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Chapter 976 beat me, you are qualified to ask these questions

"Ghost clan forbidden army?!"

Han Yarou and Yue Sheng were surprised to see the three assassins who were "unintentionally" beaten out by Zhang Yi.

"How can they appear in the Temple of Judgment?!"

Zhang Yi seems to have expected it long ago: "Since we entered the Temple of Judgment, they have followed."

Obviously, the moment they entered the Judgment Temple, they were just, or premeditated, being targeted by the ghost king!

Yue Sheng was very puzzled: "How did you find them?"

Zhang Yi smiled lightly.

Invisibility is not worth mentioning in front of god-level exploration techniques.

At this time, the three Assassin-type Golden Armor soldiers who were overturned to the ground had already climbed up from the ground.

The exploration technique shows: 160-level ghost clan forbidden army!

Looking around, I found no other enemies.

Fortunately, there are only three soldiers in this forbidden army!

So, lock the target.

Zhang Yi and the others quickly attacked!

Yiqi Juechen picked up his spear and shield, and quickly approached the three banned soldiers with the Dragonblood Knight.

After the battle, the others are also ready.

Compared with the last time they appeared, the level of these banned troops has increased by 5 levels!

It means that the ghost king Buye has grown to level 160!

It's getting stronger and stronger.

Assassin is a ghost clan forbidden army, focusing on speed.

The damage and critical strike rate are also very high.

Hatred was firmly locked on Yiqi Juechen and Dragonblood Knight, and attacked them.

Two of the soldiers charged forward, and the other went into stealth again.

Just as the two soldiers who launched the charge were about to approach, they suddenly disappeared and appeared behind Yiqi Juechen in a blink of an eye!

The two who were caught off guard were successfully attacked.


The short knife fell on the backs of the two at the same time, and two 123 million injuries appeared on the top of their heads.

At the same time trigger counterattack.

A 130 million and 36 million counter-injury damage appeared on the heads of the two soldiers.

at the same time.

A cold wind came.

There is also a soldier who has entered a stealth state, attacking from the front.

Unexpectedly, at the moment of rushing in, with a powerful impact force, Yiqi Juechen and the Dragon Blood Knight were swept to the ground from the front!

In fact, the data of the forbidden army has already reached the level of the lord monsters of the same level.

As an elite monster, with a level 160 sword soul with additional damage talent and a dark halo, it can barely hurt like the forbidden army!

Last time, the eight ghost clan banned soldiers were all killed by Zhang Yi alone.

Right now, there are only three banned troops, so naturally it is not a cause for concern.

Soon, they were killed by Zhang Yi and the others!

Next to the three corpses, Zhang Yi once again harvested three [Ghost Talisman Fragments!

In addition to the previous eight, Zhang Yi already has eleven ghost talisman fragments!

In addition, they also exploded three pieces of equipment, all of which are about level 155, and up to 27 stars of advanced equipment!

For Zhang Yi, who is wearing a 28 Spark Skull suit, there is no temptation.

But for Han Yarou Yuesheng and the others whose equipment is still hovering between 26 and 27 stars, this equipment is the best!

This gain is simply refreshing.

Even the equipment that the monsters in the Hidden Map Judgment Temple burst out are not as good as them!

The ghost king is here to send welfare to Zhang Yi and the others!

End the fight.

Yiqi Juechen asked suspiciously, "Why didn't the Ghost King personally recruit, or put the entire Imperial Army in?"

"Maybe it's just a test."

The Custodians who infiltrated the Sanctuary of Judgment have been killed.

Zhang Yi and the others began to hunt and kill the monsters in the hidden map, and also started the guardian mode for Fatty.

Skeleton King City, six floors.

Candle Dragon and Night Marching players are still madly beheading the mass graves: [Monsters constantly pouring out of the ground in the Skeleton Graveyard.

Rays of light, transformed from the beheaded monsters, floated towards the entrance from the sixth floor to the seventh floor!

The gate of the seventh floor is gradually opening.

As long as you kill all the monsters in the Skeleton Graveyard, you can directly open the seventh floor entrance.

This is a shortcut that even Zhang Yi does not know!

However, in this way, only players who have participated in killing monsters in the Skeleton Graveyard can enjoy the qualification to enter the seventh floor in advance.

On the field, the players in the Night March didn't do their best, and their combat effectiveness was very lax.

They didn't want to help Zhulong, but because they didn't want to get involved, they deliberately acted to cooperate with Zhulong.

While killing skeletons.

The killer looked back from time to time, a little anxious: "Didn't Bingfa already say that half an hour ago, did he bring the news to the dragon clan? Why haven't the people of the dragon clan come yet?"

"Did they not believe us, so they didn't plan to come?"

Nightcrawler was also a little anxious.

As everyone knows.

At this time, a large number of players are pouring into the sixth floor through the gate of the city wall between the fifth and sixth floors of Skeleton King City!

They are the people of the Dragon Clan!

The vice-captain of the Dragon Clan, the 154-level Ghost Swordsman Xing Tian personally led the team, leading ten thousand senior members of the Dragon Clan,

After entering the sixth floor of Skeleton King City, go straight to the Skeleton Graveyard!

At this moment, no player dared to kill monsters on the sixth floor.

The movement of tens of thousands of people pouring into the sixth floor quickly caught the attention of the night marching players who were spawning monsters in the Skeleton Graveyard.

It also attracted the attention of the candle dragon: "The dragon family is here."

On the side, Nightcrawler pretended to be surprised: "Dragon... How did the dragon race come here?"

Zhulong didn't seem to doubt it, and said to Nightcrawler: "You bring people to stop them, and I will continue to kill monsters."

Obviously, the skeletons in the skeleton cemetery are about to be refreshed.

Originally, Candle Dragon's budget was to kill all the monsters in the Skeleton Graveyard by only brushing for about two days.

And with the help of thousands of players in the Night March, even if they don't contribute much, the progress is soaring!

Nightcrawler pretended to hesitate: "There are too many of them, and we can't stop them!"

in the voice of speech.

The dragon army has spread out, and then came from all directions, and in an instant, the entire skeleton cemetery was surrounded!

The candle dragon was still killing monsters as if nothing had happened.

At this time, Xing Tian, ​​dressed in a black [night skeleton suit and full of murderous aura, stood out from the crowd.

The night marching players gave in one after another.


The candle dragon, who was using two swords to chop a skeleton with residual blood, took out a bottle of blue potion from his bag and drank it.

Then, look at Xingtian.

"The vice-captain of the dragon clan is here in person, and it's a shame to welcome him from afar."

Xing Tian stared blankly at Zhulong and said coldly, "Why do you cooperate with the ghost king, what is your purpose?"

"Also, how did you know the various layouts of Liuguang City?"

This has always been Zhang Yi's biggest doubt.

Therefore, Xing Tian replaced Zhang Yi and asked the doubts in his heart.

Under the golden mask, Zhulong smiled lightly and wrote lightly: "Defeat me, you are qualified to ask these questions."


Xing Tian slowly drew his sword up, his eyes were blazing, and said, "That's what you want."


With Xingtian's order.

In all directions, countless dragon players copied the guy and entered the cemetery of skeletons!

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