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Chapter 1874 The Fall of Hell City

When Zhang Yi withdrew from the realm of heaven and earth, he found that the world outside the realm had undergone earth-shaking changes!

In all directions, within the range of sight, endless darkness devours the earth!

Even Zhang Yi has never seen such a scene!

A ghost king who can have such a huge influence is indeed a super seven-star ghost king!

"It didn't take long for Hell City to be suffocated by you."

Recalling the figure of the Lord of the Underworld in his mind, Zhang Yi murmured, "You are too skinny."

Zhang Yi couldn't wait to see what the ghost king he had cultivated was like now.

So, riding the sixth-order fire dragon king Babu, across the darkness, leaped towards the direction of hell city

At the same time, here in Hell City.

The night king, the knight of the day, is fighting fiercely with the lord of the underworld!

In terms of the current strength of the Lord of the Underworld, looking at the audience, the only one who can match it is the day knight.

The rest of the people are like ants in the eyes of the Lord of the Underworld.

Even the god-level dragon warrior Jon, and the grandmaster-level dragon soul master Viyana.

Under everyone's attention, the duel between the Lord of the Underworld and the Knights of the Day is like a battle between gods and demons!

The world is shaken by it!

Boom boom boom!

In the air, the Lord of the Underworld and the day knight collided back and forth, accompanied by a loud noise, endless lightning and streamers, constantly overflowing in the air, illuminating the entire earth!

All players are secretly cheering for the day knights, but in the end, the Lord of the Underworld is better!

The strength of the super seven-star ghost king is beyond imagination!

After dozens of rounds in a row, the day knight was defeated.


Between the electric light and flint, the day knight and the day dragon king, who were penetrated by countless red lightning, fell from the sky to the ground at high speed at the same time!

At the same time, the Lord of the Underworld floating in the air is still at least 70% of the time!

After defeating the day knights, the Lord of the Underworld became even more ecstatic: "The dignified dark dragon campers are just like that!"

"The end of hell city is here!"

Saying that, the Lord of the Underworld raised the long sword in his hand and pointed in the direction of Hell City.

The next moment, in all directions, countless ghost soldiers and ghost generals will follow orders and launch a siege towards Hell City!

Even if there is no military power, the Lord of the Underworld abruptly uses his super seven-star ghost king's powerful strength to replace the military power.

Right now, there is not a single ghost who is unwilling to obey the Lord of the Underworld!

At the same time that the ghost army launched an attack on the city of hell.

The Lord of the Underworld also drove the Nine Heavens Ghost Phoenix and flew towards Hell City in person.

Because Hell City has the protection of energy shield, ordinary ghost soldiers will not be able to break this layer of protection.

He has to go out on his own!

Near the top of Hell City.

The Lord of the Underworld charges the long sword.


With a loud noise, countless lightnings mixed with long knives fell on the energy shield around Hell City.

For a moment, the energy shield shattered directly!

Countless NPCs and players in the city fell into panic.

"Break the energy shield of the first-level main city with one knife? It's fake!"

"It's over! Its goal must be the main city energy spar, hurry up to protect the spar, don't let it destroy the energy spar, otherwise our hell city will be completely finished!"

Under the command of the NPC lord of Hell City, a large group of NPC soldiers moved closer to the center of the city.

After receiving the news, the rest of the players also moved closer to the city to protect the energy spar as their main task!

After easily breaking the energy shield of Hell City, the Lord of the Underworld really came close to the main city energy spar located in the center of the city!

After all, he used to be a player in Hell City, so the Lord of the Underworld knew exactly where the spar in the main city was about the situation in Hell City!

At this time, a large group of players were stationed around the spar.


The sound of dragon chirping came.

Han Yarou also arrived at the spar position under the load of Destroying Dragon King Liga.

At this moment, the giant dragon landed, and Han Yarou stepped down from the dragon's back.

He reached out and stroked Liga lightly, and said to him, "Thank you for your company and protection during this time, and thank you for helping me so much."

At this time, Li Jia responded to Han Ya Judo: "I advise you again, let alone you, even if the self-righteous bright dragon camper comes back, he may not be the opponent of this super seven-star ghost king."

"You saw it just now, even our dark dragon clan seventh-order campers have been defeated."

"Hell City can't be held anymore, it's still too late to leave now."

Han Yarou showed a firm smile and said, "No, I believe that as long as Zhang Yi comes back, he will be able to lead the hell city and defeat the ghost clan."

"I'll be here waiting for Zhang Yi to return."

"Finally, thank you for sending me here." Han Yarou looked up at Li Jia and said, "Let's go and leave me alone."

"Although this king is not afraid of life and death, he will not make unnecessary sacrifices." Liga said: "This king will not fight a battle that has no chance of winning."

"If you have to be so persistent, this king can only give up on you."

Han Yarou didn't speak, just nodded.

The next moment, Riga, the Dragon King of Destruction, really fanned his wings and leaped up.

away into the sky

If it is the capital of the dark dragon clan, Riga will definitely fight to the death.

But he sacrificed himself for a human city.

Really not worth it.

He naturally hoped that Han Yarou would go with him, but Han Yarou was unwilling and he had no choice.

At this time, countless players gathered around the energy spar of the main city of Hell City.

He looked up at the Lord of the Underworld who was approaching while slaughtering the giant dragon summoned by the day knight in the sky.

Ruochen, who was rushing to the spar, looked at the spar that was emitting silver light, and thought in his heart: "No matter what, you must guard the spar, otherwise once the spar is destroyed, hell will be destroyed. The city is gone!"

The fellow swordsman clenched his sword tightly, his palms full of cold sweat: "You can hurry up, old Zhang! This time I really can't hold it!"

In the sound of words, the Lord of the Underworld was already approaching.

At this moment, next to the spar, the captain of a certain family in Hell City shouted, "Brothers, keep it!"

Not finished yet.

Boom boom boom!

Countless lightning fell from the sky, covering the entire spar.

In an instant, hundreds of high-level players in Hell City stationed around the spar were all killed!

And when the Lord of the Underworld raised his hand, he also directly killed 9% of the energy of the spar!

Once the energy of the spar is emptied, the hell city will turn into a dead city.

At this moment, the Lord of the Underworld rode the Nine Heavens Ghost Phoenix and leaped over the heads of Sword Saint Ruochen and the others, and had already reached the spar position one step ahead.

Seeing this scene, Ruochen and the others suddenly sank: "It's over."


The Lord of the Underworld sits next to the spar.

Looking around, everyone was killed, but there was one more person, waiting in front of the spar!

That person is Han Yarou!

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