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Chapter 831 Nine-headed phoenix escaped the cage

late at night.

Moonlight shines on the earth.


Accompanied by a miserable wolf howl.

The first-level area of ​​Monster Island, lv128 Yinyue Ridge.

The sss-level lord monster, the Silver Moon Wolf King, was finally killed, and his incomparably huge body fell to the ground.

Same recipe, same way.

Just like when Zhang Yi won Thunder Bolt King.

Zhang Yi invited four helpers from the royal family, including two senior knights and two senior priests, including the royal doctor.

Use them as an aid.

Then combined with the Warcraft group to output, it took a few minutes to kill the Silver Moon Wolf King who had just been refreshed.

Zhang Yi came to the corpse of the Silver Moon Wolf King and picked up the sss-level Silver Moon Wolf King illustration book, dozens of ss-level illustrations, and some other things.

Then he pulled away and came to the royal family's divine doctor and the others, and smiled lightly: "Thank you, I'll go back to the city later and invite you to have supper."

The royal doctor looked up and down at Zhang Yi, who had a complete 12-star hunter suit, and glanced at Zhang Yi's monster group.

Eyes full of shock:

"What kind of monster are you, why are you so perverted?"

Zhang Yi smiled without saying a word.

Lost a ss-level monster picture book to the royal doctor:

"I can't let you help me twice, there are no good things, only these."

Looking at at least 20 or 30 SS-level monster illustrations that Zhang Yi threw over, the royal doctor and the other three royal players around him, their eyes straightened.

When he came back to his senses, Zhang Yi had already crushed the City Return Scroll.

The imperial doctor hurriedly said: "Brother, next time there is such a good thing, call me again! Willing to serve!"

Zhang Yi smiled and said, "It's almost time, I should ask for your help right away."

After speaking, a white light flashed, and Zhang Yi disappeared in place.

When we returned to Purgatory City, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Yi intends to have a meal, sleep, and go to perform the last part of the mission [Release the Brightness] tomorrow.

At present, two sss-level monsters have been hunted and two sss-level illustrations have been obtained.

Just kill the last monster to complete the mission.

And the last one must be SSSS.

Killing it, Zhang Yi gets the third picture book, which can be exchanged for the Moon God Plate.

At the same time, another 150,000 difficulty, legendary hidden quests will be rewarded.

Thinking about it, I can't help but be a little excited!

Before that, Zhang Yi, who was sitting down in a restaurant, opened the task list and first checked the monsters that need to be killed in the last stage of releasing the light.

You never know the full extent of things until you see them.

Good guy, the monster that Zhang Yi needs to kill in this mission is actually a nine-headed phoenix: Hemora!

The 125-level 13-star super boss hidden in the monster fortress!

Suddenly, Zhang Yi was surprised and happy.

Because the 13-star sss-level BOSS is powerful.

Under the influence of the special suppressing effect of Monster Island, at this stage, it may be difficult for the tens of thousands of players in Purgatory City to match.

Hi, because the last time Zhang Yi went to Monster Fort to see Hemora, it was trapped by nine chains.

This may be an opportunity for Zhang Yi to kill it!

In any case, Zhang Yi plans to go to the Monster Fortress to investigate after eating.

Because I haven't been there for almost a week, I don't know if other players have found it there during this period, and whether some other changes have occurred.

Think so.

After eating, Zhang Yi rested for an hour.

In the middle of the night, I rode a minibus back to Monster Island.

Based on the impression, I came to the coconut grove containing the hidden map [the entrance to the monster fortress, and entered the monster fortress through the portal.

When he came to the city, near the tunnel where the Fire Ant Emperor had climbed out, Zhang Yi rode a minibus and flew down.

Turning his eyes, he returned to the huge dark ruins!

Go deep into the ruins.

Zhang Yi was shocked to find that the giant beast trapped and locked in the darkness: the nine-headed phoenix Hemora disappeared!

All that was left was the nine broken huge chains on the ground.

How did it escape?

Zhang Yi pondered and was terrified.

Has anyone completed the [Release the Darkness quest and released Hemora?

In addition to shock.

Zhang Yi's inner direction has not changed.

That is to find Hemora and kill it!

This will complete the quest and free the King of Monsters, Heras.

So, towards withdrawing from the monster fortress...

Before I knew it, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

Darkness covers the earth.

When all sounds are silent.

In the east of Purgatory City, in a silent forest, tens of thousands of players gathered here!

These players are all from the elite members of the [Royal Family!

At the head of the crowd, there is neither Huang Wuji nor Ruoxi.

Only the royal family, the hero, and the royal family and the stunning two who are the elites of the team.

I only heard the archer royal hero say to a group of royal players:

"Brothers, all the people I called here tonight are from the Lin family.

backbone. Before the apocalypse came, the Lin family treated us well, and we should protect the Lin family! "

"Now, there are people who covet our Miss Lin Xi, and delusionally want to control our royal family through Miss Lin Xi."

"Brothers, what do you say about this person?"

"Kill without amnesty!" The royal family players responded a hundred times.

"it is good!"

The royal family shouted: "Let's kill Yinuo Qingcheng together, protect the Lin family, and protect the young lady!"

End of the meeting.

The royal family players gathered in the forest returned to the city calmly and took a rest.

As if nothing happened just now.

But in the bottom of their hearts, a seed has been planted by the royal hero and the royal beauty.

These people are from the Lin family.

They have long been unhappy with Zhang Yi, but because Zhang Yi is too strong, they have never dared to show it.

In their hearts, they all believed that Huang Wuji and Lin Xi were the perfect match.

The wise and brave Huang Wuji is the leader of the royal family!

No one else deserves to approach Lin Xi, let alone dominate the Lin family and the royal family.

Including Yinuo Qingcheng.

Even if they don't know, Zhang Yi actually has no such idea at all.

After the meeting is over.

Late at night, the royal family hero and the royal family's stunning beauty had agreed to come to a tavern in Purgatory City to meet on Qingming Yu, who seemed to have been waiting there for a long time.

Sit down at the table.

The hero of the royal family said to Qingming Yushang: "We have already done it here. I have summoned the 30,000 backbones of the Lin family to encourage them to join us and fight against Yinuo Qingcheng."

Qingming Yu nodded: "Okay, then, let me arrange things."

The royal family is stunning but a little suspicious: "Are you sure you can win a promise?"

Qingming Yu's expression was calm, but there was a strong killing intent in his expression: "If a sss-level 13-star BOSS can't help but make a promise."

"I don't believe it, he can still compete with a dark dragon clan sixth-order dragon emperor!"

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