This monster with chains on its body does not have any ID display on its head, and its aura is also different from ordinary monsters.

One can see at a glance that it is different.

Originally, they were leveling up all night nearby, and the group of players who rushed over after hearing the news, about twenty people, came from the same team.

Surrounded by the monster, each looked at this unheard-of monster with a novel expression:

"It's confirmed, boss, it's a new breed!"

A level 127 four-turn archer [Hero of Fire said excitedly.

Immediately afterwards, another level 127 assassin [Ruge Huoge also said excitedly: "Maybe, it's a hidden boss!"

"Wow, don't we have to ask for support?"

Hearing that, the crowd is the leader, a 128-level warrior man in fire armor [God of Fire said: "No, let's fight it first, we can't beat it before we talk about it!"

Saying that, the Fire God of War "wow" and drew his sword up.

Around, three knight players of the fire family approached with shields and spears.

At this moment, the eyes of the chain monster radiated a burst of red light.

A murderous aura spreads out!

clap la la...

The body does not move.

The chains surrounding the body seem to be under some kind of mental control, splitting into three chains, extending towards the three surrounding Fire Knight players!

Boom boom boom!

With a few crisp sounds, the knights were directly swept down, and then the chains directly penetrated their chests and dragged them into the air!

Around, others have yet to react.

With a few screams, the three knights landed.

In the next second, it turns into white light and floats away at the same time!

The other players of the fire family were stunned.

"I was... smashed?"

These are three knights!

Seeing this, other people dared to fight against this chain monster, and they all fled in panic with the expression of seeing a ghost.

But this chain monster has no intention of letting them go.


A roar like a beast.

In an instant, countless black bugs sprang out from under the black robe of the chain monster, and swept away towards the players of the Fire Clan who fled around.

rustling rustling...

The swarm immediately engulfed the slow players.

Accompanied by bursts of hysterical screams, under the devouring of the insect swarm, those few players were powerless to resist and turned into white light in a blink of an eye!

The fire armored warrior, the fire god of war, fled wildly.

Suddenly, "Pfft"!

A chain pierced his body from the back.

A burst of high damage of more than 1.8 million directly wiped out half of the blood of the Fire God of War.

The next moment, the swarm rushed over and engulfed the fiery God of War.

In the blink of an eye, more than 20 players of the Raging Fire family were all killed, not a single one remained!

On the ground, the items that exploded from their deaths were falling everywhere.

And the swarm also returned to the chain monster.

Immediately afterwards, the chain monster walked straight towards the tree where the two-sword warrior hid just now.

After coming to the tree, I found that there was no one here, and the smell of blood left the chain monster a little excited.

It turned out that the two-sword warrior had already escaped by taking advantage of the opportunity that the Fire Clan player had just fought with this chain monster.

The chain monster followed the breath and followed the direction of Liuguang City.

Every time I take a step, my body will make a horrifying sound of "crack ~ clap"...

The next morning.

Zhang Yi and Han Yarou tortured them and had breakfast at a restaurant in the city.

The dragon clan sitting around the table was immortal and said, "Boss, can we officially start recruiting people today and expand the dragon clan?"

Before, it was because the reputation of the dragon family was not enough.

Through last night's battle in which 40,000 people of the Dragon Clan defeated the first family in the night marching of 160,000 players in Liuguang City, the reputation of the Dragon Clan has now been completely established in Liuguang City.

Zhang Yi said, "Yes."

"I will give you a few lists, and you will recruit people in a targeted manner."

With that said, Zhang Yi searched through the memory of the previous life and found that there were more than a dozen families in Liuguang City, ranging from 10,000 people to as few as 2,000 or 3,000 people. two vice-captains.

After all, he spent two full years in Liuguang City in his last life.

Zhang Yi is very clear about the scale and nature of the major clan forces in Liuguang City.

According to Zhang Yi's impression, the teams he has selected are all character passers-by.

If you draw these people into the dragon clan, it will be much more reliable than recruiting scattered players.

Moreover, Zhang Yi knew that most of these families had hatred against Ye Xingjun and were once oppressed by Ye Xingjun and did not dare to fight back.

Some were killed by the Night Marching Army after the last life.

So it is easier to win them over.

In this regard, the Dragon Clan Immortal and the others have no doubts, they directly took the list given by Zhang Yi, and prepared to start recruiting people tonight.

Because they also have tasks during the day, to complete the fifth rank, and to deal with the equipment that the players who marched on the night last night exploded.

At this moment, there was a sudden exclamation from the peak of the young master at the table:

"This guy looks really good! The first time I saw a monster in the world of Apocalypse, he can be so handsome!"

"What monster?" The King Glory Storm Angel and the others went over to join in the fun.

The crowd gathered around a video interface in front of Young Master Peak, in amazement: "What kind of monster does so much damage, I'll go..."

At this time, Young Master Feng turned the video interface to Zhang Yi's side: "Captain, you are well-informed, do you know what kind of monster this is?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yi, who was having breakfast, raised his head.

I can only see that what Peak Emperor Young Master showed was a video clipped from a video post in the Liuguang City forum.

In the video screen, a monster wearing a black robe, with a black aura, wrapped in black chains, raised his hand and killed a group of more than 20 players who besieged it!

The chain attack touched those players, and they all dealt more than one million damage.

Those players are absolutely not the opponents of this chain monster!

Peak Emperor Young Master and the others all looked curious.

Only Zhang Yi was shocked when he saw the chain monster in the video!

Involuntarily called out a name: "Soul Hunter!"

"My good fellow, Captain, you are indeed well-informed, you know it all!" Peak Emperor Shao said excitedly: "What is a Soul Hunter? Is it a hidden profession? So, this thing is a player?"

He did not answer the question of the peak emperor.

Zhang Yi's eyes gradually showed an incredible look.

I saw Zhang Yi's abnormality.

Han Yarou on the side hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with you Zhang Yi?"

"Remember what I mentioned to you, a secret race of Apocalypse, the ghost race?" After a long time, Zhang Yi said to Han Yarou's indestructible dragon race.

"Remember." The dragon clan nodded and said, "You said before that a powerful race that can stand side by side with the dragon clan is a great threat to Tianqi, and it is the natural enemy of all players!"

After a pause, Zhang Yi said:

"Soul Hunter appears, explain,"

"The ghosts have come."

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