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Chapter 827: No. 1 on the Alien Heaven Ranking vs. No. 1 on the Human Heaven Ranking

It was Zhang Yi who saw the person walking into the ring.

Under the arena, Ruoxi, who had been hopeless, was suddenly full of joy.

Even the heroes of the royal family and the beauty of the royal family, who had always had no affection for Zhang Yi, did not feel a very reassured feeling at this time.

I thought to myself: Yinuo Qingcheng, the first pervert in Purgatory City, is here, Seven Star Lamp, let’s see how rampant you are next!

Zhang Yi, who habitually hides his ID, stepped into the ring.

Sure enough, the opposing Seven Star Lamps failed to recognize Zhang Yi's identity as the first god of the Human Race Heaven Ranking in Purgatory City [Yinuo Qingcheng] only by virtue of his appearance.

Gazing Zhang Yi up and down, he said:

"I'm sorry, buddy, I only accept the challenge of at least one thousand masters in the Purgatory City Heavenly Ranking. After all, with my strength, you know that ordinary people are just here to abuse."

"I don't want to abuse vegetables, it's boring."

Zhang Yi glanced at the seven-star lamp and said, "How do you know that my ranking is not within one thousand?"

Qixingdeng smiled faintly: "As far as I know, there are only two beastmasters within the thousand-thousand-rank list in Purgatory City, one with a promise and the other on Qingming Yushang. Qingming Yushang was killed and abolished some time ago. Could it be that you are the number one in the Purgatory City Human Race Heaven Ranking, a promise to conquer the city?"

Zhang Yi did not refute the Seven Star Lamp either.

He raised his staff and pointed at the seven-star lamp: "In this battle, I am the royal family."

"If I win, you will fulfill your promise and serve the royal family for three days."

Qixingdeng's face was full of disdain: "What do you take, compare with me?"

The voice just fell.

Under the stage, Ruoxi suddenly said to the Seven Star Lamp: "If he wins, do as he said. If he loses, according to your request, I will be your wife's servant. The time limit will be changed from one day to one day. for three days."

"Miss!" Huang Wuji, who was beside him, looked at Ruoxi in surprise, trying to get her to cancel the bet.

However, Ruoxi was indifferent, as if she put all her hopes on Zhang Yi.

"The strength of the seven-star lamp is very strong, he is a hidden professional!"

Huang Wuji said to Ruoxi, "Yinuo Qingcheng may not be his opponent."

Ruoxi glanced around, and there were countless expert players in Purgatory City, silent for a while, and said, "Once we win, the royal family will rise."

"I'm willing to bet, I bet Zhang Yi to win!"

on stage.

Qixingdeng sneered: "You actually trust this guy so much?"

This kind of good thing, Seven Star Lamp will naturally not refuse: "Okay, it's a word!"

Without further ado, the two sides entered a combat stance.

For Seven Star Lamp, no matter who the other party is, even if it is a promise, he is not afraid.

Relying on the hidden professional necromancer and legendary talents.

Seven Star Lamp admits that he is not only the number one player on the Alien Heavenly Ranking, but also the number one on the Heavenly Ranking in Purgatory City!

Holding the skeleton staff, pointing at Zhang Yi, he said lightly, "Come on, I'll let you go first."

Zhang Yi wrote lightly: "I'll let you go first."

"Hehe, okay, I hope you don't lose too badly!"

Saying that, Qixingdeng waved his staff and launched a first attack.

Short charge.


A flaming skull head bombarded Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi stood there, motionless.

Only when the fireball was about to hit him, his body suddenly became translucent, causing the fireball to penetrate directly through Zhang Yi's body!

This scene surprised Qixing Lan for a while.

Zhang Yi, on the other hand, took advantage of the [Dragon Emperor's possession] to evade the opponent's attack.

Knowing that the damage will be saturated, the God-killing Art is too lazy to open.

Directly swing the staff at super fast speed.

Golden Fireball.

The sound of "Boom" landed on Qixingdeng who was in shock and caught off guard.

Above his head, a huge amount of damage shocked the audience:


The whole place was silent.

Until about ten seconds later.

The audience was ashamed:

"This... turn-based? End of one round??"

"I rely on this to hurt!"


on stage.

Qixingdeng ran to check the battle records, and found that he had really suffered 1.87 million injuries just now, and the whole person was stupid.

Zhang Yi said to Qixingdeng: "I know you are not satisfied, so I will give you another chance."

"You can find a group of helpers and fight me again. As for how many you want, it depends on your mood."

Seven Star Lamp stared at Zhang Yi like a torch.

I thought to myself: brat, this is a new rule that you brought up yourself, you will die miserably!

Qixingdeng did not reject Zhang Yi's "kindness".

Immediately, more than a dozen core players were called up from the many players in the Seven Star Palace who were watching the battle.

next moment.

More than a dozen players with a level of up to 113 and well-equipped, all of them are the top players of the Seven Star Palace on the Purgatory City list, all entered the ring, picked up the guy, and faced Zhang Yi.

At this moment, Zhang Yi suddenly turned around and turned his back to the players in the Seven Star Palace.

This operation made the players in the Seven Star Palace look at me, I look at you, and they all looked confused.

"Good guy, this guy is too capable!"

"Damn, I don't know how powerful our first family in Purgatory City is, the Seven Star Palace! Brothers, give him some color!"

After saying that, more than a dozen players of the Seven-Star Palace, including the Seven-Star Lantern, launched an attack on Zhang Yi, who had his back turned to them!

Not yet approaching.

call out!

A black shadow rushed into the crowd of Seven Stars Hall as fast as lightning.

Among the dozen or so players in the Seven Star Palace, a speedy attack was made.

Accompanied by screams.

In the blink of an eye, the fourteen players in the Seven-Star Palace had all the health bars above their heads down to only 1 point!


A humanoid assassin-type Warcraft [Soul Harvester] with a face like a mummified corpse in silver-gray leather armor, appeared in the center of the ring.

The whole place fell silent again.

Qixingdeng's eyes were dull, and he looked at Zhang Yi's back in disbelief.

This beastmaster, who dealt 1.87 million damage with a single fireball technique, wiped out fourteen top players in the Seven Stars Hall with just one beast under his hand? !

Could it be that he is really the first person on the Human Race Heaven List in Purgatory City: Yinuo Qingcheng?

Is Yinuo Qingcheng so strong?

At this time, Zhang Yi turned around, looked at the seven-star lamp, and said, "Do you want to serve?"

"I only have one last question." Seven Star Lamp said: "Who are you?"

Zhang Yi didn't hesitate, opened the status bar, and illuminated the ID and title:

Lv118 Four-turn Beastmaster · Yinuo Qingcheng (King of Warcraft)!

"He really is a promise!"

"Level 118 my mom..."

"Golden title! I rely on me rely on!!"

The onlookers under the stage exploded instantly.

The Seven Star Lamp also made a "puff" and knelt on the ground involuntarily.


This time he was convinced!

Even Huang Wuji and Juggernaut under the stage were stunned.

Because for the past two days, Zhang Yi has been alone in the 125-level Lightning Forest, and there are no very royal people to act together.

The exchange for 13-star hunters was also after separating from them.

So Huang Wuji and the others don't know:

I haven't seen each other for two days, what the hell happened to this guy, Yinuo Qingcheng, his strength soared to such a terrifying level...

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