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Chapter 907 Dragon Emperor Babu, attack form!

Night falls.

Streaming City.

I spent a day in Shendu, and it was not until night that the Dragon Clan Immortal and a group of core members of the team returned to the city. While preparing to eat, they would supply supplies by the way, and then go back to Shendu to camp in the village to prevent people from marching at night. Take advantage of the emptiness to enter and seize the capital of God.

In a restaurant in the city, a group of people sat around a table and had dinner.

During the banquet, the original girl was a little worried: "I don't know how Chenchen and Zhang Yi are doing on their side. It's been several days and they haven't come back yet."

"Do not worry."

King Glory said: "Brother Cheng's fighting strength is still doubtful? There are also Fat Brother Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen and Miss Yue Sheng, which of them are not the top experts in Liuguang City!"

"In contrast, let's take care of our own side."

Storm Angel said: "During this period of time, the brothers in the team have developed well in the capital of the gods. After a while, we will be equipped with a set of gods, and our dragon clan will be able to become the unsurpassed first family in Liuguang City!"

In the voice of the speech, the original girl suddenly asked: "By the way, how is the development of Ye Marching Army during this period?"

"Speaking of which, let King Qin stare at Ye Xingjun and the two-sword warrior, and let me know if there is any change. He has not contacted me for a day."

With that said, Storm Angel opened the friend list and was surprised to find: King Qin's ID turned gray at some point!

Under normal circumstances, the ID that appears in the friend list should be white.

Permanent death appears black.

But the gray ID, the storm angel is the first time I see it!

Ask other people around you, and they all said that they had never seen such a situation.

Storm Angel sent a message to King Qin, but he didn't get a reply for a long time.

Not only that.

Then, the scavengers discovered that all the undercover dragons who had been placed in the night marching army had all their IDs turned gray!

And send them a message, all of which are sinking into the sea!

"What's going on here? What does the ID grey mean? They'll be fine, right?"

While anxious, the Dragon Clan Immortal said: "The boss has a lot of knowledge, he must know what this means, send a message to the boss!"

With that said, Angel of Storms immediately opened the friend list and sent a message to Zhang Yi...

The dead dragon's lair is here.

The battle is in full swing.

The situation is not optimistic.

The Corrupted Dragon King summoned countless rotting corpse dragons from the ground.

floating in the air.

Dozens of rotten corpse dragons leaped over and rushed onto the Hurricane Dragon Emperor in an instant. Like a group of lice, they firmly clawed on the Hurricane Dragon Emperor's body and ate the flesh and blood of the Hurricane Dragon Emperor.


A growl.

The Hurricane Dragon Emperor released a strong wind from his body, sending the corpse dragons flying.

At this time, the Corrupted Dragon Emperor took the opportunity to spray death light, and hit the Hurricane Dragon Emperor who had just broken free from the corpse dragon.

With a roar of pain, the blood bar on the head of the Hurricane Dragon Emperor slammed down, and the huge body fell from the air.

Around, those corpse dragons continued to besiege towards the Hurricane Dragon Emperor.

The Corrupted Dragon King is also looking for the next opportunity.

at this time.

Boom boom boom!

Several skill special effects exploded around the Hurricane Dragon Emperor.

Fatty quickly cast a spell and used several strong control skills to control the corpse dragons that were trying to approach the Hurricane Dragon Emperor.

next moment.

The undead crossbowmen came into range, launched rapid fire, and shot down several other corpse dragons from low air.

Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen went up with their spears and rushed towards the corpse dragons that had fallen to the ground.

Soul Reaper and Dragonblood Knight followed closely behind.

Zhang Yi summoned the third-order Dragon Emperor Babu, rode Babu into the sky, and launched a violent attack on the corpse dragons around the Hurricane Dragon Emperor from the air!

With the assistance of Zhang Yi and the others, the corpse dragons who tried to entangle the Hurricane Dragon Emperor were successfully blocked.

