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Chapter 869 Is it an ambush, or ambushed?

Lv128 Burial Ground.

Thousands of BOSS battles are going on fiercely.

Under the siege of thousands of senior players in the night march, as a 128-level 13-star BOSS necromancer, he is not at all cowardly.

Skull staff in hand, dragonfly.

Boom boom boom!

One after another undead skills exploded in the surrounding area.

The night marching players who were hit by the skill jumped over their heads, causing damage of 300,000 to 400,000 yuan!

Night Marchers are high-end players with a level close to level 120 and are well equipped. Even a crispy profession such as a mage shooter basically has a blood volume of 1.5-2 million.

Necromancers' damage is high, but not fatal to them.

Coupled with the continuous treatment of a large number of senior priests on the periphery.

Casualties on the night march were low.

The knights and warriors form an encirclement at close range, while containing the boss, while protecting the mage shooter, outputting at a long distance in the back row.

Stable and undisturbed.

It is indeed the first family of Liuguang City!

While attacking the BOSS.

The night walkers in the crowd are always vigilant about their surroundings, and watch out for the dragons that may appear at any time!

On the other side of the Bone Burial Ground, in the darkness not far away, the 20,000 ambush soldiers of the Night Marcher had already prepared to invade the Bone Burial Ground at any time, just waiting for an order from the Night Walker.

However, until dozens of minutes later, the BOSS battle was coming to an end, and the dragon player that Nightcrawler was waiting for did not appear.

Seeing that the necromancer's blood volume has dropped below 30%, the mutation period has passed smoothly.

Looking to the side again, the mage Ye Jintianming was doing his best to attack the boss.

Nightcrawler was suspicious: Didn't he leak tonight's actions to Yinuo Qingcheng?

Forget it, then take down the BOSS first.

Think so.

Ye marched a thousand-person regiment, increased firepower, and prepared to take down the undead mages with less than one-third of the remaining blood in one fell swoop.

However, at this moment.

In the distant sky, there was a sudden roar of dragon roar!


He raised his head and looked towards the source of the sound.

Sure enough, under the moonlight, a huge fire dragon flew from the sky!

The core players of the Night March who are besieging the BOSS are cheered up one after another:

"This guy is too arrogant, how dare he appear so blatantly!"

Nightcrawler also did not expect, in his opinion, this is a good opportunity, Yinuo Qingcheng will definitely attack.

But this also proves: Yinuo Qingcheng really thought that only a thousand troops were performing tasks in the night marching army, but they did not know that there were 20,000 ambushes outside!

Just when Nightcrawler thought so.

I saw a large group of players flocked from behind the Bone Burial Ground.

They are the people of the Dragon Clan!

The night walker stared at the fire dragon gradually approaching from the sky, and the dragon players approaching from the rear, and immediately sent a gathering message to the night marching army ambushing outside the Bone Burial Ground.

Then he gave an order: "Brothers, the night of the dragon slaying!"

Brush brush brush brush!

Everyone picked up the guy and prepared to fight.

And the Dragon Clan arrived at the Bone Burial Ground with only a thousand-person regiment.

The dragon clan is immortal, the dragon travels the world, and the king glorifies the storm angel and them.

This thousand-member group has gathered all the core members of the Dragon Clan, and it is the main force of the Dragon Clan!

Seeing that all the elites of the deputy captains of the dragon tribe are there, and the captains are also approaching in the air.

Nightcrawler was even more excited: "Destroy them in one wave, and the Dragon Clan will be abolished!"

"Half of them take the BOSS, and half of them hold them back. When the foreign aid arrives, they will be wiped out in one fell swoop!"


With the order of Nightcrawler.

Around, hundreds of night marching players broke away from the boss battle and galloped towards the dragon players approaching from behind.

Dragons here.

The thousand-person regiment also charged forward under the command of the vice-captain Dragon Clan Immortal.

The players on both sides quickly converged.

In the place where the bones are buried, a war breaks out!

Under the leadership of the two vice-captains of the Dragon Clan and the elites of the eight teams, the Dragon Clan's thousand-person regiment was like a broken bamboo, making the first night march in Liuguang City irresistible!

A streak of white light lit up from the night marching crowd.

The night marching players fought and retreated, each in astonishment:

"Damn! Why are they so fierce?"

"There are so many of them, we split half of our strength to fight the boss."

"No, their overall strength has become stronger!"

After all, except for the dozen or so core members of the Dragon Clan who received special care from Zhang Yi, all of them were wearing a level 120 11-12 star hunter suit, and their strength had already exceeded the level of the first-tier players in Streaming City!

The rest of the Dragon Clan have also gained a lot on the opportunity map provided by Zhang Yi during this period of time!

It is comparable to the strength of the Night March players.

In this state, the night marching army of several hundred people is naturally not the opponent of the Dragon Clan Thousand People Group.

The Dragon Clan Immortal and Uncle Long Xing Tianxia, ​​together with Fatty's ultimate control, slaughtered the Quartet in the enemy group.

12-star hunter set, making them hit the charts.

Yuesheng Han Yarou, two top tits

Mom sits in the rear, always ensuring that the dragons who fought bravely to kill the enemy in the front line will not be destroyed, and their blood volume will be above the safety line.

The three elite archers of the King's Glory Storm Angel Original Girl have long-distance burst output.

Under the alliance of the dragon core group, the night march players suffered heavy casualties!

After a while, Zhang Yi arrived at the battlefield on a fire dragon.

A huge dragon shadow swept across the ground.

Zhang Yi, who was flying over the crowd, simultaneously activated the God-killing Art and Burning Heaven Jue, and the magic of the Vulcan Scepter bloomed.

Boom boom boom!

One after another skill blasted down.

One by one, two or three million points of explosion damage jumped from the crowd.

Immediately, a white light...

"Damn! Now it's not just that Yinuo Qingcheng who is fierce!"

In the Ye Marching crowd, someone said in astonishment: "Now even the rest of their dragon clan have become fierce!"


The 121-level assassin Nightcrawler stabbed a dragon warrior to death with a knife, and said anxiously, "Why aren't the brothers who are guarding outside?"

at the same time.

Beyond the Boneyard...

When the fire dragon appeared, the 20,000 soldiers in the night marching in ambush a mile away from the burial ground knew that Yinuo Qingcheng was coming.

Without the command of their captain, they directly approached the burial ground.

The army has not yet approached the burial ground.

Suddenly, I saw a large group of players stationed in front, blocking the way!

The group of players led by a warrior in black armor and a knight in silver armor.

Above the heads of the two, the white ID in the moonlit night is clearly displayed:

Lv122 Rank Four Ghost Swordsman: Xingtian!

Lv122 4th turn Thunder Knight: One ride is the best!

The two lieutenants of the Dragon Clan!

When I saw Xing Tian and the others, there was an army of thousands of players from the Dragon Clan.

Night March players were shocked:

"Why are the people of the Dragon Clan here? Do they know that we are in ambush here and deliberately block us?"

in speech.

The elites of the team marching at night and Tian Jue said: "The captain has already fought against Yinuo Qingcheng and the main force of the Dragon Clan. It is not too late, we must hurry up and support!"

Looking at the dragon army in front, Ye Xingjun and Tian absolutely disagreed and said:

"Looking at the posture, they only survived to 2,000 people. We, 20,000 people, directly crushed them and went to the burial ground!"

I didn't think about it, the voice just fell.

There was a commotion in all directions.

In front, countless dragon players were seen coming around from both sides of the Buried Ground map.

Overwhelming, the mountains and rivers charged towards the night marching players here!

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