Watching the dragon clan rushing towards him is immortal.


The candle dragon stretched out his hands and pulled out his double swords from his back, rode the skeleton horse, and stood on the spot.

As the deputy captain of the dragon clan, the fifth-rank warrior dragon clan who has reached level 131 is immortal, and his strength is very powerful now.

Currently, it ranks eighth on the list of human race warriors in Liuguang City!

With such strength, in the eyes of the Dragon Race players, against this guy who uses two swords, it may not be an indestructible opponent of the Dragon Race.

The next scene was shocking.

call out!

The Dragon Clan Immortal launched a charge slash, but it has not yet approached the candle dragon.

The candle dragon launched a light slash from a distance of more than ten meters, swung his double swords, and released a cross sword light towards the dragon clan.

In the process of charging, the speed was too fast, and the dragon clan, who could not move to avoid it, was immortal and swung his sword to block.

The moment when the sword light was blocked.

The candle dragon came galloping on horseback, approaching at a super fast speed.


A sword in the left hand picks up the flying dragon clan, and the sword in the right hand keeps blowing away.

Then, the two swords converged to launch a light slash, and an X-shaped sword light penetrated the inextinguishable body of the dragon family.

When the Dragon Clan Immortal fell from the low sky, three bursts of high damage jumped up from the top of the head.



-642w crit!

With the blessing of a 130-level 13-star God of War suit, the dragon clan whose blood volume has exceeded 8 million is immortal, and still cannot resist the damage of the candle dragon.

Accumulate a huge amount of damage of more than 12 million +, directly clear the blood bar above the dragon's inextinguishable head, and kill it!


White light comes on.

As the vice captain of the dragon clan was easily killed by the candle dragon without any effort, a necklace exploded and flew away as white light.

After the formation, all the dragon players were stunned.

"Kill together!"

With the order of Long Xingxia.

Hundreds of dragon players attacked at the same time, killing the candle dragon.

The candle dragon did not dismount.

Ride on a skeleton warhorse, cross your swords, and charge briefly.


Release the energy accumulated in the blade, and a powerful sword light blooms around.

In an instant, all the hundreds of dragon players around were overturned to the ground!

One after another, the damage as high as three or four million swept the audience!

After the battle, the night marching players saw this scene, and they were all excited:

"The candle dragon is so fierce!"

"As expected of the first place on the list of Demon Races in Liuguang City, it's awesome!"

"The first place in the Demon Race Heaven Ranking is only due to racial limitations. If Liuguang City has a comprehensive combat power list, I think that with the strength of Zhulong's vice-captain, it can completely crush Yinuo Qingcheng, which is a well-deserved heaven for Liuguang City. Be the number one god on the list!"

When everyone was talking about it, they saw that the candle dragon smashed hundreds of dragon people to the ground effortlessly.

Taking this opportunity, Nightcrawler gave an order: "Brothers, kill!"

I never thought that the voice had just fallen, but the candle dragon suddenly ordered: "Withdraw!"

Nightcrawler and the others have not yet realized what the candle dragon means.

But it can be seen: the candle dragon has already rode the skeleton horse, killed the dragon player who was blocked in front, and then... escaped!

The Nightcrawler and the surrounding people were all stunned.

The candle dragon is the core of their combat power. Without the candle dragon, they only have a few dozen people left. Where would they be the opponents of thousands of dragon players?

So, seeing the candle dragon running away, Nightcrawler and the others hurriedly moved in other directions and fled into the darkness...

King Glory was about to lead people to chase the candle dragon, but was stopped by Long Xingtian: "This guy is too strong, don't chase after him first, the top priority is to save people!"

With that said, Long Xingtian quickly led people to the front of the corpse lying on the ground.

According to Zhang Yi's explanation: They must bring the life beads dropped by King Qin and their corpses to the resurrection spring in the main city as soon as possible, and resurrect them!

at this time.

"Gluck cluck..."

In the darkness, a strange sound suddenly came!

"what sound?"

The scavenger clenched his dagger and looked around: "Be careful, the Night March may still be ambushing nearby!"

A group of dragon players looked around.

In the darkness, a monster wearing a black robe and wrapped in black chains walked out slowly!

Not yet approaching, from a distance of 100 meters, you can feel a dark power emanating from the monster!

See this somewhat familiar chain monster.

The scavenger immediately thought of the chain monster he saw in a video post on the Liuguang City Forum a few days ago. According to Zhang Yi's positioning of the chain monster at that time, he couldn't help shouting:

"Soul Hunter!"

That one was posted on the streamer city hot post a few days ago, and it was easy to kill [more than 20 players of the Agni Family, a monster that almost all players in the city have never heard of!

Identify the identity and strength of this chain monster.

The leader of the crowd, Long Xingtianxia and the scavengers, took two steps back one after another.

"Why is this guy here?" Peak Emperor Shao was stunned.

The scavenger is also incredible: "Yes, the captain said that the main goal of this soul hunter is to hunt down ghosts, and although he will usually attack players, he will not attack ordinary players easily for no reason.

Family. "

"Could it be that there is a ghost monster nearby that attracted it?"

The words of the glory of the king awakened the dreamer.

At this time, the chain monster was approaching step by step.

Long Xingtian and them are only separated by a corpse.

That is King Qin, and the corpses of the hundred dragon players who sneaked into the night march to respond!

This chained monster is full of unknown and powerful aura, which makes dragon players feel intimidated.

Look at the chain monster that is about to step on the corpse and approach.

Xiao Qiang, a level 130 rank five warrior who couldn't be beaten to death, said anxiously, "What should I do, this guy seems to be very strong, should we retreat first, and then come back after it's gone?"


Long Xingtian looked at the corpses of King Qin and the others, and said:

"The boss said that if you are killed by the ghosts, you must use the life orb to resurrect in the Resurrection Spring within 24 hours, otherwise, after this time, you will be powerless!"

"We can't be sure when King Qin and the others were killed. In case it was last night or early morning, it's already close to 24 hours at this time."

"We must pick up those fate beads!"

"I've already sent a message to the boss. He and Xingtian Yiqi Juechen boss are on their way. It's really not good. Let the boss clean up this guy. Let's hold it off first!"

Having said that, Long Xingtian drew his sword and stood up: "Brothers, be sure to get the life beads around each of them!"

The voice just fell.

In response to the chain monster whose results could not be detected at all by ordinary exploration techniques, the dragon players quickly formed an array to face it.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Dozens of senior rank five knights stepped forward with shields and spears, and lined up to press in.

In the rear, warrior assassins are ready to pick up the life beads at any time!

Whoosh whoosh!

boom boom boom...

The mage shooter player directly attacked, trying to use firepower to suppress the chain monster...

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