Around Hell City, bursts of strong dark aura were constantly approaching.

This time, the power of the ghost clan's invasion was extremely powerful, causing the entire city to be wrapped in it like dumplings!

Under the continuous attack of ghost beasts, ghost soldiers, and some low-level ghost kings, the defense line laid by the players in Hell City was constantly being broken through, replaced, and broken again!

Seeing that the army of ghost tribes has already approached the city.

Whoa whoa whoa!

One after another dazzling golden light sprinkled from the sky above the city of hell and fell straight into the city.

Immediately afterwards, countless players rushed out of those beams with awe-inspiring momentum!

"Don't panic, brothers in Hell City, we are here to support you!"

"The Fuying City army is here!"

"The eldest lady is here, get out of the way!"

Accompanied by a burst of shouts one after another.

Countless players from Tianyu City, Dawn City, Fuying City, Shenyue City, and Aurora City stared at the unique golden "helper" id, and rushed out of the golden teleportation array overwhelmingly!

At this moment, light shrouded Hell City.

In the eyes of Hell City players, it seems to see the dawn.

"Dawn City defends the east! Tianyu City defends the south! Fuying City defends the west! Aurora City defends the north!"

"Brothers, guard the city of hell together, go up together!"

In a burst of loud shouts, the helpers from the major first-level main cities, with a clear division of labor, rushed to the outside of the city!

At this moment, the level 230 silver-armored warrior Juggernaut who had just rushed out of the teleportation formation in Shenyue City, looked around and shouted, "Damn it! Your points are clear, where is my Shenyue City's going?"

"Forget it, let's go!"

"Ha! Don't be arrogant, little devils, wait for the first master of God Moon City to clean up you!"

With the first-line players in the five major cities to join the battle.

Outside the four city gates in the south, south, north and west of Hell City, the player's offensive instantly became fierce!

In addition, among these people, there are still some outstanding strength leaders.

For example, Qiyue Liuhuo, Warring States Lu Bu, Yiye Guzhou, Yiqi Juechen, Huang Wuji, Juggernaut, and other people in the major cities who are at the top of the battle strength list.

They are all top-level masters with a thousand!

Even in the face of full-level ghost monsters, it is still easy to handle.

It's even more wretched, shuttling in the dark, specializing in stabs in the buttocks, relying on the ultra-high crit damage with one hand, every stab is accurate!

The offensive of the ghost clan was repelled wave after wave.

Until the appearance of the three ghost kings!

"The seven-star ghost king appeared outside Dongcheng!"

"The three seven-star ghost kings are all in Dongcheng! They want to focus on breaking through!"

"Dongcheng asks for support!"

"Brothers, focus on supporting the East Gate!"

In Hell City, a large number of players began to gather at the East Gate.

at the same time.

The blood sword master Zede, the thunder and lightning messenger Vagor, and the slayer, the master of the underworld.

The three seven-star ghost kings appeared outside the east city of Hell City at the same time.

With the most powerful dark aura of the ghost clan, it is approaching the city!


Boom boom boom!

Countless sword lights and lightning are constantly blooming around, and wherever the three ghost kings go, all nearby players are bombarded and killed 100 meters away!

Totally, there is no chance to even get close to the three ghost kings!

Extraordinarily powerful, all players inside and outside the East City are afraid of these three ghost kings!

This unprecedented strong sense of oppression made Qiyue Liuhuo, Yiqi Juechen and the others who came to Dongcheng to support them all felt terrified!

Seeing outside the city, all the players who tried to get close to the past were attacked by the thunder and lightning messenger Wagor using long-range spells, and they were effortlessly bombarded at a distance of tens of meters.

Here, the front-line masters of the major cities gathered at the east gate, and they all stared blankly.

"Yeah, that Seven-Star Ghost King is amazing!"

"Three seven-star ghost kings on the same stage, this strength is too fierce!"

"How do you fight this?"

"Fight the wheels and consume them!"

Having said that, the players began to attack in batches!

But they underestimated the strength of the three conjoined ghost kings.

Even the concentrated fire attacks from the first-level master players in the first-level main cities from all walks of life are ineffective against them.

And the so-called "wheel war" doesn't work for them either.

Because ghosts are never tired!

Seeing that the wheel battle doesn't work for the Seven Star Ghost King.

And the three ghost kings are getting closer and closer to the east gate, and they are about to attack the city gate.

Knowing that he couldn't do a one-on-three Xingtian, he could only bite the bullet!


Accompanied by a dragon chirping.

Xing Tian rode the first-order dragon king, leaped over the head of the crowd outside the east gate, and took the three ghost kings in front of him.

And this time, Xing Tian was no longer alone.

Qiyue Liuhuo, Yiye Guzhou, Yiqi Juechen, and Sword Saint, all of them cooperated with Xingtian and rushed to kill them.

Xingtian is the main, and they are supplemented.

All together, launch an all-out attack on the three ghost kings!


Xingtian descended from the sky and sat in front of the three major ghost kings, releasing the domain skill Hell Judgment.

The three ghost kings are shrouded in

In the field, get the effect of hell judgment, and all attributes are reduced by 50%!

At this time, the fire in July was flowing, and Yiqi Juechen rushed into the realm one after another.

Under the protection mode opened by Xingtian, they were not subject to the trial effect, so they could go all out to attack the three ghost kings!

However, even though the combat power has been reduced by half, the strength of the three ghost kings is still not to be underestimated.

The thunder and lightning messenger Wagor controls the thunder and lightning, constantly launching spell attacks, covering the entire field!

Countless red lightning fell from the sky, bombarding everyone in the field in a disorderly manner.

The blood sword master Zede wielded a heavy sword, released a long-distance sword light, launched an all-round coverage attack, and cooperated with Wagor's chain lightning to severely wound the enemies in the field!

The slayer, the lord of the underworld, is in charge of harvesting.

Use the ice power of the Frost Warrior to freeze the field, and then cooperate with the space conversion of the field skills to activate the displacement again and again, and slash the players in the field with the long knife in your hand!

In a burst of screams one after another.

The top-level master city players who rushed into the Hell Judgment Realm were killed by the three major ghost kings without the ability to fight back!

At the same time, the situation outside the field is even less optimistic.

A large group of low-level ghost kings rode the fifth- or sixth-level ghost dragon kings, leaping in the air, constantly breathing ghost fire, and frantically burning the players on the ground.

At this moment, everyone felt despair.

Even Xingtian!

The strength of the three seven-star ghost kings joining forces has exceeded the imagination of all players!

"Zhang Yi, when are you coming back?"

"If you don't come back, the city of hell will be gone!"

At this moment, Zhang Yi has become the last hope in the eyes of all players to defeat this three-headed ghost king!

Just when everyone can't stand it anymore.


The deafening dragon roar descended from the sky!

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