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Chapter 838 The mutated nine-headed phoenix

Inside the Night God Altar, the battle was fierce.

"Concentrate your firepower and hit its shortest head, which is its weak point and can cause a certain defense-breaking effect!"

"The knights protect the back row, don't be seconds!"

"Priests pay attention to healing, don't be stingy with skills and potions!"

"Brothers, we must take this boss!"

In bursts of shouting.

They all work together to fight against Hemora.

Death also spread rapidly among the crowd.

The number of deaths increased sharply, and in exchange for the BOSS's blood volume, it decreased little by little.

Time is also losing little by little, and the closing progress of the altar is gradually approaching 100%.

It's a race against time.

Then array.

The royal family and Jiange players who did not participate in this BOSS battle would kill off the rest of the Sun and Moon Sect.

As for the 30,000 royal rebels, we have not dealt with them for the time being, we just besieged them, and only wait for Huang Wuji Ruoxi and the others to take down the BOSS before making a decision.


boom boom boom...

The various skills released from the nine-headed phoenix swept the audience, causing devastating damage to the players.

The death toll has gradually risen from triple digits to four digits.

From two thousand to three thousand.

Those who watched the battle in the back line were all very nervous, and they could not wait to devote themselves to this battle and contribute their own strength.

It is a pity that they are equipped with incomplete 10-star and 11-star hunter equipment, which is completely a gift.

As one of the two ultimate bosses of the Monster Islands, the nine-headed phoenix whose strength is second only to the king of monsters is too powerful.

When the royal family and the sword pavilion players face the boss on the land.

Zhang Yi also rode a minibus and dealt with Hemora in the air.

In contrast, Zhang Yi's damage is still very powerful.

Without the bonus of the God of the Sun at night, the damage caused to Hemora can also be maintained at seven or eight hundred thousand!

As the most handsome boy in the world.

Zhang Yi's output almost played a role in leading the battle.

The royal family and the sword pavilion, 15,000 elite divisions, adopted a front-to-back style of play, consuming the BOSS.

Half an hour later, 1000 casualties and 80% HP of the BOSS.

One hour passed, 3,000 casualties and 55% HP of the BOSS.

An hour and a half later, the casualties of the two players had risen sharply to 5,000!

The BOSS's blood volume reaches 30%.

At this moment, the entire body of the nine-headed phoenix burst out with a red light, a red light different from flames...

"Damn it! It's mutated!"

In the crowd, someone exclaimed: "Everyone be careful, the boss has mutated!"

hoo hoo hoo!

Roaring bursts.

The nine-headed phoenix really entered the mutation period.

For 300 seconds, all attributes are increased by 30%!

Originally strong enough, the mutated nine-headed phoenix became even more out of control.


Nine rays of death shot out from the nine heads, sweeping the audience.

Suddenly, countless white lights lit up from the crowd.

This scene stunned the Juggernaut who was outside the attack range of the nine-headed phoenix:

"My day, it's too fierce..."

The royal doctor was a little excited: "It has mutated, has its value also increased?"


Zhang Yi, who was sitting beside a few people on a minibus, said, "It is now 13 stars, and the value after the mutation can reach 13 and a half stars, or even 14 stars. It should be guaranteed to be able to drop 13 stars equipment."

Zhang Yi's words made Huang Wuji feel a little moved.

"Change tactics, defend a wave, wait for the mutation period to pass after five minutes, enter a weak state, and take it down in one fell swoop!"

Under the emperor's order.

In the front line, among the crowd fighting against the BOSS, the mage shooter players retreated collectively.

Only the warrior knights are left to hold back the hatred of the BOSS, and the priests are left to heal them.

The mutated nine-headed phoenix, with explosive damage.

In just 5 minutes of mutation time, the casualties of the royal family and Jiange players reached the death toll of the previous half an hour: 2,000!

The slaughter of the nine-headed phoenix made people and gods angry.

As long as the mutation period has passed, the nine-headed phoenix enters a weak state where all attributes are reduced by 30% for five minutes.

With hatred.

The royal family and Jiange players launched a strong counterattack.

Take advantage of the weakness of the Nine-Headed Phoenix to maximize output.

In the end, it took only ten minutes to finally kill the last 30% of the nine-headed phoenix's HP!


Earth-shattering roar.

The huge body of the nine-headed phoenix crashed into the air.

At the same time, in all directions, countless golden lights were scattered in the crowd.

Purgatory City's first 125-level 13-star BOSS has rich combat experience, so that about 50% of the players participating in this battle have been upgraded!

And with the death of the nine-headed phoenix.

In the depths, the closing of the altar that has reached 92% has finally stopped closing!

Over purgatory, lightning

Disappeared, the clouds dissipated, and everything returned to normal.

The fallen Dragon Sovereign, Tian Ge, who was about to break through the barrier set up by the Night God and was about to break into the Purgatory City, was completely isolated from the outside.

Everyone couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"It's too hard!" The royal doctor sighed: "The 13-star boss is too hard!"

Huang Wuji took back the long sword, lifted the fighting stance, and said, "This sacrifice is a bit big."

The Juggernaut didn't take it seriously: "In such a battle, sacrifice is inevitable. It's good to be able to win the boss."

Next, it's time for a great harvest.

Zhang Yi, Ruoxi, Huang Wuji, Sword Saint.

These great heads of state came to the corpse of the nine-headed phoenix one after another.

This time it was indeed a bumper harvest.

125-level 13-star sss-level BOSS, and has also mutated, the value is immeasurable!

After cleaning up, next to the corpse of the nine-headed phoenix, three pieces of hunter equipment were harvested.

Just as Zhang Yi expected: 1 item with 13 stars and 2 items with 12 stars!

In addition, it may be because of the mutation, and this BOSS is one of the two ultimate bosses of Monster Island.

Nine-headed phoenix actually exploded two sss-level illustrations!

This harvest is simply exciting.

In the end, Ruoxi, Juggernaut, and Zhang Yi were represented, and the three families shared the profits equally.

The Juggernaut got the 13-star hunter equipment, and Ruoxi and Zhang Yi each got a sss-level illustrated book.

This is an equivalent reward, a sss-level picture book can be exchanged for a 13-star hunter equipment.

Other things are also divided.

In the end, Zhang Yi did not forget the most important thing: the monster core of the nine-headed phoenix.

Lightning Bolt King, Silver Moon Wolf King, Nine-Headed Phoenix.

The three monster cores have all been collected, and the task of "Release the Light" in Zhang Yi's task list has finally entered the completed state!

In addition to this picture book of the nine-headed phoenix, Zhang Yi finally got three sss-level picture books.

Finally, you can go to the monster merchant and exchange for the Moon God Plate!

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