The formation of the first-level main city is closed every three months.

However, every time the formation is closed, players cannot directly teleport to the main city they want to go through the teleportation formation.

Instead, you have to walk there!

Except for Zhang Yi and the others.

The underworld will also follow Zhang Yi and go to Dawn City together!

Although recently, the total number of bright dragons cultivated by Zhang Yilong Wang Ling has reached 8,000.

And Han Yarou's Dragon King Order has also cultivated 3,000 dark dragons.

Adding the two together is only 11,000.

And the entire army of the underworld has a total of nearly four million troops!

Certainly not everyone can ride a dragon over there.

Most people still go on foot.

The speed of riding a dragon is indeed much faster.

Zhang Yi and the first batch of elite members of the underworld passed through the formation between Hell City and Dawn City and arrived in Dawn City in only half a day!

At this time, the 300,000-strong army of the Dragon Clan was already waiting outside Dawn City.


In the deafening dragon roar.

Inside and outside Dawn City, countless players looked up and saw countless giant dragons leaping from the sky!

This aura is simply stunning!

"Is this Yinuo Qingcheng coming back?"

"Yes, other than him, who else has this momentum?"

Just waiting for Zhang Yi and Han Yarou to arrive first on the minibus and sit outside the east gate of Dawn City.

The army of 300,000 dragons stationed at the east gate of Dawn City shouted in unison—

"Welcome to the Dragon King!"

Whoa whoa whoa!

Tens of thousands of light and dark dragons, carrying players from the underworld, descended from the sky.

The players of the dragon clan played the friendship of the landlords and went to greet the members of the underworld.

Because they, although still under the banner of the underworld, have long since become a force of the dragon race!

They followed Zhang Yi to Dawn City this time, enough to see their determination to take refuge in the Dragon Clan and obey Zhang Yi.

At present, most of the people who have arrived on the dragon are officials or core members of the various teams in the underworld.

They also felt the enthusiasm of the dragon people for the first time!

And at this time, one cavalry Juechen, the dragon travels the world, the dragon clan does not destroy them, and they come to greet them one after another!

Zhang Yi just jumped off the dragon's back and was still supporting Han Yarou, who had a big belly.

The scavengers suddenly passed by and rushed towards Xiao Qiang, who was at the peak of the emperor and who couldn't be beaten to death: "Long time no see! Brothers, I miss you all!"

Unexpectedly, the peak Huang Shao, Xiao Qiang and the others bypassed the scavengers and walked towards Zhang Yi.

In the back, the scavenger who had no one to resist fell to the ground with a "snap", throwing a dog and eating shit.

"Boss, you are finally back!"

Everyone gathered around Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi also smiled and said, "Well, I'm back!"

That night, Yiqi Juechen and Yiye Guzhou held a banquet in the city to wash the dust for Zhang Yi and Xingtian, and at the same time, they began to discuss the next plan.

"We have found three more suitable venues around Dawn City. You can take a look tomorrow and decide where to go."

Yiqi Juechen reported some of the situation here to Zhang Yi: "In addition, a lot of wood and stone materials for the early stage have been prepared, plus the energy system materials in your hand, there should be nothing else lacking. "

"Well." Zhang Yi nodded and said: "These things are enough, not enough, just have money."

Just have money!

This is quite true!

At this time, the Dragon Clan Immortal said: "By the way, boss, during the time when you were not in Dawn City, the Dragon Clan Commercial Bank has been operating normally. In addition, we have also expanded three branches!"

"It occupies four prosperous areas in four different locations in the south, east, and northwest of Dawn City. At present, the four stores together, the daily profit is about 3 billion gold coins! The dragon business accounts for 1 billion, and the other three stores add up to 2 billion."

Hearing this, Zhang Yi immediately became a "good guy"!

"You didn't tell me about opening a branch?"

Long Xingtian said, "I don't think there is anything to disturb the boss about this trivial matter. You can just collect the money directly!"

3 billion a day.

It's almost 100 billion a month!

Don't look at the fact that the Lord of the Underworld brought Zhang Yi more than 300 billion gold coins.

However, the master of the super seven-star ghost king of the underworld is currently only one in the world.

Zhang Yi thinks about a wave of such income again, but he can't find his goal.

But the profit of this store is never worrying!

However, Zhang Yi was a little worried: "But there are so many stores, I'm afraid I won't have so much energy to take care of them at that time."

As soon as she finished speaking, Han Yarou, who was sitting beside Zhang Yi, suddenly tugged at the corner of Zhang Yi's clothes and whispered, "I'll take care of it!"

"That's right!" The Dragon Clan Immortal said, "Let my sister-in-law take care of the store! She will be the proprietress!"

"Anyway, she has a big belly now, and it is inconvenient for her to participate in some of our usual actions outside the city."

"It's better, just let her go to the store!"

Zhang Yi looked at Han Yarou and fell into contemplation: "You won't let me go bankrupt in time, will you?"

"?" Han Yarou: "What did you say?"

"Ah, I said you need a lot of rest. How can you go to the store so hard?"

"It's alright!" Han Yarou said happily, "Zhang Yi, starting from tomorrow, you can do your business, and leave the shop to me!"

"I will definitely make our store business prosperous!"

"Well, I believe you."

Zhang Yi said this on the surface, but he was already thinking in his heart: Forget it, if you kill it, let it go, there are still three more!

So, on the next day, Han Yarou went to the Dragon Clan Firm with a big belly.

And Zhang Yi is officially starting to create his own territory!

According to Zhang Yi's knowledge.

Creating a main city is not easy. In addition to requiring a lot of various materials, during the construction process, it is also necessary to pass territory assessments and territory challenges again and again!

There is no need to worry about material problems.

The initial creation of the player should be a village.

And then to the town, city, and finally to the city!

The higher the level of the territory, the larger the scope can be expanded, the higher the level of the buildings in it, and the more people it can accommodate.

And this series of upgrades revolves around prosperity!

The higher the prosperity of the territory, the higher the level.

Therefore, the first step Zhang Yi is about to do is to create a village!

Of course, before that, there is one more important thing: regain the territory!

Early in the morning, Zhang Yi, led by Yiqi Juechen, went to check the three places they had chosen.

Some are backed by mountains, some are accompanied by water.

I have to say that the places that Yiqi Juechen and the others looked for are pretty good.

However, they are all far from Zhang Yi's ideal, and they are a little less meaningful!

It seems that he saw Zhang Yi's inner thoughts.

After reading these three places, Yiqi Juechen said thoughtfully: "What's the matter, are you not satisfied?"

"Well," Zhang Yi said, "it always feels like it's almost meaningless."

Yiqi Juechen was silent for a while, and seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and then continued: "If this is the case, there is actually another place, and you should be very satisfied."

"It's just that the place is a bit tricky."

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