When the domain skills are activated, there will be unique special effects.

Maybe it was just for a moment, but it was enough to make it clear: what Zhang Yi used just now was not an ordinary skill such as Blink, but the domain skill used by the Lord of the Underworld before: Space Transformation!

At this moment, everyone on the field was shocked!

"What's the situation?" Juggernaut said incredulously: "How did the domain skills of the Lord of the Underworld come to you?"

"What kind of domain skills did you get in the field of heaven and earth?" Everyone's curiosity became heavier and heavier.

Zhang Yi didn't go around in circles anymore, and showed the details of the domain skills he controlled in front of everyone——

God's Domain (Domain Skill):

Owner: Yinuo Qingcheng

Description: After releasing God's Domain, all hostile targets within the range of God's Domain cannot use domain skills. Killing an enemy in the realm of the gods will have a 10% chance to plunder the domain skills possessed by the enemy (provided the opponent holds the domain skills).

Remarks: There is no upper limit on the number of domain skills plundered through the domain of God, which can be plundered indefinitely.

Currently plundered domain skills: space conversion (release the space domain, infinite displacement can be performed within the domain range, and each displacement will consume a certain amount of physical energy).

"Damn it! Perverted!" Seeing the effect of the domain skills shared by Zhang Yi, everyone around was amazed!

"Actually immune to all enemy domains!"

The swordsman said: "You can also plunder the enemy's domain skills indefinitely. This is too outrageous!"

Taking over the words of the Juggernaut, Huang Wuji said: "Indeed. Otherwise, according to the settings of Apocalypse World, each player can only have one domain skill at most."

"And Zhang Yi's skill can plunder other domain skills indefinitely."

For Zhang Yi.

In the future, if you fancy someone's domain skills, grab it directly!

Although there are currently only a handful of players who have access to domain skills, throughout the entire Apocalypse world.

But slowly to the late stage, not to mention one in ten thousand.

Among a million people, a person with domain skills can still be born.

Because the way to acquire domain skills is not the only way to conquer the super god domain.

Other ways to get it will be unlocked later.

It is conceivable: when the national war begins, the top players from various countries will gather together and compete with each other.

The top powerhouses from major countries will definitely have domain skills.

At that time, Zhang Yi's realm of the gods will have infinite possibilities!

If nothing else, as long as you get close to Zhang Yi, anyone's domain skills will be directly invalid!

This alone is incomprehensible.

In addition, to see who is unhappy, devour the opponent's domain for their own use.

This is the strongest domain skill in the Star Country!

Around, there was a sudden sound of everyone gasping for breath.

At this time, Ruochen couldn't help but sighed: "I finally understand why the Lord of the Underworld has been using domain skills just now!"

"It's not that I don't need it, it's that I can't use it anymore!"

I don't know why, but Xing Tian, ​​who was the only one in the crowd with domain skills, suddenly felt the tiger's body shake.

At this time, Zhang Yi's bigger thoughts were on the Lord of the Underworld.

Originally thought: The value of the seven-star ghost king, the master of the underworld, is high enough.

I didn't expect to evolve into a super seven-star ghost king. This time, his value has increased tenfold compared to the previous one!

After all, this is the first boss that Zhang Yi has encountered so far with a Symphony ID!

Zhang Yi began to count the spoils.

In addition to killing the lord of the underworld before, the 2400 trillion experience points gained made Zhang Yi's level rise to 252.

Next to the corpse of the Lord of the Underworld, Zhang Yi picked up the things he dropped one by one.

The system's sweet reminder also kept ringing in Zhang Yi's ears:

"Ding~ You picked up the Frost Armor (level 255, 200-star super artifact/Frost suit series parts)!"

"Ding~ You picked up the equipment Killing: Judgment (level 255, 200-star super artifact/killer suit series parts)!"

"Ding~ You picked up the God of War's Heart (level 255, 255-star super artifact/treasure)!"

"Ding~ You picked up the golden skill book Frost Storm!"

"Ding~ You picked up 321.5 billion gold coins (a hundred times the bonus of money talent)!"

"Ding~ You picked up the original god-level magic scroll Slaughter King!"


There are so many things that the Lord of the Underworld exploded!

The system beeps are ringing!

And each of these things is the best of the best!

Zhang Yi picked up these things and picked them up with a soft hand!

Naturally, the heart is also very exciting.

He thought that the value of the super seven-star ghost king must be much higher than that of the ordinary seven-star ghost king, but he did not expect it to be so high!

It is really worth a super seven-star ghost king, and it is not an exaggeration to reach ten times that of an ordinary seven-star ghost king!

After picking up everything, Zhang Yi combed it.

There are a total of four pieces of equipment, all of which are 255-level 200-star super artifact suit series!

It contains two different sets of sets, namely the Frost set

With the killing suit, it just corresponds to the two abilities and characteristics of the Lord of the Underworld: the Frost God of War and the King of Slaughter.

It's just a part, but it doesn't matter.

As long as this part is used to unlock the Frost Suit Illustration in the Prestige Mall, or the Killing Suit Illustration, players can exchange other parts according to the prestige.

And Zhang Yi, who just killed the Lord of the Underworld and made the most important contribution, gained a full 12 million ordinary reputation from it!

As far as this reputation is concerned, it is no problem to change three or four sets of icy suits or killing suits casually!

When thinking of this, Zhang Yi already thought: just use these two suits to strengthen the three little ones!

Recently, San Xiaozhi has been picking up garbage behind Zhang Yi, and it's time for them to regain their brilliance!

Frost suits are mainly defensive and can be used by dragon blood knights.

Killing suits are output for Soul Reaper and Undead Crossbowmen.


So, Zhang Yi used the Frost suit parts and the Killing suit parts to unlock the illustrations in the Prestige Mall, and then threw a few pieces of equipment to the nearest Juggernaut.

Juggernaut took a look at the equipment, and his eyes suddenly glowed with golden light: "Damn it! 200-star super artifact!!"

"I knew you were the best for me, Lao Zhang! Don't say I love you!"

Zhang Yi glanced at the Juggernaut and said, "Unlock the illustrated book, and pass it on after you finish it."

The smile on Juggernaut's face gradually disappeared: "Well, I am self-indulgent!"

Good things to share.

If Juggernaut, Huang Wuji, and Ruochen are all allowed to unlock the illustrated book, then they can rely on their own efforts to accumulate prestige, and then exchange them for the suits they want in the prestige mall!

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