Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 815 Sss-level lord monster: Earthfire Ant Emperor!

Follow the direction of the sound source and come to a corner of the city.

Sure enough, I saw: there is a large group of players, slaughtering a giant ant that has just emerged from the ground!

The whole body is red, like a big ant burning with flames, and a line of blood red ID is very dazzling in the dark night:

Lv120 Fire Ant Emperor (Magic Department, sss-level lord monster)!

The royal family players who just arrived, their heartbeats accelerated, and they were very excited.

The hero of the royal family swallowed deeply, looked at the ant emperor with shining eyes, and said:

"Brothers, what did you see?"

"Sss-class monster!"

"sss-level picture book!"

"13-star hunter equipment!"

"Artifacts, golden skill books, treasure chests of gods and demons..."

"Brothers, kill!"

With a cry of the archer royal hero.

The royal family players copied the guy and rushed towards the ant emperor!

in sight.

Many high-end players from the first line of Purgatory City were killed by the ant emperor in the process of besieging and killing the fire ant emperor.

Under normal circumstances, a level 120 lord monster is not a cause for concern for high-end players in Purgatory City.

A group of one hundred people can be easily won.

However, the sss-level lord monster, with a suppression effect of up to 132%, makes those players wearing ten-star hunter equipment unable to resist the damage of the ant emperor.

In all directions, there are hundreds of players around level 112, attacking the Ant Emperor with all their strength.

Their attacks were greatly compressed, but they could only inflict pitiful damage to the Ant Emperor!

For the ant emperor with 100 million blood, it is neither painful nor itchy.

And the attack of the ant emperor can easily bring 200,000 to 300,000 destructive damage to the players!

After all, a full set of ten-star hunters can only reduce suppression by 50%.

It is equivalent to 82% of the damage caused by the ant emperor to them!

The suppression effect makes the lord-level Earth Fire Ant Emperor as powerful as a 12-13 star super BOSS in front of players!

Before Huang Wuji and the others approached.

The hundreds of players who are besieging the Ant Emperor in front of them have already died more than one-third!

see this scene.

As the captain of the [Royal Clan], Ruoxi was no longer dazzled by the value of SSSS-level monsters, and calmly said, "We are too few, and it's just a drop in the bucket to deal with the Ant Emperor."

But in the final analysis, this sss-level ant emperor is sure to be won.

After all, not every hidden map gatekeeper is SSSS.

It is not easy to encounter SSS-level monsters on the hidden map of Monster Fortress, not to mention, it is still a lord monster that can be dealt with.

If it is a sss-level BOSS, it will definitely be impossible to deal with.

The lord monster, but there is a glimmer of hope.

So, I took Ruoxi's words.

Huang Wuji ordered: "The statistics team is currently on the Monster Island, with three or more 11-star hunter brothers, let them come to the Monster Fortress!"

Ten-star hunter's 50% reduction suppressing effect is not the main thing.

Mainly, the attribute bonus of ten-star equipment is really powerless to deal with 120-level lord monsters.

A ten-star hunter can't resist the damage of the Earth Fire Ant Emperor, let alone pose a threat to the Earth Fire Ant Emperor.

Such people, no matter how many they come, will die.

If you can guarantee the bonus of four 11-star hunter equipment, the effect will be completely different.

at the same time.

Zhang Yi also opened the friend list and sent a message to [Juggernaut]: "Are you on Monster Island?"


The Juggernaut replied to the message almost in seconds: "I was in the first-level area to farm S-level monsters, and I was going to go to 12-star hunters, but the efficiency was too slow. Five people killed more than 100 monsters in one day, day..."

"Tomorrow, I will go back to the second-level area to get 11 stars."

Zhang Yi went straight to the topic: "Is there anyone in your team who has an 11-star hunter suit?"

The swordsman was obviously silent: "No, it's basically a few pieces."

There are more than 20 people in the royal family who are all 11-star hunters.

As for the sword pavilion, there isn't even one...

This is the difference between the 20th-ranked team in Purgatory City [Jange, and the [Imperial Family!

This is the collection speed of their two top families.

And Zhang Yi, by himself, collected four sets of 11-star hunters in one week.

This is the gap between Zhang Yi and the royal family and Jiange!

Zhang Yi said, "Are you interested in killing the sss-level lord monster?"

sss class!

The Sword Saint on the other end of the dialog box saw the word 3s, and his eyes were about to pop out: "Interested, interested! Where?"

"Bring the three 11-star hunters on your team to come quickly, there will be no meat to eat later [Monster Fortress (Location)"

What Zhang Yi was worried about was that people who weren't from the royal family couldn't handle this Fire Ant Emperor.

Instead, the high-level family power that is eyeing this ant emperor is not only the royal family.

To avoid being robbed by other family players in the middle, it is safer to call the people from Jiange to come over.

At the same time, it can also make the sword pavilion sss-level fire ants.

King's Cup.

As for the sss-level picture book that the Earth Fire Ant Emperor must drop, Zhang Yi will also be divided with the royal family in the back anyway, nothing more than more Jiange family.

Just wait for Zhang Yi and Huang Wuji to send their help signals respectively.

With the intention of consuming the first wave of the Ant Emperor, the royal family players scrambled to kill the Ant Emperor.


A mass of fire spewed out from the belly of the ant emperor, and the area burned, causing a large group of high-level players from the major clan forces around to be engulfed by the sea of ​​​​fire.

In bursts of screams.

Several people were directly burned to death.

At this time, the royal family player arrived.

Knights line up.

Warrior flanks.

The archer magician is in the back line and launches long-range attacks at the same time.

Boom boom boom!

swoosh swish...

Fireballs and sharp arrows shot at the ant emperor one by one, blasting 60,000 to 70,000 points of damage on top of his head!

Compared with the surrounding players who also came from other high-level families, but could only cause 20,000 to 30,000 points of damage to the Ant Emperor.

Royal family players with 11-star hunter suits all over the body have stronger explosive power.

at the same time.

Zhang Yi summoned the demon beast group, and he also raised the scepter of the star, and cooperated with the royal family players to attack the ant emperor.

With the bonus of the first-hand 11-star hunter suit, the attack power reaches 250,000.

The Soul Reaper flashed between the Optimus Prime-like thighs of the Ant Emperor at super-fast speed.

On the top of the ant emperor's head, hit two or three hundred thousand, or even five or six hundred thousand high crit damage!

The dragon blood knight is approaching the past.

The gun moved.

A [weeping blood blow, ignoring defense, extracting 55% of the dragon's blood knight's maximum blood volume, and stabbing the ant emperor:


Zhang Yi and the undead crossbowmen launched long-range attacks in the rear.

Zhang Yi activates the [Slaying the God Technique.

Undead crossbowmen steal attack.

One shot indiscriminately, blasting the ant emperor with super high damage that shocked the audience:


-39w crit!

-38w crit...

After spending a day with Zhang Yi in the Monster Fortress, the royal family players were already numb.

And the players of the other families around were stunned:

"This ni code... Ignore suppression?"

"Ignoring suppression doesn't cause such high damage, right! Who hit this?"

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