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Chapter 1803 I have a wife, that's enough

With Zhang Yi's current strength, he can fight.

But it's just annoying!

For people who are used to the thrill of the air in seconds, it will take a long time for him to kill an ordinary monster. Do you think he can feel good?

Moreover, the second domain monsters are more talented than the first domain monsters, and their attributes, damage, damage increase, and injury-free effects are also stronger!

It is conceivable that in the third and fourth domains, the monsters faced will definitely become stronger and stronger!

Perhaps with Zhang Yi's current attributes, it is very sad to go to the fourth domain and the fifth domain in the back.

Zhang Yi's idea is to improve his own attributes, and after reaching a strong enough point, he will kill the realm of heaven and earth!

Not as it is now, as if the balloon had deflated.

If you want to improve your attributes, of course, you have to rely on equipment!

Zhang Yi's current equipment selection suit, although it is a super artifact level, but the star rating has just exceeded 100 stars.

I hadn't thought about changing equipment before, but now I have this idea, and looking at my equipment, it's just horrible!

"It's time to change clothes."

Just as Zhang Yi was thinking about it, he was also thinking about the next set of equipment.

A familiar voice suddenly came from my ear: "Zhang Yi?"

Since it is within the supernatural realm, players will be teleported back to Hell City when they exit the realm.

So Zhang Yi came to Hell City.

Hearing the sound, he turned around and found that it was Ruochen and Lin Qian!

Seeing Zhang Yi, Ruochen asked, "Didn't you go to the super god realm? Why did you come back?"

Without waiting for Zhang Yi to speak, the Star Palace warrior on the side had a ghostly expression on his face: "You won't have cleared that hidden supernatural realm, right?!"

"You think I'm a god!"

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell, everyone in the Hall of Stars said in unison, "Isn't it?"

"Ah, since you said so, so be it."

After a pause, Zhang Yi changed the subject and asked, "By the way, do you have any super artifact, or quasi artifact level, about 200 star dragon suits?"

Everyone: "???"

"Are you asking us?" Ruochen looked at Zhang Yi with an incredible look.

Zhang Yi also suddenly realized that his question seemed a bit stupid.

He waved his hand and said, "Forget it, you shouldn't have any."

"The 200-star dragon super artifact, big brother!" The Star Palace general held his head in his hands, and said with a look of surprise: "I don't dare to dream like this!"

For Zhang Yi, if you want to change equipment, it must be the best.

At least, it can't be lower than the level of the dragon super artifact he has now.

Dragon super artifact suit, this level remains unchanged, it is enough to increase the star rating.

And Zhang Yi only needs one of the accessories he needs!

Because the prestige mall opens the purchase of set equipment, the premise is to get one of the accessories, and then you can use the prestige to buy the rest of the parts.

During this period of time, Zhang Yi slaughtered hundreds of big and small bosses around Hell City, and the equipment between 150 and 200 stars he harvested from it was countless.

Among them, there are also some semi-artifact and quasi-artifact-level dragon equipment.

But the 200-star dragon super artifact set parts are not one!

We must find a way to get a 200-star dragon super artifact suit and activate the prestige mall!

Otherwise, Zhang Yi can also use ordinary 150-200 star suits to make up for it.

But the effect of this improvement is certainly not large.

After all, the gap between super artifact and ordinary equipment is huge. In addition to the dragon super artifact, for players who are dragon hidden professionals and dragon campers, there is an additional huge increase in attributes.

Zhang Yi is now wearing a hundred-star dragon super artifact heavenly selection suit. It is no exaggeration to say that it can be worth a set of ordinary suits with about 150 stars!

"Where are you going to get equipment?"

Zhang Yi thought about it, and suddenly, the figure of destroying the Dragon King Lijia appeared in his mind!

"The top-level seventh-order dragon king of the dark dragon clan has a high chance of revealing a 200-star dragon clan super artifact suit!"

"But it has always helped me guard Xiaoya. Even the ring material Xiaoya made for me was collected by it. I exploded it. Would it be a little immoral?"

Just when Zhang Yi was thinking about it, Lin Qian suddenly said, "Brother Zhang Yi, I have a 140-star dragon half-artifact set that I saved here before. I'll bring it to you!"

140 star dragon semi-artifact.

Through the evolution of equipment, as well as the promotion of star-raising stones, and the promotion of super-god appraisers, the highest level can be raised to 150-star quasi-artifact level.

Although it is still too far from Zhang Yi's ideal, but for a while, I don't know where to go for a better one.

Really want to explode Li Jia, Zhang Yi is still so reluctant

Just use it first! After all, the 150-star quasi-artifact is definitely much better than the 101-star super-artifact on his body!

So, Zhang Yi said to Lin Qian, "Okay, give me that piece of equipment, and I'll give it back to you after I activate the Prestige Mall Illustrated Book."

"You don't have to pay it back!" Lin Qian smiled and said, "Giving it to Brother Zhang Yi!"

"It's in the warehouse, I'll go get it

, Brother Zhang Yi, wait for me! "

After saying that, Lin Qian pulled away and ran away.

Ruochen on the side couldn't help sighing: "This girl has never cared so much about my brother!"

On the side of the Xingchen Palace, the warrior god made up for the knife and said to Zhang Yi: "Big brother, even a straight man like me can see that the little princess of the Xingchen Palace is interested in you. How about it, do you want an extra wife?"

As soon as the words fell, even Ruochen, Lin Qian's brother, who was usually known as the "sister-protecting madman", could not help but say to Zhang Yi: "As long as you speak, I will recognize your brother-in-law! "

With such a top-level god as his brother-in-law, it is estimated that Ruochen will wake up in the middle of the night with a smile, right?

Don't talk about one husband and two wives, as far as Zhang Yi's strength is concerned, he has ten wives, and no one dares to have an opinion!

Moreover, Zhang Yi has to choose, and the average-looking person does not even have this qualification!

However, Zhang Yi smiled and said, "I have a wife, that's enough."

At this time, Ruochen suddenly laughed: "Brother, I really did not see the wrong person! It's really rare to see someone with excellent academic skills like you!"

While the others were talking, Lin Qian came back with the equipment.

Seeing Ruochen and the others chatting happily with Zhang Yi, Lin Qian asked curiously, "What are you talking about? So happy!"

"Let's talk about your life events!" Ruochen said, "Zhang Yi has a wide network of contacts, and I want him to help me with a brother-in-law with excellent academics like him."

Hearing this, Lin Qian said in a tangled voice, "Brother, don't worry about me, I don't want it"

With that said, Lin Qian handed a dark purple dragon pattern ring to Zhang Yi, and said to Zhang Yi, "Brother Zhang Yi, the dragon pattern ring, here it is for you!"

Zhang Yi took the ring and took a look.

It really is a 230-level 140-star dragon semi-artifact suit and equipment!

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