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Chapter 896 15-star suit, slaughter show

Since the defeat of God in the First World War.

The Ye Marching army faced the dragon clan and suffered repeated defeats.

In order to have a stronger power to deal with the dragons, the night marching army who lost the vault of Ye Jintianming began to recruit people by any means and expand their power.

Recently, they have wooed some weak clan teams in Liuguang City in the wild, forcing them to disband their teams and join the Night March.

If not, destroy them.

And recently, the dragon race, which became famous in the battle of the gods, is also rapidly expanding its power.

It's just that the way the Dragon Clan recruits people is not as unreasonable as the Night Marching Army.

No, there is the above, the two are eyeing [this scene of the Xingyao family at the same time in the field of death.

Both of them want to recruit the Xingyao family.

on the field.

On the side of the night march, the leader and vice-captain, a level 129 fourth-turn warrior [the night march, the killer pointed at the Xingyao family player, and shouted to the opposing dragon player: "This is the prey that our night march is targeting, you guys If you know each other, get out of here!"

"Prey?" Level 130 rank five warrior [Dragon Indestructible said to the killer: "You also have to ask if they are willing to join you."

"Whether they are willing or not, what does it have to do with me? I will do it!"

Ye Marching's attitude has always been so domineering.

Xingyao family players dare not speak at all.

One is the level 10 dragon clan led by Yinuo Qingcheng, the first god of Liuguang City.

One is the night march of the top family with nearly 200,000 players and the level has been further developed to level 10.

These two families were all things that his Xingyao family, a small 5,000-member 5th-level team, couldn't afford to provoke.

At this time, the level 130 fifth-rank archer king was full of glory and said: "What nonsense with the Ye Marching Army, we will destroy them in one wave, and then take over the Xingyao family!"

"Well." The Dragon Clan Immortal said: "Xingyao Family, in the list listed by the boss, this family, our Dragon Clan must win!"

On the other side, Ye Marching Army and Killer asked a younger brother beside him: "Have you all been notified by the brothers?"


The assassin's younger brother Ye Marching and the assassin said: "The brothers of our night marching in the vicinity have already gathered towards the Wild of Death, and it is estimated that it will only take ten minutes to arrive."

"And their dragons are basically all in Shendu, I have checked, Shendu is at least half an hour away from here, and when the reinforcements of the dragons arrive, we have already wiped out their current group of people and taken away the stars. Yao family!"

After a pause, the assassin continued: "Also, there are at least 20,000 to 30,000 brothers in our vicinity. Even if Yinuo Qingcheng can quickly ride a dragon and fly over to support him, if he comes alone, he will die!"

"Even if he has the ability to defeat 10,000 by one, I don't believe that he alone can defeat 20,000 or 30,000 of us!"

"Today, the Dragon Race will be defeated in our hands no matter what!"

Hearing this, the Ye Marching Army and the Killer laughed: "It's time for our Ye Marching Army to vent our anger, brothers, kill me!"

With the killer's order.

The night marching group of a thousand people launched an attack on the dragon clan.

The dragon players also fought back, and the two players fought in the wilderness!

With the current strength of the Dragon Clan, there is no difference in numbers between the two sides, and it will inevitably crush the Ye Marching Army.

Sure enough, the Night March players were simply no match for the Dragon Clan, and suffered heavy casualties during the battle.

But they, who had maintained a defensive stance after the battle, seemed to be waiting for something.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that a burst of shouting and killing came from all around.

In all directions, countless night marching players are copying the guys and attacking the field of death!

This scene stunned the dragon players who were about to defeat the Night March:

"Damn! Their reinforcements are here!"

On the field, Ye Marching and Killer laughed coldly: "You are finished!"

I didn't think about it, the voice just fell.

Just around the corner, the night marching army was surrounded at the same time.


A dragon roar resounded through the darkness.

In the sky, a huge fire dragon leaped!

"Yinuo Qingcheng really came!"

Seeing this familiar fire dragon, the killer was a little excited: "Brothers, kill me!"

Soon, Zhang Yi rode a fire dragon into the shooting range.

Use [Dragon Emperor Possession, and enter the virtual state that cannot be selected at the same time as the minibus, avoiding a round of long-range concentrated fire attacks by countless night marching mage shooters on the land.

Open the God-killing Art and Burning Heaven.

Lock on a level 129 night marching assassin player on land who is approaching the immortal dragon race.


The golden fireball technique triggered multiple attacks, turning three into three, hitting three night marching players including the assassin at the same time, and bursting a huge amount of damage on top of their heads that shocked the audience——


-1789w crit!

-1804w crit!

More than ten million injuries!

The night march blew up.

Next, it is simply Zhang Yi's slaughter show.

With a 15-star Demon God suit, all kinds of damage ranging from 4 to 5 million to as high as 8 to 9 million swept the audience.

Everywhere I went, there were screams and screams, and the white light came one after another!

After a period of depression.

Now, the "one second man" that once was is back.

No one can survive for one second in Zhang Yi's hands, but all targets selected by Zhang Yi are instantly killed.

on land.

The summoned beast group also assisted the dragon players to fight back against the night march.

The 200% speed brought by 200 layers of Soul Hunting buff, plus the 80% speed of the Killing God suit.

With a total of 280% movement speed bonus, the Soul Reaper, which is almost reaching the upper limit of 300%, is really like a bolt of lightning, piercing and killing the audience.

The undead crossbowman with an 80% attack speed bonus, shoots quickly, and cooperates with the soul reaper to kill the surrounding enemies.

Relying on the treatment of Han Yarou and several senior priests of the Dragon Clan, the Dragonblood Knight went on a rampage, and the Night Marcher player who was attacked with one-handed retaliation had a hard time saying.

The appearance of Zhang Yi directly turned the whole situation around.

Because his damage is too high!

All the way from a hundred enemies, to a thousand enemies, to ten thousand enemies.

Today's Zhang Yi is already ten thousand people, and he is no match for him!


With Zhang Yi's attack, the hell dragon flame is triggered.

Hot flames fell from the sky, covering hundreds of night marching players in a large area.

A huge amount of real injuries of 12.82 million points swept the audience.

Immediately, hundreds of white lights shot up into the sky, and the entire night was illuminated, stunned players who were leveling in the wild area near the Wild of Death.

Around, the Ye Marching players gave up their confrontation under the deterrence of Zhang Yi's powerful force.

In order to avoid greater losses, hurriedly retreated.

On the field, the hundreds of core players of the Xingyao family who witnessed the battle with their own eyes were stunned.

Before that, they had only heard that the first person of the human race in Liuguang City, Yinuo Qingcheng, possessed the powerful strength of one against ten thousand, but they had never seen it with their own eyes, and it was hard to believe.

Now, seeing with his own eyes Zhang Yi alone directly repels the army of tens of thousands of people marching in the night, this strength is simply shocking!

At this time.


The giant dragon Babu is located in front of the Xingyao family crowd.

Zhang Yi jumped down from the dragon's back and walked towards the Xingyao family player.

Haven't spoken yet.

The captain of the Xingyao family, a level 128 rank four warrior [The Night of Xingyao hurriedly said to Zhang Yi:

"As the captain of the Xingyao Family, I apply for all members of the Xingyao Family to join the Dragon Clan!"

Zhang Yi smiled sincerely: "Welcome to join."

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