Soul hunters do not belong to the ghost clan, but they live in and out of the ghost clan.

They were also contaminated with the breath of the ghosts because they had guarded the ghosts for thousands of years.

Therefore, in the soul hunter, he must be able to obtain something equivalent to the ghost token!

"However," the scavenger frowned slightly: "Where can I find that soul hunter... Since he was beaten away by you last time, it seems that he has never appeared again."

Perhaps he knew that Zhang Yi was too strong.

The last time Zhang Yi killed his four soul beasts, the soul hunter has not dared to seek revenge against Zhang Yi until now!

Zhang Yi couldn't lead him out by himself, but he knew that someone could.

That is the candle dragon!

After all, this soul hunter originally came to Liuguang City to hunt down the candle dragon.

According to the characteristics that the soul hunter can only appear at night.

As long as the candle dragon leaves the city at night, it loses the shelter of the safe area.

The soul hunter can sense the breath of the candle dragon, and immediately come to the door to hunt the candle dragon!

Perhaps Zhang Yi can take this opportunity to take down the candle dragon and the soul hunter at the same time.

Kill two birds with one stone!

So the next step is to think of a way to lead the candle dragon out of the city at night.

Zhang Yi thought about it.

I think Nightcrawler is a good use condition.

The next night.

Zhang Yi took the initiative to contact Nightcrawler: "Based on the relationship between you and the Torch Dragon, even if there is no Ghost King Ling, you should help me lead out the Torch Dragon, there should be no problem, right?"

"But, is your goal just the candle dragon?" Nightcrawler replied.

Obviously, Nightcrawler also knows that Zhang Yi's real target is the ghost clan behind Zhulong!

Nightcrawler continued: "When Zhulong obtained the Ghost King Token, he will definitely hand it over to the Ghost King. At that time, we can follow the vine and find out the Ghost King."

Ghost King!

Zhang Yi was shocked, the big hand behind Zhulong that pushed him forward was really a ghost king?

It is also true that, except for the ghost king level, ordinary ghost monsters do not have such great ability, so that the top god who is the number one in the Demon Clan Heaven Ranking in Liuguang City is in the company of him.

Who is the candle dragon?

How did the ghost king break through the seal ahead of time?

How could they know that Zhang Yi had the Ghost King Ling on his body.

It seems that everything has become interesting...

So, Zhang Yi said to Nightcrawler, "It's hard for me to trust you with just your few words."

"You have to prove your sincerity first, otherwise how would I know that you are not lying to me?"

Nightcrawler was not stupid, he understood what Zhang Yi meant.

Reply: "I can help you lead out the candle dragon first to prove my sincerity."

"But after this time, Zhulong will definitely doubt me. Next time I want to seduce him, I have to use your Ghost King Token."

Zhang Yi said without hesitation: "Okay, just tonight."

After the conversation is over.

The night walker on the other side immediately found the candle dragon.

Tell Zhang Yi's request to him in full.

Without thinking, Zhulong did not hesitate: "Then let him be."

In the voice of the words, a trace of indifference appeared in Zhulong's eyes: "Since the time is set by him tonight, I just borrow his hand to help me get rid of that guy who is in the way."

Nightcrawler smiled and said, "Yinuo Qingcheng must have never imagined that soul hunters only come and go at night. When you use Yinuo Qingcheng to help you get rid of the entanglement of soul hunters this time, your actions will no longer be limited by day and night. , you can move freely at night!"

So, Nightcrawler contacted Zhang Yi again:

"I've made an appointment with Zhulong, and let him go out of the city with me at nine o'clock tonight to help me carry out a mission of a hundred people."

Liuguang City Restaurant.

Zhang Yi, who received the news, replied lightly: "Okay."

At this time, the dragon clan on the side gnashed his teeth and said: "Turdle Dragon, this guy almost permanently wiped out King Qin and hundreds of brothers in the team, and he killed me once last time."

"Tonight, you must not let him go!"

Zhang Yi also had a hint of expectation.

Tonight, I will finally be able to meet the first person on the Demon Clan Heaven Ranking in Streaming City!

Wait until nine o'clock at night.

The Nightcrawler sent a location message.

Zhang Yi immediately and the dragon clan did not destroy them, and rushed towards the marked point.

at the same time.

In the west of the city, there is a forest, where the night walkers and the hundreds of players from the night marching army are walking through it.

In this hundred-member group, there is a golden-armored double-sword warrior riding a skeleton horse: Candle Dragon!

After a while, Zhang Yi arrived as promised.


The giant dragon Babu slammed into the front of the crowd.

The dragon clan is immortal, and Yiqi Juechen and Xingtian jumped down from the dragon's back.

Ahead, a hundred players of the Night March took up their weapons one after another and fell into shock.

This secret operation, this night marching 100 people really did not know the situation, they were surprised, it is reasonable.

When the Nightcrawler saw Zhang Yi and the others, he pretended to be surprised and said, "You...why are you here?"


The inextinguishable sword of the dragon clan pointed to the candle dragon: "Those who violated my dragon clan, kill!"

Supported by a hundred people in the night march, riding a skeleton warhorse, the candle dragon high above.

Looking at the immortality of the dragon clan who had been killed by himself once before, calmly

A smile: "How can you be courageous when you are defeated?"

At this time, the lv134 Ghost Swordsman Xingtian stopped the impulsive dragon clan from being destroyed, drew his sword, and said to Zhulong, "I will be your opponent."

"You are not my opponent."

With a look of disdain, Zhulong swept past Xingtian's Yiqi Juechen and Long Xingtian, and hooked his hands: "Come on together."

The arrogance of the candle dragon is unbearable.

In the next moment, Xingtian, Yiqi Juechen, Dragon Clan Immortal and Long Xingtian all launched an attack one after another!

Here, in order to convince Zhang Yi that he did not have any conspiracy, but really helped him lure the candle dragon out.

Nightcrawler immediately shouted: "Brothers, this time we have Torch Dragon in the battle, don't panic, Yinuo Qingcheng is not Torch Dragon's opponent!"

"Pay attention to protect the candle dragon, kill me!"

One command.

The Night Marching Hundreds have picked up the guys and launched an attack!

For the Nightcrawler, it is also worthwhile to use the sacrifice of this hundred people in exchange for the trust of Yinuo Qingcheng.

Ordinary players of the Night Marching Army would not be the opponents of Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen and other experts in the Heavenly Ranking.

It is conceivable that their combat power, like bean curd dregs, was easily smashed.

Thunder Knight and Ghost Swordsman, the two hidden professionals killed the audience!

The night marching elite 100-member regiment was instantly defeated.

They are dragged by the dragon clan to hold the remaining soldiers.

Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen took the candle dragon behind him!

wow wow...

Zhulong reached out to his back and slowly took out his two swords.

At this time, the killer reminded the candle dragon: "Their Yiqi Juechen has the talent for counter-injury, you don't hit him, otherwise it is equivalent to suicide!"

Zhulong disagreed: "It's not enough to worry about."


It seems that a gain skill is turned on.

I saw a faint silver shield appearing on Zhulong!

next moment.


Zhulong rode the skeleton warhorse and galloped away towards the two approaching in front!

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