Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 2087 Alpha, does your face hurt?

Ho Ho Ho Ho!

Countless fire dragons are flying all over the sky.

In the floating sky, there are huge golden dragon shadows everywhere, and the sky above the entire Heavenly Kingdom base city is printed in gold!

And on the land, there are huge dragon marks all over!

Zhang Yi rode the seventh-rank Hellfire Dragon King, leaping over the heavenly base city in an invincible posture, crushing the heavenly army!

No one can stop Zhang Yi.

Wherever Zhang Yi went, white light overflowed, and the ground was barren of grass!

The players in the kingdom of heaven were beaten one after another, doubting their lives:

"This guy... what's going on? Isn't he weakened by 90% of his combat power by the declaration of war buff? Why does it feel like he's stronger now than before?!"

"His damage has not been reduced at all, and what kind of shield is on him? It can't be hit at all!"

"He must have used a magic scroll to repair the weakening effect caused by the declaration of war buff!"

"Magic scroll? What level of magic scroll can have such a strong buff?"

"Could it be a god-level magic scroll?"

"Idiot! Have you never eaten pork or seen a pig running? Can a god-level magic scroll have such power? This must be super god-level!"

"Fa Ke! Yinuo Qingcheng is coming this way! Run! Run separately!!"


Amidst a burst of screams like killing a pig, players from the Kingdom of Heaven in a large area were swallowed by the fire dragon and disappeared into the white light that soared into the sky.

the other side.

After Zhang Yi used the original god-level magic scroll [King of Slaughter], the army of Xingguo also took advantage of the situation.

Originally, they were crushed by the heavenly army because their damage was reduced by 40%, and they couldn't even enter the gate of the heavenly base city.

After obtaining the powerful buff effect of the King of Slaughter, the entire army of the Star Kingdom has been strengthened to the limit!

The Slaughter King gives the user the greatest bonus, but because Zhang Yi is the one who declares war, he is also weakened the most.

So in the end, the tenfold damage increase of the King of Slaughter can only be used to repair the loss of the weakened buff and bring Zhang Yi's damage back on track.

But for the rest of them, the triple damage increase of the Slaughter King increased their damage from the original 60% to 180%!

The damage rate of 1.8 times is almost equal to two!

Kingdom of Heaven and Kingdom of Stars, the strength of the players on both sides was originally evenly matched.

But now with the enhancement of the King of Slaughter, the players from the Star Country will directly start crushing the Heaven Kingdom!

1.8 times the damage, making the players in the star country, one by one, as if they were stimulant, to start a frenzied killing against the enemies of the heaven!

After the heavenly garrison inside and outside the gate of the base city was eliminated.

Players from Star Hall, Warring States, and Jiange poured into the base city of heaven along the gate of the base city.

Even the top ten teams of Xingguo, the Super God team, which is known as making up the numbers, stood up!

And the super god mechanic finally realized "quack random killing" for the first time in history, instead of just "quack"!

1.8 times the damage rate, let the super god mechanic who is an archer directly shoot a child in the kingdom of heaven with one arrow.

Not to mention how intense this pleasure is!

The army of the kingdom of heaven is completely unable to withstand the attack of the army of the star kingdom.

In the huge base city, white lights came and went one after another!

Three-quarters of those who died in battle belonged to the Kingdom of Heaven.

The ratio of casualties between Star Kingdom and Heaven Kingdom is 1:3!

Beaten like this in my own home.

For the Kingdom of Heaven players, this is simply a great shame and humiliation!

And the mocking remarks they posted on the World Channel before that the star country has no seeds and dare not come to the base city to kill them, at this moment, the players of the star country also used their actions to slap them in the face!

This time, Kingdom of Heaven has completely become the ridicule of players all over the world.

"Wow! The kingdom of heaven is too miserable! Was beaten like this in your own base city?"

"Is this really the second most powerful country in the Tianqi world? Why is it as weak as a chicken?"

"Please, the Star Kingdom is too strong, okay! The Star Kingdom declared war and entered the realm of the Heavenly Kingdom, but all of them suffered 40% damage and weakened sanctions! In this case, they can beat the Heavenly Kingdom... strong! Too strong Already!"

"Xingguo is truly the most powerful country in the Apocalypse! I, Mundala Nation, express my admiration!"

"Indeed, if the Star Country is number one, I, Bill Country, have no objection either!"

"Since you have nothing against Mundala and Bill, then I have nothing against India and Africa!"

"The star country is worthy of the name! The second place in the kingdom of heaven is bullshit! The level of the kingdom of heaven is almost the same as the penultimate second!"

"Hahaha! Go look at Alpha's perspective, he's about to explode! Yesterday he was taunting Xingguo on the World Channel, but he was stepped on in the face today! Alpha, does your face hurt?"

At this moment, Alpha, who was commanding the army to defend against the enemy in the base city of the Kingdom of Heaven, saw the ridicule and sarcasm from various countries on the World Channel, and couldn't help but get angry.

But he was powerless to refute!

"I am Alpha I, with a great name, I never imagined that I would be suppressed by a small star country!"

I thought that Xingguo declared war on its own initiative, which would be an excellent opportunity to suppress Xingguo.

Alpha never dreamed that they, as the "declared war party", were actually killed by the "declared war party" in their base city.

"Blow it up!

And this war, just like the last time the Star Kingdom attacked the Netherworld territory of the Heaven Kingdom, was also broadcast live transnationally by the system.

Players from more than 200 countries around the world are all watching this war!

People all over the world are looking at them in the kingdom of heaven, being hanged and beaten by the kingdom of stars!

Thinking of this, Alpha became more and more annoyed.

Because it is in the base city of heaven.

After the Kingdom of Heaven players die, they will be resurrected at the resurrection spring in the base city.

The resurrected players continued to fight to defend their base city.

If even the base city is taken down by others, what face would the Kingdom of Heaven have to survive in the Apocalypse world?

So, they repeatedly died, resurrected, died, and resurrected.

One after another, some Heavenly Kingdom players have died too many times, and have lost all chances of resurrection!

In the state where there is no chance of resurrection, some Heavenly Kingdom players no longer dare to continue fighting.

It is not safe to stay in the base city.

So, they had no choice but to follow the teleportation array in the base city and temporarily flee back to their kingdom of heaven to avoid the battle!

The defenders in the base city of the kingdom of heaven dropped sharply.

From the 15 million army at the beginning, to now, in less than half an hour, there are only less than 10 million left!

Most of the people fled back to the kingdom of heaven!

Only Alpha and the three most powerful beings in the kingdom of heaven are still desperately resisting.

Looking at the heavenly players running into the teleportation array with their heads in their hands, Alpha said angrily: "Bastards! A group of incompetent people who are greedy for life and afraid of death! Come back to me!"

"Hold on! Everyone hold on to me, be sure to hold on to the base city!!"

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