was evening.

At five o'clock, Zhang Yi finally finished 100 maps!

100,000 monsters with a level not lower than his own level 5 were killed by Zhang Yi within one day!

The moment you just completed the mission indicator.

A system prompt fell from the sky.

"Ding~ Congratulations on completing the hidden realm assessment task, Tianluo Wanxiang, the hidden super god realm has been activated, and congratulations on getting the only activation reward in the hidden realm: Dragon Clan Prestige x50000! Golden Skill Book Treasure Chest x1! Raiders of the realm of heaven and earth have been reduced by 20%! "


A bunch of golden aurora rose into the sky from somewhere in Hell City.

Citywide Announcement (Hell City): "Ding ~ Congratulations to the player Yinuo Qingcheng for completing the hidden realm assessment task Tianluo Wanxiang! The hidden supernatural realm of heaven and earth has been activated!"

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