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Chapter 978 Break through the seventh floor!

Judgment Temple.

Fatty is alone, after entering the golden palace that only he can enter through the [Letter of Judgment.

Holding the staff tightly in both hands, he walked straight ahead along a straight red carpet path under his feet.

On both sides of the carpet, every few meters, stood a pair of stone statues of soldiers in battle armor and armed with spears.

On both sides, there is endless darkness.

I vaguely felt that in the darkness, there were countless pairs of eyes staring at his fat man, and he was very nervous and fearful.

With each step forward, the fear in my heart deepened.

Because since joining the Dragon Clan, no matter what he does, he is always with the Dragon Clan.

He has gradually become dependent on the Dragon Clan, and he has never acted alone like this before.

But I think that everyone believes in themselves so much, especially Zhang Yi.

Tell yourself the way to transfer to the adjudicator, and escort yourself to the temple of adjudication in person.

No matter what you say, you must not live up to everyone's expectations!

Thinking like this, the fat man gave himself a boost: "Come on!"

The voice just fell.

The fat man suddenly stopped.

Because in front of the line of sight, there is a roadblock.

That's really a tiger!

The ID above the head shows: lv160 The Tiger of Judgment!

The level is 7 levels higher than the fat man!

Although it is only a common monster, and the place of the Judgment Temple has not been rendered by the Dark Skeleton King, a level 160 monster is the attribute of a level 160 monster.

But Fatty is not sure that he can kill this monster one-on-one.

There is no chance for the fat man to hesitate.

With a roar of "roar", the big tiger was already flying towards the fat man!

Fatty quickly cast a spell, and a [Fixing Technique] was applied to Judgment Tiger, and it was fixed in mid-air.

A damage worth more than 1.3 million appeared on the head of the ruling tiger.

Compared with ordinary members of the dragon family, the damage of about 2 million to level 160 monsters is lower.

For the ruling tiger with 400 million blood, it is even more painless.

But Fatty is very smart, he does not entangle with Judgment Tiger.

Using the Immobilization Technique, which has a 5-second control effect with the bonus of talents and accompanying skills, to control the opportunity of the Judgment Tiger, the fat man immediately ran to the front and chose to avoid the battle!

Because according to the guidance of the Judgment Letter, Fatty knew that his goal was at the end of the Judgment Temple!

After a while, monsters appeared one after another on the way.

Fatty did the same, using various control skills to control them, and then ran away.

As for the controller, Fatty is still very clear about the positioning of the controller to control the main and the output to ignore.

After a while, a new problem appeared:

Fatty was running, and suddenly a three-way intersection appeared in front of him!

The letter of verdict did not tell Fatty which way to go.

at this time.

Suddenly, an ethereal voice descended from the sky:

"The ability to judge things is the first step towards being a judge."

"I've been waiting here for you for a long time from the moment you got the letter of verdict, come on, warrior!"

Is this... the voice of the adjudicator?

At the same time, Fatty suddenly received a private message from Zhang Yi: "I firmly believe in my inner choice."

Fatty closed his eyes, as if suddenly he knew the direction.

Suddenly opened his eyes.

Then choose the road in the middle and walk over...

Outside the Temple of Judgment.

Zhang Yi, Han Yarou, Yuesheng, and Yiqi Juechen are working together to kill the monsters that keep coming from all around.

Under the double benefit of the Hidden Map Judgment Temple, the experience points of several people rose, and the 26-star skeleton suits accumulated in the bag were also increasing.

Zhang Yi is here.

After sending a message to the fat man.

Suddenly received a message from the scavenger:

The ghost king has appeared!

Zhang Yi was shocked.

After hesitating for a while, he said, "I'll go right away."

Close the dialog.

Zhang Yi confessed to Yiqi Juechen, Han Yarou and Yuesheng: "I'll leave it to you here, I'll go out."

From Zhang Yi's eyes, he could see the urgency of the matter.

Yiqi Juechen knew the importance of the matter, so he didn't ask any further questions, and said, "Go ahead and leave it to us here."


Zhang Yi immediately opened an interface and without hesitation selected [Exit the map!

The white light flashed, and Zhang Yi disappeared outside the Judgment Temple.

On the sixth floor of Skeleton King City, in the Skeleton Graveyard, the battle is in full swing.

Dragon Clan Ten Thousand Corps vs Ghost Clan Forbidden Army.

Originally, the Dragon Clan already had the chance to win.

However, the situation began to change after the ghost king Buye joined the battle.

When the Ghost King appeared, he immediately killed several generals of the Dragon Clan!

Including the two vice-captains of the immortal dragon clan and the world of dragons.

Xing Tian was also seriously injured, but fortunately, the dragon priests were treated in time and pulled him back from the gate of hell.

Then, Xing Tian began to lead his troops to fight back.

Whoosh whoosh!

In the back line, countless advanced dragon archers Wan Jian Qi

Send, use the rain of arrows to suppress the ghost king and knock it back.

Xing Tian took advantage of the situation and went up with his sword.

Avoid the long-range lightning attack of the ghost king.

Approaching the past, a sword leaps.

A crisp sound of "锵" was blocked by the ghost king using the blood spear.

Darkness overflowed.

The ghost king was violently repelled.


More than a dozen [bloodthirsty lightning bolts] released from the blood spear instantly killed several dragon players with residual blood!

Sweeping the spear, knocking down several dragon assassin players who were trying to approach.

And the ghost king himself was once again fiercely attacked by a large group of mage players from the dragon race, and the blood bar on his head fell sharply!

Although the damage of the ghost king is very high.

But it is also not against the dragon's sea tactics.

After all, Buye is just a one-star ghost king.

But it's a high level.

In fact, with the strength of the Dragon Clan, without Zhang Yizai, they won't have a problem in winning the Ghost King.

Seeing that the surrounding banned soldiers were beheaded one after another.

The ghost king, who was also at a disadvantage, temporarily retreated to Zhulong's side and asked, "How long will it take?"


It's too late to say.

As soon as the words fell, Zhulong smashed a skeleton in front of him with his sword.

Exactly at this moment, a system prompt descended from the sky——

"Ding~ Congratulations, you joined forces with other players to kill all the monsters in the [Skull Graveyard, you have obtained the qualification to enter the seventh floor of the Skeleton King City in advance!"

"From now on, before the gate of the seventh floor of the Skeleton King City officially opens, you can freely enter and exit the seventh floor!"


Saying that, the candle dragon crossed his swords and released two powerful sword lights towards the rear, overturning the dragon players in a large area to the ground.

Then, he followed the breakthrough at a super-fast speed, broke away from the dragon players, and ran towards the entrance of the seventh floor of the Skeleton King City.

Ghost King Buye also quickly followed Candle Dragon.

Xing Tian waved his sword and stood up: "Stop the ghost king!"

Dragon clan players are trying to stop the ghost king and candle dragon, but they are hindered by those ghost clan forbidden soldiers!

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