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Chapter 1867 The dragon powerhouse, come!

The realm of heaven and earth, hidden within the dungeon heaven.

Zhang Yi, who was still brushing on Sky Island, suddenly felt an inexplicable uneasy feeling!

The sudden restlessness made him think of Han Yarou for the first time.

He immediately contacted Han Yarou through the Dragon Soul Ring: "Xiaoya, are you still in the Dragon Soul Hall?"

After a pause, Zhang Yi asked again, "How is your situation?"

However, the message was sent for a while without a response.

Zhang Yi began to feel anxious.

He wants to pass through the heaven as soon as possible and go back to the city of hell.

"Where the hell are you hiding?"

Just at this time, the surrounding sky island started data refresh again.

This time, when Zhang Yi calmed down and listened to the reply of the Dragon Soul Ring, he suddenly discovered a detail that he hadn't noticed a few times before!

That is: while the data in the heavenly realm is being refreshed, although Zhang Yi's eyes are pitch black, he can't see anything, and he can only hear the sound of the sky island shifting.

But in addition, Zhang Yi vaguely heard a different voice!

dong dong!

dong dong!

It seems to be the sound of some kind of biological heart beating!

"Wait." Zhang Yi calmed down and listened, and immediately confirmed, "Boss's heartbeat!"

It turns out that the layout in the heavens and the traces of the ultimate boss, the guardians of the heavens, are not without a trace.

During the data refresh process every hour, as long as you calm down, you can listen to the boss's voice, so as to identify the position!

Just because the boss's heartbeat was very subtle, Zhang Yi didn't hear the data refresh several times before.

And this time, because of listening to the news in the Dragon Soul Ring, Zhang Yi accidentally heard the boss's heartbeat!

Only when Zhang Yi discovered this feature, the data in the heavens had been updated, and the boss's heartbeat stopped abruptly.

It's just that time is too hasty.

Zhang Yi couldn't hear the final destination of the boss's heartbeat just now!

Only one hour later, the next data refresh!

"Give me another hour!" Thinking of the hell city that was going through hell, Zhang Yi said to himself: "You guys stick with it for another hour, the next time the data is refreshed, I will definitely be able to find the boss!"

So, before that, Zhang Yi was not idle either.

Or continue to brush the sky island and look for the boss.

What if you are lucky and find the boss?

Then you will be able to clear the heaven faster!

On the other side, the city of hell.

All the masters from the entire Star Country region gathered together, plus there was a seventh-order dragon king of the dark dragon family, and they couldn't beat the three ghost kings!

Except for the east gate.

The remaining South Gate, West Gate, and North Gate, under the strong attack of the ghost clan, gradually broke through the layers of defenses of the players.

The situation in Hell City is becoming more and more dangerous.

"Is it impossible?"

"Old Zhang! Where are you dead? If you don't come back, we will all ascend to heaven!"

Just when Huang Wuji and Juggernaut felt powerless and hopeless.

On Han Yarou's side, she received Zhang Yi's message through the Dragon Soul Ring.

Looking at the three almost unmatched ghost kings in front, and the army of ghost tribes pressing forward from outside the city.

Han Yarou replied resolutely, "Don't worry Zhang Yi, just do your thing."

"Here in Hell City, there is me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Liga, the Dragon King of Destruction, turned his head to Han Yarou and said, "Don't make a big cake, let's retreat. Hell City can't be defended anymore, so there's no need to put us in."

"The power in your body is not stable yet, and it will not be too late to come back to take revenge on them when you have completely evolved into the dark dragon camp one day!"

"But now, fighting them is a dead end!"

However, Han Yarou said to the Destruction Dragon King: "You can go, I can't go."

"No matter what, before Zhang Yi comes back, I must defend Hell City!"

"What are you going to do?" Riga asked.

Next, Han Yarou suddenly said something that made Li Jia puzzled: "Since I am a member of the dark dragon camp, of course, I will use the power of the dragon camp to guard."

The voice just fell.


Behind Han Yarou, a huge blood-red dragon shadow burst out!

The huge dragon shadow emitting red light instantly illuminates the darkness.