"Insignificant human beings, in front of the dark dragon race, your strength is too weak!"

Corrupted Dragon Emperor was very dissatisfied with Zhang Yi and the others who were helping Hurricane Dragon Emperor.

Several rays of death light were sprayed from his mouth to attack Zhang Yi and the others.

But it was several hurricane shields summoned by the hurricane dragon emperor, to resist it!

Zhang Yi and the others are assisting the Hurricane Dragon King, and the Hurricane Dragon King is also protecting Zhang Yi and the others!

Taking advantage of Zhang Yi's help.

The Hurricane Dragon Emperor regained his strength, spread out his wings, and took off.

All the corpse dragons who tried to interfere with the Hurricane Dragon Emperor were intercepted by Zhang Yi and the others.

Next, the Hurricane Dragon King can finally have a fair duel with the Corrupted Dragon King.

According to the setting of Apocalypse: the light dragon family, the strength itself is slightly inferior to the dark dragon family.

They are also Tier 4 Dragon Sovereigns, and they are all seriously injured.

Under almost the same situation, the Hurricane Dragon King was somewhat inferior to the Corrupted Dragon King.

Not long after the two sides fought, they were each knocked to the ground by the dragon flames blasted by the other side.

The Corrupted Dragon Emperor stood up with half of his blood.

However, the Hurricane Dragon Emperor fell to the ground and cried out in pain.

The Corrosive Dragon Emperor opened his bloody mouth, aimed at the Hurricane Dragon Emperor, and began to charge:

"Dark Dragon Clan is the future leader of the Dragon Clan, Bright,

Will fall into darkness! "


The minibus where Zhang Yi sat down suddenly neighed and became a little restless.

As the third-order Dragon King of the Bright Dragon Clan, he seems to resonate with the Hurricane Dragon King.

He saw that his compatriots were being suppressed by the dark dragon clan, and he had an idea to help the Hurricane Dragon Emperor!

Zhang Yi, the master, sensed the inner thoughts of the minibus.

They cut off control and allowed the minibus to resume free movement.

The minibus, restored to freedom, flew at full speed towards the Hurricane Dragon King.

into range.

Zhang Yi on the dragon's back raised his staff and aimed it at the Corrupted Dragon Emperor who was accumulating power.

However, it has not yet had time to launch an attack.

The minibus sitting down actually spewed out a flame...

Zhang Yi was stunned.

This is the first time the minibus has spit out dragon flames... He can actually attack!


wow wow...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

The flame spewed from the mouth of the minibus was very short and small. After several consecutive failures of spouting, it finally succeeded in spouting a relatively complete dragon flame and bombarded the body of the Corrupted Dragon Emperor!

Because he inherited Zhang Yi's master's attack power, even Zhang Yi couldn't do too much damage to the Corrupted Dragon Emperor, who was the fourth-order Dragon Emperor.

Therefore, although the minibus did not cause much damage to the Corrupted Dragon Sovereign, it interrupted its attack!

use this opportunity.

Hurricane Dragon Emperor quickly got up and launched a counterattack.

hoo hoo hoo!

With a roar, he kept spitting out energy balls from his mouth, which continued to bombard the Corrupted Dragon Emperor's body, quickly consuming its blood.

at the same time.

The minibus was also flying around the Corrupted Dragon Emperor, fully assisting his eldest brother Hurricane Dragon Emperor, and with his own meager strength, he worked very hard to spit out small immature flames to attack the Corrupted Dragon Emperor.

with the help of a minibus.

The Hurricane Dragon Emperor turned defeat into victory and defeated the Corrupted Dragon Emperor!

Under the continuous attack of the Hurricane Dragon King and the minibus, in the blink of an eye, the Corrupted Dragon King has turned into residual blood.

at the same time.

On Zhang Yi's side, with a "ding dong" sound, he suddenly received a private message from Storm Angel...

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