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Chapter 1860 Xingtian vs Lord of the Underworld

He knew that the Ghost King was by his side, but in this endless darkness, he couldn't catch the other person's figure at all.

All I could hear was a scream of screams, incessantly.

Until this time, the ghost king suddenly appeared directly opposite Dynasty Fatal!

Taking a closer look, I found that it was a seven-star ghost king slayer Frost Warrior wearing black armor, holding a long knife in his hand, exuding darkness all over his body, and the breath of ice: Lord of the Underworld!

"Help me, big guy!" Dynasty's fatal first reaction was to ask Wang Dynasty Heavenly General for help.

But as soon as the words were finished, the Lord of the Underworld slashed down with a knife: "No one can save you, go to death."

The long knife slid across Wang Dynasty Fatal's body, and Dynasty Fatal's entire body was instantly frozen, and then fell to the ground.

The damage of up to 3 trillion directly emptied the blood bar above his head!

At this time, a large group of Dynasty players rushed in from all directions with swords.

However, they didn't even have the chance to get close to the Lord of the Underworld.


The Lord of the Underworld slashed the ground with a long sword, releasing a powerful sword light toward the surroundings, swallowing the group of dynasty players in an instant, freezing them all, and killing them in seconds!

The Frost Warrior's icy breath covers the entire field.

Let players who are 100 meters away from the surrounding dare not approach easily.

Next, the Lord of the Underworld turned on the killing mode directly.

The figure is like a phantom, and it shuttles freely among a large group of dynasty players, screaming again and again wherever it goes.

No one can resist the damage of the Lord of the Underworld.

Combined with the space conversion of domain skills, the Lord of the Underworld is like a bolt of lightning in the dark!

Wang Chaotian watched helplessly as his brothers around him were killed, but there was nothing he could do.

Only when the surrounding darkness dissipated, in the line of sight of the Heavenly General of the Dynasty, he could only see the corpses of Dynasty players in all directions, blooming everywhere!

And the Lord of the Underworld is standing in front of him!

At this moment, Wang Chaotian was burning with anger.

The Lord of the Underworld said in a deep voice, "Humans really are the weakest creatures in this world! Before becoming the ghost king, this king never thought that the ghost race was so powerful!"

"You nondescript monster!" Wang Chaotian pointed at the Lord of the Underworld and shouted through gritted teeth, "You will not end well!"

The Lord of the Underworld laughed and said, "Yinuo Qingcheng killed me that day, and inadvertently made me evolve into a ghost king. With the help of his power, I gradually grew into a seven-star ghost king, and also got a hidden professional Frost Warrior."

"All of this is thanks to Yinuo Qingcheng, I really have to thank him!"

"Wait for the Frost Warrior?" Wang Chaotian was shocked when he heard the name.

I thought to myself: Isn't this hidden occupation scroll the reward he got through prayer when he was in the Angel Domain?

At the beginning, he gave this scroll to Yinuo Qingcheng, how could it fall on the Lord of the Underworld now?

What exactly is going on?

Just when the generals of the dynasty were puzzled.

The Lord of the Underworld said to the Heavenly General of the Dynasty: "It's better to abandon the darkness and turn to the light as soon as possible, lead your family to join our ghost family, and when this king captures the city of hell, there will also be a place for you in the city of hell!"

"Bah!" Wang Chaotian said without hesitation: "I will not die for the ghost clan even if I die!"

"Okay, then you're going to die!"

"This king completes you!"

After all, the ruler of the underworld presides over the long sword and charges towards the dynasty emperor!

Seeing that Wang Chaotian could not dodge the enemy's attack, he swung his sword to block.

"Qiang" made a crisp sound, successfully parried the heavy blow of the Lord of the Underworld, but the whole person was knocked back and flew more than ten meters away!

As expected of the Dynasty captain, Dynasty Tianjian still has a few brushes.

After being hit so hard by the Lord of the Underworld, he could still survive with one-third of his blood.

"You can actually resist the seven-star ghost king's blow without dying?" The Lord of the Underworld was interested in the tenacious vitality of Wang Chaotian: "Your strength looks good, wait for you to join the ghost clan after you die, how good is this king? I want you to serve the king!"

Dynasty General: "You fart!"

The lord of the underworld held a long sword and slowly approached Wang Chaotian.

In all directions, all Dynasty players who tried to approach to rescue Dynasty Heavenly General were killed by the powerful aura of the Seven Star Ghost King, tens of meters away!

The aura on the Lord of the Underworld is exceedingly powerful!

Just when the lord of the underworld was about to approach the king of the dynasty.

Suddenly, a powerful black blade light came from the front!

The Lord of the Underworld did not take this sudden attack in his eyes, and did not even bother to dodge it, allowing it to pass through his body after passing through the Heavenly General of the Dynasty!

And at the moment when the sword light penetrated through the body, the Lord of the Underworld was actually knocked back several steps under the impact of this force!

At the same time, a super high damage of up to 1.1 trillion suddenly jumped above the head!

The Seven-star Ghost King is born with a very high damage-free effect, and this effect can at least reduce the damage suffered by the Seven-star Ghost King by about 70%!

Coupled with his own good attributes, he can still take such high damage!

At this moment, the Lord of the Underworld was really a little surprised, and even for a moment he was thinking: Could it be Yinuo Qingcheng coming?

However, look up.

Only saw one wearing black armor, holding a flowing

The long sword with bursts of red lightning, the demon warrior exuding a breath of death all over his body, is approaching here with a strong killing intent!

That demon warrior is the lv231 Ghost Swordsman Xingtian!

"This king is supposed to be Yinuo Qingcheng, but it turned out to be just a dog beside Yinuo Qingcheng." Seeing the identity of the visitor, the words of the Lord of the Underworld were filled with disdain.

But when he saw that what Xing Tian was holding in his hand was the original god-level equipment he used to use, the Hell Dragon Slayer Sword, he could no longer calm down!

"Hell Dragon Slayer!"

"This king's things must be returned to their original owners today!"

Stop in front of Wang Chaotian.

A loud bang.

The long sword was stationed, and the original god-level equipment was powerful, shocking all around.

Xing Tian stared coldly at the Lord of the Underworld and said, "Let's see if you have the ability to get it."

The Lord of the Underworld "giggled" and said with a smile: "You are too confident. Do you think that with the Hell Dragon Slayer Sword, you can be this king's opponent?"

"You stupid guy! Even Yinuo Qingcheng is not a match for this king, so what are you?"

Xing Tian was also an impatient person: "Why are you talking so much nonsense, how did you become such a mother-in-law when you became a ghost king?"

"Don't you want to get back the Dragon Saber?" Xing Tian looked at the Lord of the Underworld and said, "Come on, the opportunity is right in front of you."

The Lord of the Underworld believes that his current power is so powerful that no one can shake it.

But if he can retake this hell dragon slaying knife, his strength will definitely become stronger than it is now!

All his attention was on the Hell Dragon Sword.

With icy blue eyes, staring straight at Xing Tian, ​​he said, "The Dragon Saber and your life, this king will accept it!"

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