54.8 million difficulty factor!

Seeing this difficulty, Zhang Yi was instantly stunned!

This is outrageous!

You must know that the most difficult task Zhang Yi has ever encountered is the promotion of the minibus to the sixth rank, which is only 44.8 million.

This field task is directly 10 million more difficult than the minibus promotion task!

And most importantly: this is just the first level of difficulty!

There are four floors in the back, and you must clear them all to get the domain skills!

Zhang Yi is directly a "good guy"!

However, this just aroused Zhang Yi's inner desire to challenge.

Zhang Yi has not encountered a challenging task for him for a long time. As long as it is a task that can be found, it is basically a piece of cake.

People need constant challenges to break through themselves and become stronger.

Just the task of killing more than 300 trolls, the difficulty factor can reach 50 million upwards!

Zhang Yi thought: The trolls on this island are definitely not easy!

Because as far as he knows: in the super god realm of the apocalypse world, the strength of the monsters in the realm is generally much stronger than the general level 255 full-level monsters!

In this hidden area under Zhang Yi's feet, monsters must be stronger!

So, Zhang Yi carried the trial by the ashes, and while moving forward, he looked around.

However, it is surprisingly quiet in all directions!

Logically, a troll, shouldn't that be a giant monster?

Why are there no shadows of their activities within the range of sight?

Just when Zhang Yi was so puzzled, a cold wind suddenly hit behind him!

With the top-level consciousness beyond ordinary people, Zhang Yi did not turn his head, and directly cast a spell to flash.


Move ten yards to the front right.

Looking at the position just now, it was calm!

"What's the matter, is it a mistake in judgment?"

Soon, Zhang Yi reacted: "No! This guy is conscious!"

The voice just fell.

Boom boom boom!

On the ground in front of Zhang Yi's line of sight, a crack suddenly came from dozens of meters away, tearing towards him!

Seeing that he was about to reach his feet, he stopped!

next moment.


With a loud bang, at the foot of Zhang Yi, a giant like a mountain burst out from the ground!

Suddenly caught off guard, Zhang Yi was knocked flying by the giant!


Zhang Yi quickly launched eight displacements, used the first displacement to land smoothly, and distanced himself from the giant that broke out of the ground.

Looking up, I found that the giant creature was a giant creature with a height of six or seven meters, a shape resembling a bull-headed warrior, and a big axe in its hand!

At the same time, a battle reminder sounded in Zhang Yi's ear: "Ding~ You were attacked by the troll, and lost 872.5 billion health points!"

Zhang Yi had a blood bar on his head, and he fell a lot!

Under the condition of 90% damage-free status of the god-level guardian dragon soul, this troll can still cause such high damage to Zhang Yi!

This is too outrageous!

Zhang Yi immediately used the god-level exploration technique to obtain the data of the troll, and then he understood why the opponent's damage was so fierce!

Escape Troll (Physics/Normal):

Level: 255

Talent: Domain Enhancement (God-level talent, in the domain of heaven and earth, all attributes of the troll who have escaped the earth have been greatly improved, the attack power has been increased by 150%, the defense power has been increased by 100%, the speed has been increased by 100%, and the maximum health value has been increased by 1000%. 50% of the final damage increase effect, 50% of the damage effect, 50% of the damage-free effect, the troll's attack will reduce the enemy's recovery effect by 60%).

Physical attack power: 535.4 billion (attack power after talent enhancement, the same below)

Physical Defense: 242.5 billion

Magic Defense: 241 billion

Health: 86340000000000

Skills: Violent Impact, Earth Splitting, Speed ​​Crash

Description: The overlords of the Heaven and Earth Domain, the trolls, in order to protect the domain skills buried in the Heaven and Earth Domain, they lived in the Heaven and Earth Domain all their lives. After being strengthened by the Heaven and Earth Domain, these trolls became very powerful. Not strong enough, it's better not to provoke these trolls

Seeing this troll's data, Zhang Yi couldn't help but be surprised.

"No wonder this guy's damage is so high! Not to mention that all attributes have been greatly enhanced, his talent actually has a 50% damage effect!"

Trauma is to ignore the target's injury-free.

Equivalent to Zhang Yi's god-level guardian dragon soul, it has a 90% injury-free effect, and it can only play a 40% injury-free effect in front of this troll!

In addition, the attack power of the troll itself is too high, and the final damage increase of 50% of the talent causes it to deal more than 800 billion skill damage on Zhang Yi at once!

Zhang Yi thought that the monsters in the supernatural realm would be stronger than the ordinary full-level monsters in the wild, but he did not expect that the monsters in this hidden realm could be so powerful!

If there is no level limitation of the highest level 255, the strength level of this troll can at least reach the level of a level 280 monster!


In the face of such a powerful troll, Zhang Yi did not dare to be careless.

At this moment, the Escape Troll wielded a huge axe and slammed the ground.

With a burst of earth shaking.

From the foot of the troll, a crack spread toward Zhang Yi!

Zhang Yi immediately used the second displacement of the eight-shift movement to avoid the troll's ground-splitting attack.

He turned his hand and waved his staff.

Fireball! Freezing! Aurora!

After the skills were double-strengthened by the god-level fire-bathing dragon soul and the light dragon camp, several golden enchantments were opened in the air.

hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Under the sound of dragon chirping, countless fire dragons shot down, madly attacking the troll who escaped the ground.

A large piece of damage of about 3 trillion, constantly appearing on the top of the troll.

Although the troll's 50% damage-free effect reduces Zhang Yi's output by half, Zhang Yi's damage is still very sharp!

But for a troll with a tenfold increase in blood volume and a total blood volume of 86 trillion, Zhang Yi's damage is just scratching it!

In addition, Zhang Yi's recovery effect has been reduced by 60%, which means that the god-level blood-devouring dragon soul can only have 40% of the blood-sucking effect.

While continuously causing 3 trillion damage to the trolls, Zhang Yi himself gained about 1.2 trillion recovery!

Powerful blood-sucking can restore Zhang Yi's lost blood in just one shot.

In this way, as long as he did not suffer a fatal blow, Zhang Yi would not be a threat.

Just when Zhang Yi went all out to attack the troll.

It suddenly raised its head to the sky and let out a long howl!

The next moment, the mountain shook for a while.

In all directions, countless cracks spread towards Zhang Yi!

This guy, he can't beat him, he's actually called a man!

However, Zhang Yi did not panic at all.

"Do you think only you can call someone?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Yi directly copied the Dragon King Order.


A huge enchantment emerged from the sky.

hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Countless bright dragons leaped out of the barrier!

At the same time, the sixth-order dragon king Babu and the three second-order fire dragon kings also appeared under Zhang Yi's summons.

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