Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 879 God-level Hidden Mission: The Name of the God of War!

What does it mean to step through the iron shoes and have nowhere to find it, and get it without effort?

It's hard to believe:

Zhang Yi has been looking for the hidden mission of Shendu for more than a week, but he accidentally found it by chasing and killing the Nightcrawler!

No wonder this quest can't be found in Shendu. The original trigger location of the quest is outside this hidden map!

Zhang Yi was overjoyed, and I really have to thank the Nightcrawler for the opportunity!

It can be seen that this [God of War test is just an entry challenge.

Because the task shows: can be received by multiple people.

And this task is only rare, and the difficulty factor is only 100,000.

Killing 1000 level 125 Guardians of the Galaxy can be said to be very simple.

With such a large hidden map, it is impossible to regard a rare mission as the ultimate mission.

The ultimate mission must be behind this test mission.

This is also a rare opportunity to give all members of the Dragon Clan a chance to improve.

Therefore, Zhang Yi immediately ordered on the team channel to let all the members of the Dragon Clan withdraw from the capital and come to the statue to receive the hidden task.

The 40,000 people of the Dragon Clan took more than three hours to queue up to receive the task...

The task time is five days, which is ample.

So after receiving the task, there is no rush to do the task immediately.

It was already early in the morning, and the army returned to Shendu, camped in the village to rest.

It was not until the next day that a team of five began to perform the [God of War's test mission.

Quest kills cannot be shared, and you must get the last hit to count as 1 kill progress.

On average, each team has to kill 5,000 Guardians of the Galaxy, which is also a lot of work.

But it's just right: the dragons themselves are brushing the Galaxy Guards and collecting the drop booster scrolls.

Combined with this task, it is not abrupt.

With the average strength of the Dragon Clan members, each team can kill one thousand to two thousand monsters a day.

Three days later, all the Dragon Clan members completed the task!

A 100,000-difficulty rare mission is not so valuable.

But it is a hidden task anyway, and the rewards are much richer than ordinary tasks.

Use a lot of experience brought by this task, plus the income from brushing monsters in the past three days.

For all members of the Dragon Clan, the average level has risen from 123 to 125!

Terrible leveling speed!

In addition, this task has a relatively big reward, that is, everyone will be rewarded with a 130-level 13-star gods suit equipment!

That is to say, this task instantly allowed the Dragon Clan to harvest 40,000 sets of equipment for the gods!

In addition, there are 10 epic-level [dropping the reward of the booster scroll.

Makes the dragon race to enter the capital of the gods and collect the gods' suits, which directly speeds up the progress!

At the same time, the task of [God of War's test is over, and finally ushered in the ultimate hidden task: the name of the God of War!

The Name of the God of War is the only hidden quest, and all players who complete the God of War test quest are eligible to receive it.

All members of the Dragon Clan unanimously decided to hand over this task to their captain, Zhang Yi.

However, Zhang Yi gave Ye Jintianming this only chance.

Standing in front of the warrior god, Tianyi statue, Ye Jintianming glanced at Zhang Yi:

"I just joined your dragon clan not long ago, you trusted me so much, and gave me such a cherished hidden task."

"Aren't you afraid that I will run away with the mission reward afterwards?"

Zhang Yi smiled and said, "If you really run away, you have to find another one."

"Leaving the Dragon Clan, is it possible that you have to go back to find Ye Marching?"

Ye Jintianming nodded and said, "Since the brothers believe me so much."

"Don't worry, I won't let the brothers down!"

After speaking, Ye Jintianming walked to the statue of Tianyi to trigger the dialogue.

"Congratulations on passing the test. Now, you have the ability to control the god of war with the body of a mortal."

Under the attention of Zhang Yi, Yiqi Juechen Xingtian, and the Dragon Clan.

In Ye Jintianming's ear, a voice that only he could hear rang out:

"In the name of the God of War, I give you the power of a warrior! Warriors, please replace the human race and enter the capital of the gods to destroy the alienated god army!"

"Ding~ Congratulations, you received the hidden quest [The Name of the God of War!"

Around, everyone is watching the night and the dawn with anticipation and curiosity.

King Glory couldn't help but ask: "Dude, what grade?"

"Eighty percent legendary." Long Xingtian speculated.

Only when people are guessing each other.

Suddenly, a full server announcement fell from the sky:

National Service Announcement/Star Country Area:

"Ding ~ congratulations to the player [**** to receive the god-level hidden quest [The Name of the God of War], complete the achievement [God-level quest, get the reward: Level +2! Gold +200w! Prestige +10w!"

At the same time, Ye Jintianming shared the mission information, and everyone around couldn't help but widen their eyes——

[The Name of the God of War (God-level Hidden Quest):

Difficulty factor: 25w

Description: Players are invited to enter the hidden map Shendu in the name of the God of War, and hunt down the army of gods in Shendu that has been alienated by the power of alien kings.

Mission progress: 0/30w

Remark 1: This quest can be shared with up to nine other players, and the killing of the God Army by the players who have obtained the sharing qualification is also included in the total progress of the quest.

Remark 2: The task executor and the sharer can form a team of up to five people, and the task executor or the task sharer must win the last blow of the God Army before it is counted in the task progress. After the task is completed, the task executor will receive 100% of the full task reward, and each sharer will receive 20% of the task reward.

Remark 3: Once the quest officially starts, all players participating in the quest will not be allowed to leave the [Shendu map, once they leave or die in the city, they will no longer be able to participate in the quest.

Mission time: 10 days.

"Damn it! God-level hidden mission!"

Everyone was surprised.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, the map hidden mission hidden in the capital of God is actually a god-level hidden mission with a difficulty factor of 250,000!

You know, so far, even Zhang Yi has only had one god-level mission.

That is the hidden quest of the god-level dragon family [Child of Light!

The rich achievement rewards brought by the national service announcement made the surrounding Dragon players who were qualified to receive it just now, but did not receive this god-level quest, envious.

Even until the dawn of the night, I couldn't help but my heart beat faster.

This is the first time he has contacted the god-level hidden quest, and it is also the first time he has triggered the announcement of the national service level!

At this time.

Han Yarou, who was beside Zhang Yi, had a trace of worry in her eyes:

"Zhang Yi, can we really trust him?"

If the person who just received the task is Zhang Yi, this achievement reward belongs to Zhang Yi.

To be honest, even with the previous knowledge of Ye Jintianming, Zhang Yi could not be 100% sure that after completing this task, he would not steal all the profits.

After all, this is a god-level hidden mission!

Combined with Ye Jintianming's hundred times of money to obtain talent, after completing the task, he will be the richest man in the world of Apocalypse!

That financial strength can be used directly to create a team of his own, which is easy!

While thinking about it, Zhang Yi glanced at Ye Jintianming and said to Han Yarou beside him:

"I'm also not sure if we can trust him."

"However, I choose to believe him."

Just as Zhang Yi said so.

In the team channel, a team message suddenly sounded:

Team news: Player [Ye Jin Tianming donated 200 million gold coins to the team funds...

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