Facing the unexpected joy that fell from the sky: the soldier hides the occupation scroll, the Lord of the Underworld is very excited!

"God help me too!"

The Lord of the Underworld "giggled" and said with a smile: "Yinuo Qingcheng, you are too careless! You actually left such a precious thing for me!"

"I will be the strongest king of the ghost clan if I get promoted to the seven-star ghost king, and then get this hidden profession and become a frost warrior!"

The Lord of the Underworld thought they had picked up a big bargain.

In fact, they couldn't imagine that Zhang Yi deliberately left it for them!

The reason why I have been looking for the ice boss before is to arrange this Frost Warrior Scroll for the boss, and then fake it so that the Lord of the Underworld will pick it up!

Because it is a Frost Warrior after all, it would seem a bit outrageous for an ordinary boss to explode this kind of scroll.

In order to ensure that they will not arouse any suspicion from the Lord of the Underworld.

Only when it is placed on an ice-type boss will it not look awkward.

And this is what the Dragon God suggested this morning!

While feeding the Lord of the Underworld and turning it into a seven-star ghost king, it is logical to hand over the occupation scroll to the Lord of the Underworld.

This move really kills two birds with one stone!

The Lord of the Underworld, who didn't know it, was still complacent while laughing at Zhang Yi's "stupidity".

And just when the Lord of the Underworld was going to activate this scroll.

Suddenly, a voice appeared in the darkness, as if reminding the Lord of the Underworld: "You are no longer a human being, but a ghost clan, who hides the elemental power contained in your profession and has a strong resistance to the ghost clan. It will make you lose your vitality, you better think about it!"

Hearing this, the Lord of the Underworld didn't take it seriously: "What about the loss of vitality? Is there anything more terrifying than being weak?"

"As long as I can become stronger, as long as I can kill Yinuo Qingcheng, even if I die tomorrow, I am willing!"

"At all costs, even with Yinuo Qingcheng!"

As the voice of the Lord of the Underworld just fell, the voice in the darkness disappeared.

The Lord of the Underworld put away the occupation scroll first.

"Don't worry, let's go to the Seven-Star Ghost King first!"

Thinking like this, the Lord of the Underworld withdrew from the Valley of Ice and headed to the next location according to the information provided by the younger brothers.

Not long after the Lord of the Underworld and their forefoot left the Valley of Ice.

On the back foot, he was secretly hiding in a corner outside the Valley of Ice, staring at a certain wretched man who had just happened in the Valley of Ice, and immediately sent a friend message to Zhang Yi: "Brother, Lord of the Underworld I have already got the occupation scroll! He is useless for the time being, and said that he will use it after he evolves into a seven-star ghost king!"

"Okay, I see." Zhang Yi replied: "Continue to stare at the Lord of the Underworld secretly, and remember not to be discovered."

"Don't worry, brother!" The scavenger vowed: "If you ask me to do other work, I can't guarantee that I can do it well for you, but for this kind of man-marking work, I can even stare at him and let him go. How many farts! He can't find me!"


At the end of the day, Zhang Yi slaughtered dozens of bosses one after another.

With a small investment of billions of gold coins, in exchange for a big return of tens of billions of gold coins!

In the process, Zhang Yi rose to level 249.

By evening.

The dark vision over Hell City is also getting stronger and stronger.

Until a large amount of black gas converges into a point, and then bursts suddenly!

The smoke disappeared and everything returned to calm.

At this moment, a system prompt fell from the sky.

[Announcement of the whole city (Hell City): "Ding~ Attention to all players affiliated to the Hell City of the Demon Race: The Lord of the Underworld, the Seven-Star King of the Ghost Race, was born, and darkness descends on the City of Hell, please be prepared for all players!"

As soon as the announcement came out, the whole city was in turmoil.

Inside and outside the city, countless players were shocked.

"??? What's the situation, did I hear it wrong? The Seven-Star Ghost King, the Lord of the Underworld?"

"Is it the underworld lord of the underworld? Didn't he have been killed by Yinuo Qingcheng before? How did he become the ghost king?"

"It is said that after the death of people in the world of Apocalypse, they will become ghosts, is that so?"

"It's true and false! It's not like the Lord of the Underworld will become a ghost king after he dies, right? And he's still a seven-star ghost king?!"

"Isn't the lord of the underworld going to take revenge on the city of hell? It's over! He's so revengeful, he will definitely lead the ghost clan to slaughter the city!"

Just when the players in Hell City started to panic.

Only Zhang Yi, who was having dinner with Han Yarou in the Dragon Soul Hall, showed a relieved smile!

"The child has finally grown up."

With Zhang Yi inadvertently sighed.

Han Yarou was stunned for a moment and asked, "What child has grown up?"

"You have children outside?"

"No!" Zhang Yi hurriedly explained: "I'm talking about the Lord of the Underworld!"

At this time, Han Yarou was a little worried: "He has become a seven-star ghost king, and his strength will definitely increase greatly. Next, he will definitely find ways to retaliate against you. Zhang Yi, you must be careful when you are outside alone."

"Don't worry." Zhang Yi looked at Han Yarou, who looked worried, touched her head, and said confidently, "Everything is under my control."

look at Zhang Yi

Confident and confident.

Han Yarou nodded, and the worry in her heart finally retreated.

It took so much effort and energy to finally make the Lord of the Underworld a seven-star ghost king.

At this time, Zhang Yi had an inexplicable sense of accomplishment!

This feeling is like watching my son grow up

At the same time, Zhang Yi thought to himself: The Lord of the Underworld has successfully evolved into a seven-star ghost king. Next, he should start the transfer task of the Frost Warrior, and then lead the ghost clan that escaped from the Devil City, and march into hell together. Town!

In this regard, Zhang Yi began to look forward to it: "I hope you will not live up to my expectations, give me some strength, brother."

the other side.

Outside the city of hell, in a dark woodland.

Endless dark auras merged into the body of the Lord of the Underworld from all directions.

After absorbing these dark breaths, a powerful king breath suddenly erupted in the main body of the underworld!

In an instant, all the birds and beasts in the entire woodland were shattered!

The darkness quickly spread around, making the Underworld Sacred Shield and the others, who were beside the Lord of the Underworld, breathless.

At this time, the system prompt rang in the ear of the Lord of the Underworld.

"Ding~ Congratulations on your evolution into a seven-star ghost king. According to your personality, you have obtained the exclusive title of the seven-star ghost king: Slaughter! You can control the power of slaughter (greatly increase attack speed, attack power and damage)!"


The Lord of the Underworld exuded the creepy laughter unique to the ghost clan.

"This king, finally upgraded to seven stars!"

"Next, there is only one last step to confer a god!"

Having said that, the Lord of the Underworld took out the hidden occupation scroll - Frost Warrior.

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