In all directions, countless players cast their gazes over involuntarily.

Seeing the huge dragon shadow behind Han Yarou, which symbolizes the identity of the dark dragon camp, everyone was stunned.

"She is actually a member of the dark dragon camp!"

"The wife of Yinuo Qingcheng, a member of the Bright Dragon Clan, is a member of the Dark Dragon Clan?!"

"I knew she must not be simple, but I never imagined that she would be a member of the dragon camp"

"Damn it! This is just too awesome!"

At this time, Li Jia was shocked, and quickly said to Han Yarou: "In your current situation, once you activate the power of the dragon camp, it is equivalent to committing suicide!"

"If you can't defend Hell City, you have to die." Han Yarou said: "It's better to fight them to the death, maybe there is still a chance!"

At this time, Han Yarou was only activating the power of the Dark Dragons, and her forehead was already sweating.

Han Yarou didn't think about how long she could last.

She has only one thought in her heart now, and that is to hold on to Hell City and wait for Zhang Yi to come back!

Having guarded Han Yarou for so long, Lijia is also aware of Han Yarou's stubbornness.

Except for Zhang Yi, Han Yarou would not listen to anyone.

He knew that no matter how much he persuaded, it would not change Han Yarou's mind.

Then he said: "Okay, then the king will accompany you to fight!"

Han Yarou said, "You can leave, there's no need to stay. I'm serious, just leave!"

Lijia said: "It is the duty of the dark dragons to guard the dark dragon camp. Besides, does this king look like the kind of dragon who is greedy for life and fear of death?"

Han Yarou smiled happily and said, "You are not."

"Come on then! A thousand years ago, this king slaughtered endless ghost kings. Today, a thousand years later, let you see and see how I destroyed the dragon king Liga!"


Accompanied by a deafening dragon cry, Liga, the Dragon King of Destruction, took off from the ground carrying Han Yarou, a member of the dark dragon camp.

The moment Han Yarou leaped over the heads of the three ghost kings, Han Yarou waved her staff and quickly cast spells.

next moment.

Whoa whoa whoa!

One after another, blood-red giant dragon shadow-shaped enchantments emerged from different positions in the air.

Strengthened by the dark dragon camp.

hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Accompanied by a sound of dragon roaring attack, countless black dragons rushed out of the barrier and bombarded the ghost soldiers and beasts on the land.

In several huge areas, hundreds of ghost soldiers and beasts were swallowed up by giant dragons.

A large piece of continuous damage as high as 3-4 trillion jumps wildly from the heads of those ghost soldiers and beasts!

In an instant, in a large area of ​​the land, all the ghost soldiers and beasts were all slaughtered, and no grass grew!

Even the three major ghost kings were shocked by the powerful force of the dark dragon camp that erupted from Han Yarou's body!

On the other hand, the rest of the players on the land were dumbfounded.

At this moment, in the air, there was another dragon roar.

On the land, a group of players looked up and saw that there were two more bright dragon knights flying over the giant dragon!

lv255 Bright Dragon Race: God-level Dragon Warrior Jon!

lv255 Bright Dragon Clan: Grandmaster-level Dragon Soul Master Viyana!

Under the seats of the two, are the sixth-order abyss dragon Wangyuan of the Guangming Dragon family, and the fifth-order ice and snow dragon king Qianya!

The players in Hell City haven't had time to cheer up.


The deafening dragon roar resounded through the sky!

Endless darkness engulfs the earth.

In the air, lightning flashes and thunders.


A huge dark barrier ripped apart the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a dark dragon knight in black dragon armor leaped out of the barrier, driving a dark dragon big enough to cover the sky!

The golden id that appeared on the heads of the dragon knight and the dragon shocked all the players in the audience——

lv255 Dark Dragon Faction: Day Knight Night King!

lv255 Dark Dragon Race Level 7: Daytime Dragon King Eternal Night!


Under the dragon's roar, the earth shook.

A daytime knight in a dragon armor, holding a spear, driving the daytime dragon king, flying straight down!

"The grievances from a thousand years ago should end!"

"Ghost race, die!"

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