Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 894 Dragon Clan Territory: The Capital of God!

Hidden map, God Capital.

The entire dragon army had already evacuated, and the night marching players who had already mastered the way to open the entrance took advantage of the emptiness to enter.

Soon, the army of more than 100,000 players in the Night March had spread all over the map of the God Capital.

They were in groups of five and immediately began to hunt the Divine Army.

Until someone broke out the gods' suits from the army of gods, the nightcrawler and several officials were overjoyed:

"The golden suits on the dragon clan's gang really exploded from here!"

"Brothers, wait for us to have a set of gods suits and abuse their dragon clan, not like a father beating his son!"

"Haha, it's time for the Ye Marching Army to rise up. Brothers, as long as I don't die, brush me to death!"

Under the order of the night walker, the night marching army started the crazy killing monster mode.

However, the good times did not last long.

Half an hour later, the dragon army arrived.

This time, it's not just the bonuses brought by the gods set.

More than 80% of the Dragon Race people have completed the fifth rank, and their strength has been improved twice.

And those who came to Shendu were all these strong people, about 30,000 people.

There are 10,000 people who died in the battle last night, and they have not yet been upgraded to level 130. Zhang Yi deliberately did not let them participate in this operation to avoid secondary losses.

And marching at night.

Originally, the level was not as high as that of the Dragon Clan, but it was suppressed by the Dragon Clan again last night. Now the average level of the entire staff has dropped to between level 127-128.

With such strength, it is obviously impossible to fight against the dragon players who are all level 130 and rank five, and have a full set of 13-star gods suits.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Countless white lights were scattered, and the dragon players were sent down.

In the city of Shendu, the Night March player realized later: "Someone is here!"

"It's the dragon family!"

"Dragon is coming! Brothers, be on guard!"

Soon, the 30,000 players of the Dragon Clan directly broke through the night marching line of defense and entered the city along the north gate of Shendu.

Night marching players are completely unable to resist the invasion of the dragon army.

The dragon army marched straight in, and the knight players instantly broke through the block of the night marching players with the "human" lineup.

A large number of rank five warrior assassins rushed into the enemy line along the breakthrough.

With the 50% damage bonus of the God of War suit, the 80% movement speed and the 20% crit rate bonus of the God of War suit, it is unmatched to kill the Quartet!

In the rear, the five-turn bow and arrow masters wearing the bow god suit and the magic god suit are even more powerful.

One after another, the damage of 400,000 to 500,000 is completely unbearable for the players of the Night March.

This is just the strength level of the ordinary members of the Dragon Clan.

Xing Tian, ​​a rank five ghost swordsman wearing a 14-star top-level enhanced gods suit, the damage is even more explosive.

With the 70% damage bonus brought by the 14-star God of War suit, the damage of up to more than 2 million exploded at the point of the blade!

It is also a top-level enhanced 14-star gods suit, and the damage at night and day is not inferior.

A single fireball spell can deal 1.78 million damage.

With super high damage, plus the protection of Dragon Knight players.

Located in the back row, enjoy the life of the night marching players.

It was only called Ye Marching players to regret forcing Ye Jintianming away.

Xing Tian and Ye Jintianming, the investment of 100 million gold coins on the two of them combined, was considered nothing in vain.

in fierce battle.

White light continued to shine from the crowd, and at least 90% of them were all night marching players!

Their loss is the greatest.

If you die once before Rank 5, you will drop one level directly.

Die once after rank five, only lose 10% experience.

The former is the death price of the night march, and the latter is the death loss of the dragon race.

Under the invasion of the dragon army.

The night marching players fought and retreated, and the crowd panicked: "Damn! They are more fierce than last night!"

"They've all turned 5, and they have 13-star gods in their suits. How can we fight them?"

"Sun! Get out now, or you'll be wiped out like last night!"

In the sound of words, the night marching players began to retreat to the south gate.

The dragon race took advantage of the victory to pursue.

So, last night it was 40,000 to 160,000.

30,000 to 160,000 today.

The Dragon Clan once again defeated the Ye Marching Army with less than four times the number of opponents!

After the Ye Xingjun was driven away, the dragon clan re-occupied the capital of God.

Although their level has reached level 130, which is consistent with the monster army in Shendu, there is no advantage in killing monsters of the same level.

However, this does not affect them in advance to prepare the gods suits for the newcomers who are about to enter the dragon clan.

Of course, the most important thing is to defend the treasured land of Shendu, and we must not let the night marchers step into Shendu!

the following few days.

In order to seize the opportunity of the Shendu map, Ye Marching entered Shendu several times, but was repelled by the dragon clan.

The current dragon clan is so powerful that it does not need Zhang Yi's leadership to fight the Ye Marching army alone.

It is no longer a miracle that only 30,000 or 40,000 players can defeat the hundreds of thousands of players in the Night March, but it has become a routine operation.

During this period, Zhang Yi doesn't need to worry about the team.

The task of leading the dragon clan to defend the capital of the gods and resisting the march of the night was handed over to the dragon clan and them.

Zhang Yi's side, just leveling up.

With the memory of the previous life, and the understanding of the layout of Liuguang City.

Zhang Yi and Yiqi Juechen Xingtian, as well as Fatty and Yuesheng, the more powerful core members of the team, triggered various rare high-level quests and even hidden quests on the high-level maps around level 140 outside the city.

Cooperate with the task to brush monsters, and the level rises quickly.

At level 130, you can also farm monsters at level 10. This is an operation that ordinary people cannot touch.

Unfortunately, Zhang Yi and the others are not ordinary people.

Zhang Yi himself was speechless. With his current attributes, it should not be a big problem to kill level 145 monsters with his current attributes.

And Xing Tian, ​​a ghost swordsman who wears a top-level enhanced 14-star gods suit, is also extremely lethal, and can easily inflict heavy damage on 140-level monsters.

Yiqi Juechen, who relies on counter-injury and damage, almost ignores the strength of his attributes. As long as he is not killed by a single blow, he can occupy the core output and confrontation positions at the same time.

A level 140 monster can hit him with 500,000 or 600,000 blood at once.

He countered the injury ten times, and directly countered five or six million people...

During this period, if you turn on talent enhancement, you will get a hundred times the damage effect in a short time.

A counter-injury of 50 to 60 million can directly destroy one third of the blood of a level 140 monster!

In the team, Yiqi Juechen's damage was second only to Zhang Yi.

Looking for the four of them to form a team, but also to prepare for the [sublimation mission of the Vulcan Scepter.

Because Xing Tian, ​​Yiqi Juechen, Yue Sheng and Fatty were originally Zhang Yi's default teammates when he was preparing for the divine weapon sublimation mission.

During this period, the five-person team has challenged the most difficult task, which has reached 150,000!

It is the same difficulty as the Vulcan Scepter Ascension quest.

And with their current strength, they have been able to complete 150,000 difficult tasks, but it is a little reluctant.

To be on the safe side, Zhang Yi still plans to change into the 15-star gods suit before performing the artifact quest.

After level 130, the difficulty for players to upgrade is really not that big.

It took five days for Zhang Yicai to reluctantly rise to level 133 after brushing the 140-level advanced map every day, combined with the advanced task rewards!

Because of team formation, the system settles experience based on individual performance.

Zhang Yi performs the best and can get the highest reward.

Yiqi Juechen and the others gained less experience, and it only took five days to level up!

In addition, combined with the [God-Emperor Ring] absorbed the [God-defying skills, level 133 Zhang Yi, I can finally equip the coveted, level 135 and 15-star [Devil God Suit!

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