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Chapter 766 God of War Cemetery, Mysterious NPC

According to the map, [God of War Cemetery is a place as high as level 108!

Even the players of the Sun and Moon Sect would not be able to come to such a high-level map to level up. In general, they would not be able to use such a high-level map as a place to ambush the demon family and the world.

You can choose a low-level jungle map that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, which is more suitable for dealing with these two players.

Therefore, Zhang Yiduan thought: In addition to dealing with the demon family and players from all over the world, the Sun and Moon Sect has another purpose, which should be directed at the God of War Cemetery.

There may be an opportunity hidden in this map.

Even if not, the level 108 map is worth exploring for Zhang Yi.

Soon, Zhang Yi and the minibus fell into the cemetery...

Purgatory City.

Resurrection Spring.

At the cost of losing a chance to resurrect, the sun, moon, and stars who were resurrected from the spring immediately checked other losses.

Although the whole pk mode was not turned on, many people were killed, but not all the killings were white names.

Accumulating 300 sin points, death should have dropped 3 additional levels, which is equivalent to dropping 4 levels.

In addition to killing white-name players, Purgatory City has the characteristics of halving the sin value obtained, and the death loss will also be halved.

Under this mechanism, the level of the sun, moon and stars dropped from level 103 to level 101.

When the 11-star weapon [Zhan Shenjian was exploded out], Riyuexingchen couldn't help being furious: "Bastard, I can't spare you!"

With that said, Riyuexingchen opened the friend list and sent a message to [Qingmingyu]: "Captain, the action failed and was destroyed by that human race beastmaster!"

"Yinuo Qingcheng?"

Qingmingyu replied to the message last time: "Where are you, tell me in person."

After a while, Riyue Xingchen and Qingming Yushang, together with several other core members of the Riyue Sect, met at a restaurant in the city.

On the table, the sun, moon, and stars said in anger:

"This guy has posed a huge threat to us. I think it is necessary for us to target him and solve him!"

in speech.

Team Elite, Level 103 Rank 4 Assassin [Sun Moon Sect, Ye Ying said: "But his strength is really too strong, and the thousand people can't help him!"

"Is this the strength of a normal player? This guy is a devil!"

Having said this, several people at the table looked at each other in dismay.

After being silent for a while, Qingming Yu asked Sun, Moon, and Stars: "Our Sun and Moon Sect, how many people have arrived in Purgatory City so far?"

"It's less than two thousand." Riyuexingchen said: "Although that task is not very difficult, it is too time-consuming. It is conservatively estimated that it will take two or three days for the remaining brothers to complete the task and come to Purgatory City."

It turned out that the players of the Sun and Moon Sect were in the third-level main city, Evernight City, performing team tasks in batches, and most of them have not yet been completed.

Riyuexingchen came to Purgatory City ahead of schedule with only a small number of people who completed the task.

The main force of the Sun and Moon Sect is still in Evernight City.

Hearing what Riyuexingchen said, Riyue Sect and Ye Ying frowned and said, "With that guy's perverted fighting power, I'm afraid that all two thousand of us will be dispatched, but it's still too few."

"If we want to take him down, we have to send out the entire army of our Sun and Moon Sect. I don't believe it. Even 30,000 people can't take him down!"

At this time, Riyuexingchen, who died in Zhang Yi's hands, had his equipment exploded and lost his level, couldn't bear it anymore, and said, "Otherwise, let the brothers in Yongye City give up their tasks and come directly, and we will destroy one in one fell swoop. Nuo Qingcheng!"

"We still focus on the overall situation." On the Qingming Rain, he rejected the idea of ​​Sun, Moon and Stars: "This task has greatly improved our Sun and Moon Church as a whole, and we cannot give up halfway."

"The second-level main city is different from the third-level main city. If you want to gain a firm foothold in the second-level main city and stand out among thousands of clan forces, you must have a strong enough strength. Only the overall strength of the Sun and Moon Sect increases. Now, only the second-level main city can have a seat for the Sun and Moon Cult."

After a pause, Qingming Yu continued: "It's okay, we will wait for two more days. When the whole army of Sun and Moon Sect arrives in Purgatory City, we will deal with Yinuo Qingcheng."

Riyuexingchen gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "When the time comes, I will kill him!"

Qingming Yu said: "Yes, I have to wait until I get the two demon beasts from him, and the dragon queen. What to do with him is up to you."

It seems that something suddenly came to mind, and Riyuexingchen was a little worried:

"By the way, I heard that the brother who escaped from the team said that after the battle of Yinuo Qingcheng, he rode a dragon and fell into the cemetery of the God of War!"

"Could he have discovered the secrets in the tomb of the God of War?"

Sun, Moon, and Stars looked at Qingming Yu, wearing a dark gold ring in his left hand that looked very special.

Worryingly said: "This is the result of the brothers' deliberate deliberation. The only hidden opportunity to evolve the ring in your hand, if that guy steals the opportunity..."

"Will not."

On the Qingming Rain, he flipped the ring and said without worry: "Without any reminder, no one will be able to discover the secrets in the tomb of the God of War."

"He went to the Tomb of the God of War, it should be purely for leveling."

Riyuexingchen is still a little worried: "To be on the safe side, we'd better go to the God of War cemetery to trigger that opportunity!"

"Yinuo Qingcheng is there, and if we go back now, it will make Yinuo Qingcheng suspicious."

Qingming rain

He said calmly, "We'll go back when he's gone."

Having said that, in fact Qingming Yushang was just afraid that he would bring people back to the God of War cemetery, be discovered by Zhang Yi, and then be destroyed by the regiment...

It turned out that Zhang Yi really guessed.

The purpose of Riyuexingchen bringing people to the God of War cemetery tonight is not entirely to ambush the first family of the Demon Race and the players all over the world.

Dealing with them is just incidental.

The main purpose of the Sun and Moon Sect players is for a hidden opportunity buried in the God of War cemetery...

The night is dark and windy.

Lv108 Ares Graveyard.

Zhang Yi was alone, strolling leisurely in the cemetery.

In the cemetery that can be seen everywhere, there are constantly 108-level skeleton monsters.

A level 108 skeleton, the data is similar to the energy warriors Zhang Yi had dealt with before.

60,000 attacks, 30,000 defenses, and 5 million HP.

At this stage, the existence of ordinary players who dare not approach, one-on-one is tantamount to courting death, and group fights can barely be dealt with.

However, Zhang Yi killed them just like killing chickens.

With the dragon blood knight and the undead crossbowman, a skeleton in ten seconds.

All I could hear was a series of battle prompts, which continuously resounded in Zhang Yi's ears:

"Ding~ You killed lv108 [Skull Swordsman, experience value +800000! Killing value +1!"

"Ding~ You killed lv108 [Skull Crossbowman, EXP +800000! Killing value +1!"


While circling the huge cemetery, he beheaded the skeletons that appeared along the way.

Not long after, Zhang Yi was next to a tombstone and found an NPC warrior in golden armor leaning on the tombstone!

This place really has a surprise!

Without further ado, Zhang Yi immediately walked towards the NPC.

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