Zhang Yi's words made people feel suspicious.

"Could it be that you have a way to break into other people's base city and kill them?" Huang Wuji asked.

Before Zhang Yi could speak, Lu Bu of the Warring States Period thought deeply, "Could it be that you entered the territory of the Kingdom of Heaven by temporarily changing your nationality like last time, as the three war gods of the Dragon Clan did?"

Xing Tian said: "Although this method can enter the base city of the Kingdom of Heaven and the territory of the country, it does not cause any harm, and it is useless to go there."

"No." Zhang Yi said, "Another way."

"What way?" Everyone looked at Zhang Yi and asked in unison.

Zhang Yi asked back: "Don't you all read the national war strategy?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Ah... is this written in the guide??"

As they said that, everyone went to read the national war strategy released by the system at the beginning.

Zhang Yi, on the other hand, opened a system interface and performed some operations.

next moment.

A status bar suddenly popped up in front of all Star Country contestants, as well as non-participating players, and the same prompt message appeared on everyone's status bar——

"Ding~ Please note: The captain of the King of Glory team [Dragon Clan] in your country [Yinuo Qingcheng] will represent the Star Kingdom and announce the [Declaration of War] to the [Heaven Kingdom]. As a member of the Star Kingdom, you will get 1 chance to vote! Please! Choose [Agree] or [Disagree]!"

"If you haven't voted within 30 minutes, the system will default you to abstain! The final result of the declaration of war will be determined according to the proportion of votes!"

Regardless of the battlefield of the national war, or the territory of the star country.

The 1.3 billion star country players across the country were all at a loss when faced with the sudden system voting announcement.

"Declaration of war? What's that?"

Sure enough, most players didn't read the national war rules carefully.

Because the content published by the National War Rules is too extensive and detailed, the total number of words in all the content is more than the number of words in a certain online game novel [Gain God-level talent at the beginning]!

Don't say a day.

You may not be able to finish watching it for a week!

People who don't have that much patience really can't read them all, they basically just glance at them casually.

For example, if you cancel your nationality, you can enter the enemy's territory, but the fact that you lose your ability to harm during the period is actually recorded in detail in the national war code.

After receiving this prompt, the players searched for the keyword in the national war rules: declare war.

Sure enough, I found this thing on page 2325 and article 32586 of the National War Code!

Declare war: During the domain competition, the captains of [Glory King Team] and [Peerless King Team] from each country will have a chance to declare war once.

To declare war on a designated country, all players in the country where the publisher is located will vote unanimously. When the final [Agree] votes are higher than 50%, the designated country will be formally declared war!

If the number of [Agree] votes is less than 50%, the declaration of war will be cancelled, and the number of [Declaration of War] of the person who declared the war will not be deducted.

The reason why players across the country are involved in voting is because once the [Declaration of War] is successful, all participating players in the country that declared the war will be "sanctioned" by the system.

If Xingguo declares war on Heaven successfully, all players participating in the domain competition in Xingguo will be sanctioned by reducing the three attributes of damage, defense, and injury-free by 20%!

The person who declares war will be sanctioned by reducing all attributes by 50%!

Such a huge weakening is very likely to bring a relatively large loss of territory and points to the star country, and the risk is too high, so it has to be decided by the national players.

Secondly, the declared war party needs to vote unanimously whether to accept the declaration of war.

And once the declaration of war is successful, all participating players in the star country will be eligible to enter the base city of the kingdom of heaven, and even the realm of the kingdom of heaven!

Moreover, during this period, the security protection mechanism of the base city of the kingdom of heaven and the main city of the country will be ignored!

You can kill players from the Kingdom of Heaven in the base city of the Kingdom of Heaven!

However, once a star country contestant enters the territory of heaven, the effect of the sanctions will be doubled!

In the base city of the Kingdom of Heaven, or within the territory of the Kingdom of Heaven, the damage, defense and damage immunity of Star Country players will be reduced by 40%, and all attributes of war declarers will be reduced by 90%, and the damage immunity will be reduced by 90%!

After understanding the rules of [Declaration of War], the players in Star Country were surprised.

"Although the people of Heaven are hiding in the base city and dare not come out, declaring war is the best way to deal with them, but this is too risky, isn't it?"

"Yes! The damage defense of all participating members has been weakened by 40%, which is too harsh! Even if they enter the base city of the kingdom of heaven, they are going to die! Can this person beat the kingdom of heaven?"

"The others are 40%, but I, Yi Nuo, will be sanctioned by 90% of the weakening. How can I use it to fight Alpha?"

Just when the players were hesitating whether to [agree] or [oppose] the declaration of war, Zhang Yi posted a message on Guoyu channel: "Please vote for the declaration of war. I will bear all the responsibilities and consequences for this declaration of war, and I will give everyone A satisfactory result."

The voice just fell.

Yiqi Juechen said: "Zhang Yi has never done anything he is not sure about, and I agree."

With that said, Yiqi Juechen immediately chose [Agree] in the voting column in front of him.

"I also believe in hanging posters! Physical cheating is the deadliest!" Juggernaut also voted in agreement without hesitation.

"Since the gang of grandsons in the kingdom of heaven dare not come out, then we will go directly to their territory!!" Warring States Lu Bu voted in agreement.

top ten teams

People voted for it.

In view of Zhang Yi's strength and majesty here, those Star Country players who did not participate in the battle domain competition in the Star Country also chose to trust Zhang Yi and voted for it!

"I agree!"

"I agree too! Down with Celestial Imperialism! Overthrow Alpha!"

"I believe in Nuo Shen, even if he is sanctioned by 90% weakening, he can still beat Alpha!"

Everyone began to vote.

Except that the majority chose to believe in Zhang Yi and voted for it.

There are also a small number of people who are worried about the safety and situation of the fighters participating in the hegemony competition, and choose to oppose it.

Ten minutes later, the voting results were announced.

According to the collective votes of the 1.3 billion players in the Star Country, 82.3% of the votes agreed to declare war on Heaven, 11.8% of the votes against it, and 5.9% of the abstentions!

The system prompts: "Ding~According to the final voting results of the whole country, you will declare war on the Kingdom of Heaven on behalf of Xingguo. Do you want to announce it immediately?"

Whenever Zhang Yi hesitates for a second, he is ashamed of the 82.3% of the people in the country who believe in him: "declare war."

At this moment, the players of Kingdom of Heaven are still on the World Channel, brazenly mocking Star Kingdom:

"Yinuo Qingcheng, aren't you good at fighting? Come and beat me at my base in the kingdom of heaven!"

"Haha! He didn't plant it! The people in Xingguo didn't plant it!"

"Still brazenly saying that my kingdom of heaven will be destroyed within seven days? I beg you to come and destroy me! Garbage!"

Just when the players of the Kingdom of Heaven were relying on the safety of the base city and the army of the Star Kingdom could not attack, they were talking wildly.

Suddenly, a status bar popped up at the same time in front of all players in Heaven——

"Ding~ Please note: [Star Country] Glory King Team [Dragon Clan] Captain [Yinuo Qingcheng] declared war on the [Heaven Kingdom] where you are located on behalf of Star Country. As a member of [Heaven Kingdom], you have a chance to vote. Please choose [Accept] or [Reject] declare war!"

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