Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 927 God-Level Magic Scroll: Super Title!

Because Ye Jin Tianming's damage was too low for a soul hunter, Zhang Yi really couldn't leave him with the final blow, so he took it himself.

Mandatory damage, cannot trigger assists.

So in the audience, only Zhang Yi and Yiqi Juechen got the rich experience benefits of the soul hunter.

The battle is over.

Zhang Yi came to the corpse of the soul hunter.

Picked up the only thing it burst out, but it was a priceless super-value loot:

[God-level magic scroll fragments: Two fragments can be combined into a god-level magic scroll!

Under normal circumstances, when a player kills a soul hunter, he can basically get top-level rewards such as complete god-level magic scrolls, golden skill books, and super artifacts.

The reward of the soul hunter killed by Zhang Yi was halved, most likely because of his current strength.

If it appeared when the ghost clan came to the world of apocalypse, the fighting power of the soul hunter would be far more than that.

It can be understood as: the soul hunter Zhang Yi killed was just a pawn in their big family of soul hunters.

What is there not to be satisfied with if a pawn can burst out the fragments of a god-level magic scroll?

The most important thing is: Zhang Yi passed the full-level big turntable last time and got a fragmented scroll.

With this one, it can be two in one!

However, Zhang Yi was not in a hurry to synthesize the scrolls.

Instead, he came to the corpse of the soul hunter.

In addition to the scroll, there is another thing that Zhang Yi urgently needs on this soul hunter.

The scroll fragments can also be used as ghost tokens and handed over to the master creator, Ender Hua.

But this is not worth the candle.

He sized up the soul hunter's body.

Finally, Zhang Yi's gaze rested on the black chains wrapped around his body.

Cue the Rod of Fire.


A golden fireball directly broke the chain, and then Zhang Yi picked up the broken piece.

Afterwards, Zhang Yi and Han Yarou went back to the city first.

Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen took some Dragon Clan teammates who were famous or not famous in the battle just now, to find a place nearby to brush their crime points.

at the same time.

In the darkness not far away.

Nightcrawler and Killer, who hadn't run far just now, hid in a deep forest, and were shocked to witness the whole process of Zhang Yi's solo killing of the Soul Hunter just now.

"Yinuo Qingcheng, the real T-size is a pervert! Such a strong boss, he actually killed him alone, is this a human thing?"

Nightwalker looked behind him, Zhulong, who had just been defeated by Zhang Yi, was a little worried:

"Even you are not the opponent of Yinuo Qingcheng. Ghost King, can you deal with Yinuo Qingcheng?"

Zhang Yi's data is so strong that it is beyond Zhulong's imagination.

With a blood volume of 20 million, Zhang Yi almost emptied it with a fireball!

The damage is directly six or seven times more than that of Candle Dragon. What kind of concept is this?

There is also the extraordinary high-end awareness and operation, which has surpassed the level of a top player in the Apocalypse World.

Zhang Yi's strength has reached the level of being able to confer gods!

With [Ghost King Buye's current strength, I'm afraid he really isn't Zhang Yi's opponent. After all, Buye is only a one-star ghost king.

Apparently Bouye also realized this a long time ago.

Otherwise, it would have already done something to Zhang Yi.

However, if the ghost king is allowed to obtain the ghost king's order, or Zhulong can get the things on the three scrolls bestowed by the ghost king according to the requirements.

Or, maybe both.

After greatly strengthening the power of the ghost king, it is not yet known who is stronger or weaker.

Zhulong said: "As long as you get the ghost king's order, in front of the ghost king, if you make a promise, you will be just a clown."

Nightcrawler nodded: "Okay, I will definitely help you get the Ghost King Token!"

"Yinuo Qingcheng has agreed to negotiate with us. Next, I will use the excuse of luring you to go out with the ghost king, and trick the ghost king's order in Yinuo Qingcheng's hand!"

the other side.

streamer city.

After returning to the city, Zhang Yi quickly found the master creator, Endehua, and handed over the chain to Endehua.

Immediately, En Dehua turned pale with shock: "How did you get the things of the ghost clan? Could it be that the ghost clan has come to Liuguang City?!"

Zhang Yi said: "Well, there is no 90% or 80% possibility. But it has been lurking in the dark, and I can't find it."

"So, I just need to use a fake ghost king order to lure the ghost invader out, and then kill it."

When I heard that Zhang Yi's purpose of forging the Ghost King Order was to deal with the ghost clan.

Endehua, who originally planned to receive a reward of three to five million gold coins from Zhang Yi, directly waived the reward and agreed to help Zhang Yi forge the ghost king's order for free!

Therefore, Zhang Yi handed over the real ghost king order to Endehua.

Undehua imitated the real ghost king order and imitated it.

Zhang Yi stood by the side the whole time.

To prevent any accidents, if the real Ghost King Token is lost, it will be over.

At the same time that Endewar imitated the ghost king's order.

Zhang Yi, who had nothing to do, took out two fragments of god-level magic scrolls from his bag.

2 in 1.

Suddenly, golden light bloomed.

"Ding ~ Congratulations on obtaining the god-level magic scroll 【Super Title!"

Zhang Yi looked at the golden scroll in his hand:

[Super Title (God-level Magic Scroll):

Description: After use, a growable title will be obtained.

Use level: 150

Good guy!

This is a good thing!

In Apocalypse World, players reach level 150 to unlock the title function.

That is, by obtaining the title, the color of the ID can be changed, and at the same time, the gain effect brought by the title can be obtained.

Similar to title.

But titles can stack attributes infinitely, and titles, each player can only have one.

And the attributes attached to titles are very rare. Generally, titles cannot be grown. According to the quality, they are divided into green, blue, purple, orange, red and gold.

Players who obtain high-quality titles must overwrite previous titles.

Zhang Yi only remembered his last life, and before he died, all he had was an orange title. The effect was to increase the equipment explosion rate by 70%!

Can grow the title, that's awesome!

It means that there is no need to change titles in the future, and one title can be directly upgraded to gold!

Well, you need to be level 150 to use it, so put it in the bag first.

At this time, Han Yarou, who was sitting at the table, propped her chin and looked at Endehua who was imitating the ghost king's order.

Suddenly asked Zhang Yi: "Who is this candle dragon? He actually has dragon blood!"

Although the dragon bloodline is not as precious as the identity of the dragon camp.

But it is also one in a million, and its value is equivalent to that of a hidden profession.

According to the setting: In addition to hunting the ninth and seventh-rank dark dragon emperors of the dark dragon clan, nine dragon blood scroll fragments can be dropped for sure to synthesize dragon blood scrolls, so as to obtain the blood of the dragon clan.

In the world of Apocalypse, there are many other ways for players to obtain the blood of the dragon clan, which are simpler than hunting the Dragon King.

However, according to Zhang Yi's knowledge: the first person of dragon blood was born in the Apocalypse World in the last life, that was one year after the Apocalypse World opened!

Later, more and more people of dragon blood appeared one after another.

Eight years later, Apocalypse has accumulated more than 500 players with dragon blood all over the world!

That is to say: this Zhulong should not have the dragon blood at this time in this life.

But Zhang Yi didn't find it strange at all.

Because the identity of the other party has been controlled by Zhang Yi.

"Who is Zhulong?" Han Yarou asked again: "It seems that he knows you, and you... know him too?"


Zhang Yi said, "How could I not know him?"

In the voice of the words, Zhang Yi's eyes showed a killing intent:

"haven't seen you for a long time,"


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