Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 853 Dragon Clan vs. Apocalypse Berserker

Six o'clock in the evening.

There is still an hour before today's [The Battle of the Heroes begins, and the duel between the [Apocalypse Berserkers].

In the end of the world, the Berserkers and the Dragon Clan, players on both sides are concerned about the preparation period.

On the end of the apocalypse, in the clan channel, players are discussing how to abuse the dragon clan tonight.

On the Dragon Clan side, it was already a mess.

Controversy arose in the team chat channel:

"We have agreed to the invitation of the "Fighting Heroes pk?"

"I heard that all the heroes in the team will be punished, bosses, have you made a mistake? During this period of time, our dragons have been abused by their apocalyptic madmen and night marchers, don't you know? How dare you accept the invitation of the apocalypse berserker, openly abused??"

"I've taken it, I only entered the Dragon Clan because of the high level of your Dragon Clan team and the high bonuses in terms of experience, money and income. It seems that I should retire as soon as possible, and I will be dragged down sooner or later by following you, a family that wants to save face and suffer. die!"

"Yeah, I heard that the team will immediately close the entry and exit functions once the competition starts. If they lose, they won't be able to leave if they want to leave. Before it starts, everyone who doesn't want to be punished will retire quickly. Bar!"

So, the team announced one after another:

[Team news: Player Abyss Lord has withdrawn from the team...

[Team news: The player tactically retreated from the team...

[Team news:  …

Those who follow the trend are basically newcomers who have just joined the Dragon Clan.

At present, there are 40,000 Dragon Clan players, of which 20,000 are from the King Family, the Storm Clan, the Brotherhood and the Undead Group. They have always followed Zhang Yi to fight against the Apocalypse. They will always believe in Zhang Yi and the Dragon Clan.

In addition, there are 20,000 newcomers. In view of the fact that they have always been targeted during this period, they have always maintained a skeptical and wavering attitude towards the Dragon Clan.

Regarding the complaints and withdrawals of these newcomers, they have long been numb to the immortality of the dragon clan and the world of dragons.

I only hope that through tonight's battle of heroes, I can suppress the apocalypse mad soldiers and regain a little face and dignity for the Dragon Clan.

Immortal Dragon said in the team:

"We have already agreed with the mad soldiers of the last days, each family has 3,000 people pk, brothers, if you want to participate in the competition tonight, sign up, come to the west square to gather, we are ready to leave at 6:30 ."

Say it.

Many dragon elders scrambled to sign up.

Of course, not all newcomers do not trust the dragons.

There are also newcomers who sincerely joined the Dragon Clan.

[A little cute new (female, alien, level 115 magician, member): "I also participate in one! Although I'm not very good, don't dislike me, I just want to contribute to the dragon family!"

[A little cute new: "By the way, I just changed the name of the game not long ago, and I can't change the name yet. I'll change the name after the cooling time for the name change has passed!"

[Dragon Clan Watchman (Male, Demon Clan, Level 112 Beastmaster, member): "I want to participate too! Bring me one, brothers and sisters, come on together!"

Seven o'clock is coming.

The West Square of Liuguang City is crowded with people.

In the center of the square, there is a huge purple light curtain, which is the teleportation array of the map of the battle of the heroes.

The Heroes Games are only open to three games per night.

7-8 points for the first game, 8-9 points for the second game, 9-10 points for the third game.

Each game is limited to two families. If you want to participate in the competition, you must make an appointment in advance.

Apocalypse Berserker and Dragon Clan, the reservation is for the second game.

In the evening, many players had nothing to do and came to the square to watch the fun.

Among the crowd, there was a lot of discussion:

"I heard that there will be a wonderful duel tonight, the apocalypse mad soldiers pk the dragon clan?"

"Dragon clan, isn't that the highest level of our Liuguang City, but it has never been able to develop, and it was pressed and beaten by the apocalypse mad soldiers and Ye Marching troops. It is said that there is no team in charge of the family?"

"They actually dare to accept the invitation of the apocalypse mad soldiers, it seems that they will be beaten again!"

Soon, 6:50 came, and there were ten minutes left for the first duel between the heroes.

Now is the entry stage for both players.

The first duel: Night March vs Heroes Club.

A strong duel between the first family and the third family in Liuguang City.

Both sides adhered to the concept of quick battle and quick decision, and each only played a thousand people.

In the crowd, senior players from the Night March and the Elite Club stepped out and stepped into the purple light curtain.

Soon, all the participating members of both sides entered the field.

At 7:00 a.m., more than a dozen separate live broadcast images of the event appeared on the light screen, showing the live broadcast images of more than a dozen different places in the map of the battle of the heroes, which were provided for the audience to watch.

According to the rules:

In each game, a map is randomly determined, and the spawn points are randomly refreshed after players from both families enter the arena.

The content is simple: kill the enemy players in the map, and finally determine the winner according to the number of kills by both players.

It can be seen that the players of the Night March and the Elite Club are assigned a city ruin map: the city of the end times.

One thousand players from each side randomly descended on the city.

As the game began, each of them began to look for players from the rival family to attack and kill, or to gather with their own teammates.

As the first family of Liuguang City, the strength of Ye Marching Army is still


It only took half an hour to kill all the thousands of players in the Qunying Club!

At the end of the game, more than 600 people survived on the night march!

Until eight o'clock, the second game came.

Apocalypse Berserker and Dragon Race, players from both sides enter the stage.

The group of heroes competed in front of the teleportation formation.

Level 117 Silver Armor Warrior [Fighting wildly in the last days, looking at the immortality of the dragon clan beside him, he deliberately gave a thumbs up and said with a smile: "Courage is commendable!"

The immortal dragon's face was expressionless: "Wait for us to beat you to the ground."

As soon as the words fell, several apocalyptic Berserker players burst into laughter:

"Where did your confidence and courage come from?"

Doomsday Crazy War also smiled coldly, looked around deliberately, and said yin and yang strangely: "What about your Dragon Clan captain? Is he not there for such an important event?"

Shaking his head, the apocalyptic frenzy continued to mock: "You guys go out to fight with 3,000 people. We only need 2,000 people here. Let you take a step, lest others say that we are the mad warriors of the apocalypse, only bullying the weak."

King Glory stepped forward in two steps and pointed to the apocalyptic madness: "What are you talking about? Don't be too arrogant, you apocalyptic mad soldiers are the weak!"

The apocalypse mad soldier shrugged: "Speak with strength."

With that said, the players on both sides quickly entered through the purple light curtain.

According to the number of people above the light curtain:

Originally, the two sides agreed on 3000v3000.

As expected, only 2,000 players have entered the end-of-the-world Berserker.

In order not to end up with a reputation for bullying the less, the Dragon Clan only had 2,000 people.

Just when the players on both sides were almost settled.

In the crowd watching the battle, three more players suddenly appeared.

Quietly, he entered the light curtain.

at the same time.

Dragon Clan [Fighting for Heroes and Deer Battle interface, among the 2,000 entries in the news, there were three news that were ignored by everyone else except the Dragon Clan, the Indestructible Dragon and the World:

"Ding ~ member of the dragon clan [Xingtian enters the map of the battle of the heroes!"

"Ding~ Dragon clan member [Yiqi Juechen enters the map of the battle of heroes!"

"Ding ~ Captain of the Dragon Race [Yinuo Qingcheng enters the map of the battle of heroes..."

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