"The ghost king has released the ghost clan forbidden army, but he did not use this forbidden army to deal with us."

Zhang Yi and Xing Tian stopped in the Valley of Netherworld.

As Yiqi Juechen's voice just fell.

Xing Tian said: "So, releasing the forbidden army is not the real purpose of the ghost king, it has other purposes."

Zhang Yi's center of gravity is placed on the map of [Nether Valley.

Since the ghost king is the forbidden army released here, it means that the real ghost connection on the side of Liuguang City is very likely to be in the valley of the nether, not the hell kingdom that was misled before!

Therefore, Zhang Yi ordered the people of the Dragon Clan to carefully investigate the Valley of the Netherworld.

On the other side, the scavengers also cleaned up all the loot.

In Liuguang City, meet Zhang Yi and the others.

The 28-star BOSS Hell's Eye Mosa, exploded three pieces of equipment, two of which were 27 stars, and one was 28 stars!

All 155-160 level equipment.

After all, it is the first 28-star BOSS in Liuguang City. The three pieces of equipment that Mosa exploded are naturally the most top-notch equipment at this stage!

Zhang Yi took a fancy to the only piece of 28-star equipment:

[Shield of Hell (Level 156, 28 Stars):

Attribute: Damage reduction +25w

Additional skill: Hell's Breath (When the wearer uses the Hell Shield to successfully block the enemy's attack, it can reflect the Hell's Breath into the enemy's body, so that when the enemy with Hell's Breath attacks the wearer, the wearer will be attacked by the wearer. 10% of the maximum HP damage, lasts 10 seconds)

Not identified...

This shield, with additional skills, is the most suitable for the Dragon Blood Knight.

The basic damage reduction is 250,000, and it should be able to reach 300,000 when it is identified.

Top-level enhancements can reach 1.05 million.

1.05 million damage reduction!

When the Dragon Blood Knight puts on this shield, looking at the entire Liuguang City, I am afraid that no player can cause damage to the Dragon Blood Knight!

So, Zhang Yi accepted the [Shield of Hell.

It's just that the Dragon Blood Knight, after absorbing Mosa's experience, is still only level 155, which is one level away from equipping the Shield of Hell.

The other two with 27 stars were given to others.

In addition, the eight ghost clan forbidden soldiers also exploded a total of eight pieces of equipment.

Five of them are 25 stars, and three are of 26-star quality!

This explosive thing is richer than the lord monster of the same level!

In addition, these ghost clan banned soldiers also exploded a very special thing:

[Ghost talisman fragments:

Description: Ghost Treasures, which can be dropped by killing Ghost Custodians. 100 Ghost Talisman fragments can be combined into a complete Ghost Talisman, and each player will receive a binding super reward when they use the Ghost Talisman for the first time.

This is the most attractive thing for Zhang Yi, and it is also what countless high-level players in the previous life pursued wildly when the ghost clan invaded Tianqi.

Eight banned troops exploded with eight fragments, all of which were captured by Zhang Yi.

After destroying the 100-strong forbidden army released by the Ghost King, the remaining 92 fragments will be collected.

And their explosive equipment was distributed.

After all, Zhang Yi now, a 26 star fire skull suit is enough.

at the same time.

Zhang Yi took out three golden talismans from his bag.

Killing the Ice Skeleton Commander tonight, finally got the last golden talisman.

Use these three golden talismans to open the Skeleton King City!

However, Zhang Yi did not plan to open the Skeleton King City right away.

Take a few days.

After all, once the Skeleton King City is opened, Zhang Yi will have no time to do tasks and upgrade his title.

Therefore, Zhang Yi's plan is to prepare to complete ten tasks first and upgrade the super-god appraiser to purple. At that time, it should be just right. The Dragon Blood Knight can reach level 156 and be equipped with the shield of hell!

After that, it would be more beneficial for Zhang Yi to enter the Skeleton King City.

At the same time, Zhang Yi was also consuming the candle dragon to see how he reacted.

Darkness shrouded the city of Liuguang.

In a restaurant in the city, the Nightcrawler and the Killer were sitting at a table, eating wontons.

"I really don't understand, why is this happening?"

The killer said incredulously: "The ghost king asked us to search in the hell kingdom for so long, but finally we found out that the ghost clan forbidden army is not in the hell kingdom at all!"

"Instead, the people of the Dragon Clan took a bargain and slaughtered such a big boss!"

Nightcrawler figured it out a bit: "Yes, the ghost king is using us to attract the attention of the dragon clan, and then it goes to the real ghost clan's forbidden army hiding place and releases the forbidden army!"

"It uses our night march as cannon fodder!"

Nightcrawler gritted his teeth, full of anger.

At this moment, the commanding order on Nightcrawler's waist suddenly flashed light.

Nightcrawler took out the order, and the order suddenly turned into a spot of light, converging into a line of words:

"At twelve o'clock tomorrow night, come to Ye Guanglin!"

"The ghost king wants to see us?"

Nightcrawler snorted coldly: "I want to see, what are you going to do next!"

The next day, Zhang Yi took half a day to finish the task he had done last night [City Lord's worries, finally completed the eighth task!

Use the two title abilities that can be used per day as

Used on the 28-star [Hell's Shield], after two consecutive failures, the ninth mission continued.

It was late at night, twelve o'clock.

In the dead of night, when all sounds are silent.

To avoid too much movement.

Nightcrawler and Killer, and several other officials of the Night Marching Army, each deliberately spent a lot of money to buy a [Instant Rewind Scroll] at the store, and then set off for [Night Light Forest.

Ye Guanglin, located in the west of the city, is a level 155 wild area map, not far from the main city.

In ten minutes, we arrived at Yeguang Forest.

In the forest, I saw the ghost king who seemed to have been waiting for a long time: Buye!

Nightcrawler straight to the point: "You use us!"

Buye, who was driving the skeleton warhorse, said in a deep voice, "You have bought me enough time to release the forbidden army."

"Now that the forbidden army has been released, you are the great heroes!"

Nightcrawler sneered: "We do our best to help you, but you treat us as fools. If you want us to help you lure away the dragons, you can at least make it clear to us first!"

The ghost king was silent.

Said: "Don't worry, I will compensate you."

"What compensation?" asked the killer.

"Compensation for death."

The voice just fell.


Two shadows suddenly appeared in the darkness, flashing to the side of the night walker at a super fast speed, and beside the night walker, a night marching officer, a level 151 mage [night marching, ice attack kill!

With a groan, Ye Marching and Bingfa fell directly to the ground, and a bead of life rolled down beside their bodies!

The one who killed him were two Assassins in golden armor and holding short knives from the ghost clan forbidden army!

At the same time, in the darkness around, a large group of golden armored soldiers appeared!

"It really is a trap!"

The Nightcrawler used the Assassin's swift movement to quickly pick up the Orb of Life: "Fortunately, the labor and management had anticipated it, and our cooperation will end here!"

After finishing speaking, the Nightcrawler and the other players of the Night March were about to take out the flashback scroll.

Just then, there was the sound of hooves.


A strong light flashed, and several golden armored soldiers on the side were overturned to the ground.

The rank 153 rank six warrior candle dragon, riding a skeleton warhorse, holding two swords, gallops along the breakthrough!

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