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Chapter 1806 SSS-level camp mission: Slay the Dragon!

sss-level faction mission? !

The sudden prompt from the system, or a surprise, only made Zhang Yi excited!

Since becoming a member of the Bright Dragon Clan, there have been dozens of Dragon Clan quests triggered by various coincidences during this period.

Among them, the lowest level is D level, and the highest level is only SS level.

Zhang Yi has never triggered a 3s-level faction mission!

Zhang Yi only remembers: The SS-level faction task that was triggered first, Guardian of the Red Flame Dragon King, the reward is extremely high!

It contains a 230-level 120-star dragon quasi-artifact suit, which was later used by Linger!

This sss-level is already the highest-level faction quest. Isn't it a 150-star dragon super artifact suit that is easy to come by?

This is really a harvest that Zhang Yi could not have dreamed of!

Thank you so much!

Before, it was because he discovered the Angel's Domain where he could obtain hidden occupation scrolls.

This time it was because he triggered an sss-level faction mission!

This chasing the wind was really sent by God to evolve Zhang Yi, right?

So, facing the system prompt, Zhang Yi chose to receive the task without hesitation.

However, at this moment, the system prompt sounded again: "Ding~ Please note that the system has detected that the task is too difficult, and the task failure is punished heavily, please choose carefully!"

Even if the dragon lock tower is a seventh-order dragon king, so what?

Zhang Yi is also cut!

So, Zhang Yi confirmed again.

"Ding~ You have received the sss-level bright dragon camp quest to kill the dragon, I wish you good luck!"

"Wait, what do you mean? Look down on me, do you?"

The system message made Zhang Yi depressed.

In the past, every time I received a faction quest, the system would politely say: congratulations on receiving the quest or something.

A direct "good luck" this time?

Even the system dislikes Zhang Yi so much?

That Zhang Yi wanted to see how difficult this SSS-level mission was!

Without further ado, immediately click on the task interface.

Dragon Slaying (Bright Dragon Faction quest):

Difficulty level: sss level (highest level)

Description: A thousand years ago, the ghost race ran rampant in the Apocalypse Continent and was extremely rampant. Once the three major races of human race, alien race, and demon race joined forces, it was difficult to defeat the ghost race. Even the super ancient dragon king of the light dragon clan and the dragon king of the dark dragon clan also called on the giant dragon to attack the ghost clan. In the battle against the ghost clan, the three major races and the dragon clan suffered heavy casualties. Until the Lord God came and sealed the ghost clan, those giant dragons that were killed by the ghost clan and turned into ghost servants were also sealed in the Suolong Tianta. within

If these ghost dragons are not eradicated as soon as possible, only when the ghost race breaks through the thousand-year seal, they will come to the Apocalypse Continent again and endanger the world! Please represent the Dragons from the Bright Dragons faction and destroy all the ghost servants in the Suolongtian Tower.

Mission reward: EXP x250000000000000~50000000000000, gold coins x5~1 billion, dragon reputation x10~200,000, bright crystal x1000~2000, 150~200 star dragon super artifact suit x1. (Note: The above rewards are calculated based on the final completion of the task, which are the minimum and maximum rewards respectively).

Failure penalty: level -1, dragon reputation -100,000, all attributes of self and dragon are reduced by 30% for seven days.

Time: ten days.

The remaining ghost servants of the Dragon Tower: 100%.

Killed progress: 0%.

Escaped progress: 0%.

Remarks: Once the ghosts in Suolongtian Pagoda are released, they will escape from the domain of Suolongtianta. Players need to kill all ghosts. Each ghost servant released will affect the final quest reward. When the escape progress exceeds 30%, the mission is deemed to have failed.

Quest Collection Privilege: The quota you get to authorize other players to enter the Suolongtian Tower x100 times.

This reward!

I can't help but make my mouth water!

What do you really want.

Zhang Yizheng is short of 200 star dragon super artifact suit, it's here!

Could it be that this is the legendary Emperor of Europe?

However, it seems that the difficulty of this task is not too high.

According to the experience of the previous life, Zhang Yi later slaughtered the nine dragon kings of the dark dragon clan, and none of them came out of this dragon tower!

What's more, when Zhang Yi slaughtered the seventh-order dragon of the dark dragon family, none of them were ghost dragons.

It means that the one locked in the tower is not the seventh-order dragon king.

And the dark dragon clan's seventh-order dragon king has a total of nine heads. If it is not for them, it can only be below the seventh-order.

The lock is only the sixth-order ghost dragon king?

The sixth-order ghost dragon king is not worth the task level of sss.

The only possibility is that there is more than one sixth-order dragon inside, and there may be several!

Zhang Yi did not panic at all, but became more and more excited

If there are so many ghost dragon kings, slaughter them and add quest rewards

Get rich this time!

However, after learning the detailed information of this mission, Zhang Yi was not so eager to approach the past tower.

Because this task is viewed from another angle, it is a tower defense mode!

Once Zhang Yi releases the ghost dragon inside, if there are too many, Zhang Yiyi

When they couldn't stand it and let them run out, that would affect the final quest reward!

The Suolongtian Tower has restrictions that ordinary players cannot enter.

Similar to most hidden maps of the dragon race, the dragon race can also temporarily authorize other players to enter in addition to their own access!

Originally, Zhang Yi could only authorize 100 ordinary players to enter the Dragon Tower.

And the task of slaying the dragon has a privilege attached, that is, the authorized quota is increased by 100 times!

That is to say: For this mission, Zhang Yi can call up to 10,000 helpers to come in to help!

Although Zhang Yi had 3,000 giant dragons under his seat, for the sake of safety, Zhang Yi felt that it was necessary to call in some more people.

Don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of what happens.

Even if only a few ghost dragons run away, it is very likely that Zhang Yi will not get the 200-star super artifact in the end!

This mission must be done steadily!

And it just so happens that there is one person right now who is most suitable to help Zhang Yi with this favor!

Because it is not only helping Zhang Yi, but also improving himself!

So, Zhang Yi temporarily settled down in a position far from the Suolongtian Pagoda and began to contact foreign aid.

The first thing that comes to mind is Xingtian!

"I have encountered a difficult task and need your help."

Between brothers, you don't have to be awkward when speaking, you need to speak straight.

In the next second, Xing Tian replied directly: "Give me a place, arrive within three minutes."

what is this?

This is brother!

Brothers share blessings and share difficulties.

There is no need for rhetoric between brothers.

When Zhang Yi needs it, he won't even ask a word, just come when he is given a place!

This is Xingtian!


Just when Zhang Yi was about to provocative.

Xing Tian suddenly said, "Why don't you wait a little longer? I have a few dragons to slaughter and go over."

"What else are you slaughtering?"

Zhang Yi said: "Come and help me finish this order, your dragon slaughtering knife will go directly to the sss level!"

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