Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 949 A full set of 26 Spark Skulls!

At the end of the night, they paid attention to the Liuguang City forum and chat area.

On Zhang Yi's side, he sent a message to the scavengers: "Liangzi, how is the situation on the Ye Marching side?"

After a while, the scavenger replied, "Nothing has changed."

"During this period of time, they wandered in the Hell Kingdom every day. They searched almost every corner several times, but they found nothing. I'm really convinced, I can't take it anymore!"

"Even if it's buried in the ground, it's time to find it! The idiots of the Ye Marching Army... I really want to strangle them, so I'll find it myself!"

After a pause, the scavenger continued: "But there is one thing that I find a little strange."

"What?" Zhang Yi asked.

"Why didn't the ghost king himself come here to find the forbidden army?" the scavenger said: "If it is the ghost king himself, he should be able to sense the position of the forbidden army? During this time, it has never been to the hell kingdom. "

This is really incomprehensible.

Because if the map of Hell Kingdom is suppressed by the breath of the Lord God, ghost monsters cannot enter.

But the Nightcrawler can be inside and summon the eight ghost clan forbidden army soldiers with the command order given by the ghost king, indicating that the ghost clan can step into this map!

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Yi confessed to the scavengers: "You continue to stare at them, and once they find the forbidden army, tell me immediately."

"No problem," said the scavenger.

Close chat.

After having dinner with Han Yarou and the others, Zhang Yi found a hotel nearby and stayed there.

Until nine o'clock in the evening, the fatigue level will be restored to 70%.

The five got up and went to the pharmacy for some supplies.

Afterwards, Zhang Yi issued an order on the Dragon Clan Channel: "All those who have completed Rank 6, come to Fire Skull Island to gather as much as possible."

This is naturally to allow more people in the dragon race to gain the benefits of the BOSS battle.

Just according to the setting of the Apocalypse World BOSS battle, only those who cause damage to the defense can get the assist benefit.

Zhang Yi can only arrange Rank 6 players to enter the arena.

It is estimated that the guard BOSS of Fire Skull Island should be between 27-28 stars.

Players who have not completed Rank 6 are basically difficult to pose a threat to this big boss, and it is no use to go.

Be prepared.

Zhang Yi and Han Yarou set off for Skull Island.


The fourth-order Dragon Emperor, the giant dragon Babu leaped up from the city, carrying five people, and flew towards the nearest bunch of Skull Island teleportation arrays outside the city...

at the same time.

Around Liuguang City, near the major teleportation arrays, there are huge crowds.

The crowd rushed towards Skull Island frantically!

It's just that the number of people on Skull Island has reached one million, and it has already reached a saturation state, and they can't squeeze in at all.

In Skull Island, the Fire Skull Island area is also full of players.

The other two areas, Ice Skull Island and Night Skull Island, are almost empty.

Players all gathered on Fire Skull Island, waiting for the BOSS to refresh.

However, [Yinuo Qingcheng did not come, the BOSS could not be refreshed.

Therefore, while waiting for the BOSS to refresh, players are also waiting for Zhang Yi's arrival.

Teleport out of the array.

Long Ming came.

Countless players gathered around the teleportation array, seeing Zhang Yi coming on a dragon, voluntarily retreated.

Every minute and every second in Skull Island, players are killed.

Taking advantage of the gap between the number of people, Zhang Yi and Han Yarou, they rode the minibus directly into the teleportation formation.

"Ding~ Welcome to [Skull Island, your current location: Fire Skull Island!"

Looking around, the entire Fire Skull Island is densely populated by players!

"Good guy!" Ye Jintianming exclaimed in shock, "It's all here to grab the boss!"

Zhang Yi was not too worried.

It is understandable for these players to share the BOSS battle experience.

But they, of course, did not dare to follow the dragon race to snatch the spoils of the boss.

The BOSS refreshed by Zhang Yi must belong to Zhang Yi!

So, I settled down in a relatively open place on Fire Skull Island.

Zhang Yi and the others picked up the guy and started hunting fire skeletons above level 156.

The mission progress is 96%, which means there are 400 fire skeletons left.

Mainly Zhang Yi.

In ten minutes, these 400 fire skeletons were solved.

At this moment, in Zhang Yi's ear, a system prompt fell——

"Ding~ Congratulations, you have completed the legendary hidden quest [Advanced Arsonist (10), get rewards: experience value +100 billion, gold coins +800w, prestige +12w! Get the equipment [Fire Skull Set (25-star full seven-piece set)) +1! (Free choice of occupation and level, level 150/155/160)"

good guy!

Under normal circumstances, even if the tenth ring of the advanced arsonist mission, the reward after completion, there is only one 25 star fire skeleton equipment.

And Zhang Yi, the legendary high-level arsonist, actually directly rewarded a full set of 25 Spark Skulls!

Of course, not everyone can get this reward.

At first, soaking the quest scrolls in the sea of ​​blood around Skull Island to upgrade the scrolls and increase the probability of hidden quests triggering is crucial.

Otherwise, even if the tenth ring is completed with ordinary tasks, if you can trigger a hidden task during the period, you will be Amitabha.

In addition, Zhang Yi's performance is the most important point!

This task, on the one hand, is also based on the player's performance during the task process to increase the probability of the next task triggering the hidden task.

From Zhang Yi's tenth ring mission to reach the legendary level of hiding.

As for Han Yarou and the others in the same team, the highest is only the rare and high-quality level, which can be seen.

This 25-star fire skull suit is really not too tempting for Zhang Yi, who currently has a 25-star glory suit.

Without further ado, Zhang Yi directly gave it to the uncle who was already a level 150 rank six warrior.

The Fire Skull suit focuses on damage, and is still very suitable for uncles in the warrior profession.

As for Zhang Yi's practice of directly giving away the priceless 25-star suit, Ye Jintianming on the side might be very shocked when he first joined the Dragon Clan.

And now, it's not surprising.

At this moment, another system prompt suddenly fell:

"Ding~ Congratulations, you are the first player to clear all the missions of [Fire Skull Island], you will get the top three clearance rewards: a full set of 25 stars [Fire Skull Suit!"

"Ding~ The system has detected: Since you completed the advanced arsonist mission, and the progress of the hidden mission reached the legendary level, as the first player to complete the mission, the reward you received has been upgraded!"

"Congratulations on getting the [Fire Skull Set (26-star full seven-piece set)!"

26 stars!

This prompt from the system made Zhang Yi's heart tremble.

When I opened my backpack, I saw that I just took out a set of 25 Starfire Skull suits and gave it to my uncle.

In the blink of an eye, a new Fire Skull suit appeared!

Haven't had time to figure out the new suit yet.

at this time.


Suddenly the mountain shook.

Floating in the air, a loud system prompt came down——

"Ding~ Attention to all players: Since some players have already cleared [Fire Skull Island] all [Arsonist series quests, Fire Skull Island guard BOSS [Fire Skull Commander will be refreshed soon, please be prepared to deal with it!"

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