It is different from the birthplace of Zhang Yi and Fatty when they came in.

However, no problem.

Zhang Yi said to Fatty, "Take out the token you got earlier."

The fat man opened the backpack and took out an envelope.

But he wondered: "This envelope can't be opened."

"That's outside the Judgment Temple."

Zhang Yi smiled lightly: "You open it now and try it."

The fat man was dubious, opened the envelope, and actually pulled out a "letter" from it!

It's a map, to be precise.

Map of the Temple of Judgment!

On the top of the map, a red dot and a green dot are marked. The red dot is the goal of Zhang Yi and the others!

The green dot is the current position of the five people.

This situation makes Fatty very novel.

After all, Zhang Yi told him at the beginning: Bringing the adjudicator token to the temple to adjudicate will get the hidden professional adjudicator. Fatty is always confused and can't believe it.

But now it seems that Zhang Yi already knows everything!

So, the five followed the map and prepared to rush to the red dot.

Just about to leave the place of birth and arrive at the gate of the palace.

The sight in front of them made everyone stop.

I saw countless strange-shaped monsters wandering outside the palace gate!

They are grinning, grotesquely shaped, and extremely ugly!

And the data shows that their levels are all 160!


Yiqi Juechen raised his gun:

"It seems that a bloody way has to be killed."

The hidden map of the Sanctuary of Judgment is not accessible to players at this stage.

After all, in the last life, the first batch of players who entered the Judgment Temple were already level 160!

Zhang Yi and the others entered the Judgment Temple in advance, and they had to make multiple efforts to conquer this place.

Before that, Zhang Yi and the others had come into contact with the highest-level ordinary monsters, which were only level 158 skeletons on the fourth floor of Skeleton King City.

Those level 160 monsters wandering outside the main hall were affected by the dark halo, their data reached the level of level 170 monsters, and their strength was no small feat!

However, Zhang Yi and the others were the people who came out of the [Wuji Sword Mound], which is filled with 160-level elite sword souls.

A mere level 160 ordinary monster, really don't have to worry about it.

Under Zhang Yi's summons, the group of monsters appeared.

Dragon Blood Knight and Yiqi Juechen, the two big meat shields raised their spears and shields, and rushed out of the palace!

Soul Reaper enters stealth and approaches from the flanks.

In the rear, Zhang Yi and the undead crossbowmen are responsible for the output.

Yuesheng and Han Yarou's treatment is always ready.

Fatty is also casting spells, ready to control.

All are equipped.


roar roar...

With a roar.

The monsters outside the door also rushed over with their teeth and claws...

At the same time, Skeleton King City, the sixth floor.

A demon warrior man in golden armor with two light swords on his back walked along the city gate and entered the sixth floor.

After successfully clearing the quest on the fifth floor and entering the candle dragon on the sixth floor, there was no time to find the NPC guard on the sixth floor to receive the quest.

And as if thinking of something.

Take out a gem that keeps flashing red light from the bag, the super artifact [Heart of Memory.

Use the memories recorded in the heart of memory to deepen your impression.

Soon, Zhulong remembered something, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Putting away the heart of memory, the candle dragon pulled out his double swords and entered the monster group...

As the 154th-level warrior Zhulong, who ranks first in the Demon Clan Heavenly Ranking in Liuguang City, his strength is outstanding.

Within the sixth floor, even if the 159-level skeletons enhanced by the dark halo were not the opponents of the candle dragon, they were slaughtered by the candle dragon one by one under the double swords.

Ten minutes later, Candle Dragon reached a mass grave.

I saw countless skeletons around the mass grave, but none of them dared to approach the mass grave!

Candle Dragon opened the friend list and sent a message to [Night Walker: "Have you cleared the Skull Island mission?"

"Pass." Nightcrawler replied: "We are already brushing the first floor of Skeleton King City."

Zhulong replied: "That's right, come and do me a favor."

"What are you busy with?"

"Come to the sixth floor to help me with a task, the more people the better."

End the conversation.

Not long after, the night walker led a group of night marching players to the sixth floor.

During this period of time, Ye Xingjun has been developing in a vulgar manner, not causing trouble, so he reluctantly took the position of the second-class family in Liuguang City step by step!

And Nightcrawler himself has reached level 153, and in all aspects of strength, he has just entered the level of a first-line player in Streaming City.

Seeing that the Night Walker only brought a group of a thousand people, Zhulong asked, "Why are there only these people? Isn't the Night Walker 20,000 people?"

Nightcrawler said: "At present, only a few people have cleared the Skull Island mission, and most of them have not been able to enter the Skeleton King City."

In fact, it is not the case, the Nightcrawler just left a hand to the candle dragon.

Since the last time I saw through the candle dragon and cooperated with the ghost king to act, and wanted to continue to use their night march, the night walker began to guard against the candle dragon.

In fact,

About 50% of the night marching force has entered, and tens of thousands of people have entered the Skeleton King City!

At this time, Nightcrawler asked, "Do you want us to help you with the sixth floor quest?"

"Yes, but not really."

Zhulong said: "The six-layer task, if it is carried out regularly, it will take at least two or three days to complete."

"But I know a shortcut. Through this shortcut, I can pass the sixth floor in less than half a day!"

"What shortcut?" Nightcrawler asked.

Zhulong pointed to the mass grave in front of him and said, "Kill all the monsters in here."

"As long as you kill the monsters here, you don't need to complete the quest on the sixth floor, you can directly open the seventh floor. And the last thing we are looking for is on the seventh floor. This is the last step."

"Just take this last step and we're done. You'll get what you want."

Saying that, Zhulong drew his swords, and without hesitation, rushed into the mass grave first.

As the candle dragon entered the mass grave, immediately, countless monsters jumped out from the ground!

Outside, the Level 153 Warrior Killer whispered, "Captain, do you really want to help him?"

"Of course help!"

Nightcrawler drew his sword and stood up: "Also, we have to find more people to help him."

The Killer didn't understand what it meant when he saw that the Nightcrawler had already rushed into the mass grave.

Behind them, thousands of night marching players also picked up the guys and entered the mass grave to assist the candle dragon to kill the skeleton monsters that kept crawling out of the ground.

Every time a monster in the mass grave is killed, it will turn into a beam of silver light and fly to the city gate on the sixth floor leading to the seventh floor.

On the surface, it assists the candle dragon to kill monsters.

In private, Night Walker sent a message to [Ye Marching Army and Bingfa]: "Go to the people of the Dragon Clan and tell them that the candle dragon is here [Skull King City Sixth Floor: Skeleton Graveyard (Location)."

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