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Chapter 748 Beastmaster, on the Qingming rain

After sharing the task.

Zhang Yi and Qingming Yushang left Purgatory City and rushed to the [Energy City] according to the map.

en route.

Zhang Yi, who rode the Tiger King and walked side by side on the Qingming Rain who rode a griffin, asked, "How did you trigger this mission?"

After all, so many players just received the energy hourglass from the city lord, but this Qingming Rain got a unique hidden task, which is very strange.

Qingming Yu said bluntly: "I have a level 10 intimacy with the [City Lord."

Man, full intimacy!

The answer on Qingmingyu directly relieved Zhang Yi's doubts.

The higher the intimacy level, the higher the chance of triggering hidden missions or special rare missions.

What's more, it's still full-level proficiency.

Qingming Yushang went on to say: "Before, in the third-level main city, I got an opportunity when I performed a task for the city owner, and I raised the intimacy level to full."

To get this reward, this is really not an ordinary opportunity!

Not long after, the two arrived at the [Energy Capital.

As a map with a level of 108, there are no players who dare to level up in the energy capital.

Standing outside this ruined city, looking around, I saw no player, only soldiers with lightsabers in their hands and metal armor with a blue crystal inlaid on their chests. Wander around aimlessly.

These soldiers are the overlords of the energy capital map: energy warriors!

The two stopped at the gate of the city and did not enter the city immediately.

Because the mission is marked: Once you step into the energy capital, the mission countdown starts immediately.

The original 50,000-difficulty [Extreme Energy Challenge Mission] required a single player to kill 400 energy warriors within three hours on Qingming Rain.

After Zhang Yi joined, the task difficulty was increased to 75000, and the goal was upgraded to: kill 1000 energy warriors within 3 hours!

"There is only one chance, and if it fails, the mission is gone forever."

As soon as the voice of the Qingming rain fell, Zhang Yi completed the calculation in 3 seconds and said, "You are sure, kill 200 energy warriors within 3 hours, and this task can be completed."

The Qingming rain was a boost, because Zhang Yi meant that he could kill 800 energy warriors within 3 hours!

And Zhang Yi can indeed do this, and this is his limit.

Before that, Zhang Yi had brushed the highest level monster, which happened to be level 108.

At that time, the fastest killing efficiency was 250-300 monsters per hour. After calculation, it could kill more than 800 monsters in three hours.

However, this is in the full state of Zhang Yi's Soul Eater stacking to 100 layers.

So as long as the Qingming rain can make up the remaining 20% ​​and complete this task, it will not be a problem.

But in Zhang Yi's view, he doesn't feel that Qingmingyu has such strength.

Because the strength of level 108 monsters is not trivial, plus, the occupation on Qingming Yu is a beastmaster with the lowest attribute growth.

To be able to reach level 103 so quickly on Qingming Yu, obviously he is the master of himself, and the level of monsters must be very low.

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell, Qingming Yu said, "I will try my best."

Before the mission started, Zhang Yi deliberately killed 100 low-level monsters in a nearby low-level map, and stacked [Soul Eater to 100 layers to gain 100% damage bonus.

At the same time, Zhang Yi collected 10 energy points.

The efficiency of an ordinary energy hourglass is that for every 10 monsters whose level is not lower than your own level, you can get 1 point of energy.

Later, the two entered the energy capital at the same time.

"Ding~ The mission begins, please join forces with the player [Qingming Yu Shang, kill 1000 energy warriors within 3 hours!"

The system prompts down.

Zhang Yi immediately summoned the level 103 dragon blood knight and the level 103 undead crossbowman.

At the same time, Qingming Yu, a level 103 four-turn beastmaster, also summoned two monsters.

An Assassin, a rare [Sirius Hunter.

A priest type, a rare [Flower Fairy.

What surprised Zhang Yi was that the two monsters on the Qingming Rain actually reached level 100!

When the god-level exploration technique was activated, Zhang Yi's inner doubts were answered.

It turns out that the talent on Qingming Rain is an epic level [speed upgrade: increase experience gain by 50%.

In addition to the 20% experience bonus that Demon Race players naturally have, it is equivalent to a 70% experience bonus effect on Qingming Rain!

Zhang Yi felt more and more that this Qingming rain was not easy.

Time is running out.

Without further ado, let's start the fight.

Level 108 energy warrior, the data is very powerful:

Attack 60000, defense 35000, HP 5.2 million.

Rare talent: +35% damage avoidance.

The Soul Eater is full, the sparks and prairie fires are turned on, and during the day, the state of the god of the sun is added.

Locking on an energy warrior in front of the line of sight, Zhang Yi, who was in full state, ordered the Dragon Blood Knight and the undead crossbowmen to combine themselves and launch an attack at the same time.

Boom boom boom!


The long-range attack of Zhang Yi and the undead crossbowmen arrived first and shot at the energy warrior.

On top of its head, bursts of super high damage exploded:

-373580! ignite!

-340250! Frozen!

-678004 Crit! dizziness!

-103580! Attack to steal!


Zhang Yi, who has a cumulative damage bonus of up to 230%, even if he slows down the energy warrior by 35% and avoids damage by 35%, he still has 195% left.

Although before this, I have seen Zhang Yi's strength in previous BOSS battles.

But it's not an exaggeration to be shocked ten times more.

Because Zhang Yi's damage is too high.

At this stage, a level 100 four-turn ordinary player can deal 60,000 to 70,000 damage under normal conditions, which is already the ultimate.

And Zhang Yi's monsters can easily deal hundreds of thousands of damage...

The damage of 300,000 to 400,000 yuan is even more explosive.

The attacked energy warrior, holding a lightsaber, charged towards Zhang Yi with the remaining three-quarters of his blood after being attacked by Zhang Yi's undead crossbowman.

At this time, the Dragon Blood Knight approached, stopped the energy warrior, and blocked the attack with a shield.

The Dragonblood Knight's defense of 30,000 can resist the attack of the Energy Warrior's 60,000, but there is no problem.

Combined with Longyu's recovery, the energy warrior's sword only brought 40,000 skill damage to the Dragonblood Knight.

Under the effect of 35% injury-free talent.

Compressed to 150,000 counter-injury, the energy warrior's health bar barely moved.

The next moment, the dragon blood knight's spear moved, and the blood-screaming blow left a high damage of 310,000 on the energy warrior.

The energy warrior launched a continuous slash, continuously repelling the dragon blood knight, and dealt more than 50,000 skill damage one by one.

A single recovery of 20,000 Dragon Healing cannot prevent the rapid decline of the blood bar of the Dragon Blood Knight.

Attack ten times in a row and get hit ten times.

Trigger the additional skills of the Dragon King equipment.

hoo hoo hoo!

Water, Fire and Wood, three level 103 battle dragons were summoned by the Dragon Blood Knight.

The water dragon defends, the fire dragon attacks, and the wood dragon heals.

With the help of the three-headed dragons, combined with two demon beasts, Zhang Yi alone, with the firepower of a team, ended the battle in just ten seconds and killed the energy warrior!

At this time, Qingming Yu went up there and started at the same time as Zhang Yi. He was cooperating with an energy warrior that the two monsters were dealing with, and he still had 80% of his blood!

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