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Chapter 984 The Dark Skeleton King has been refreshed!

With the strength of the 160-level one-star Ghost King Buye and the 155-level sixth-rank warrior Torch Dragon, they could have dealt with this 28-star BOSS, the Skeleton King's bodyguard.

Because of Buye, he has billions of blood.

This super meat shield can completely block the BOSS's attack. The god-level talent [Bloodthirsty Lightning, each attack can bring various buffs to the ghost king Buye.

Probably triggers 100% vampire attack, and can also heal itself.

The candle dragon is responsible for the output, and there is no need to worry about the injury resistance problem.

It's only a matter of time before they take down the boss.

With the arrival of Night March players, the progress of the battle can be accelerated a lot.

It's just that they didn't expect that: the night march is actually a disservice~

The Thousands of Night Marchers gathered around the BOSS and launched a sea of ​​​​tactics.

The candle dragon and the ghost king were squeezed outside, and they couldn't get in...

During the siege of the BOSS, the Night March players deliberately showed their disadvantage and lured the BOSS to the sixth floor of the Skeleton King City step by step.

The candle dragon and the ghost king didn't notice either, because everything seemed so natural.

It is also normal for this kind of "battlefield transfer" to occur when fighting against high-star bosses.

Moreover, the Skeleton King's guards were not far from the entrance and exit of the sixth floor.

After a while, Ye Marching surrounded the boss and moved to the seventh floor exit.

The huge city gate is in front of you.

Just go through this door to enter the sixth floor!

At the same time, on the sixth floor of Skeleton King City, Zhang Yi was still assisting Xingtian and the others to kill monsters.

Zhang Yi is also always paying attention to Fatty's developments and sending him messages, but they are all sinking into the sea.

However, Fatty's ID did not turn gray, indicating that he has not yet been persecuted by the ghost clan's forbidden soldiers.

Zhang Yi and the others were located near the city gate from the sixth floor to the seventh floor.

Choosing to farm monsters here is also waiting for the ghost king.

It is impossible to give up hope for the night march.

Maybe the people marching at night will bring a surprise to Zhang Yi and the others?

at this time.

"Boom" sound.

There was a loud bang from the gate.

The next moment, more than a dozen night marching players "flyed" out of the city gate covered by a white light curtain!

He fell hard to the ground.

Five of them turned into white light and flew away.

There are a few other people, all with residual blood.

This scene shocked Zhang Yi and several people who were killing monsters not far from the city gate.

"The ghost king is here!"

This was Zhang Yixingtian's first reaction.

Yet at this moment.

Accompanied by an earth-shattering roar of "roar".

A huge skeleton man with a height of seven or eight meters jumped over the city gate, from the seventh floor of the Skeleton King City to the sixth floor!

28 Star BOSS Skeleton King Guards!

Seeing this big skeleton, Xingtian and the others were stunned.

At this time, a large group of night marching players rushed out from the seventh floor through the city gate and surrounded the BOSS.

The night walkers mixed in the crowd hurriedly shouted to Zhang Yi here before the candle dragon and the ghost king came out:

"What the ghost king wants is on this boss, and they are about to come out!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yi immediately issued an order on the team channel: "Prepare for action."

One command.

Countless dragon players who have been ambushed in the surrounding corners have raised their spirits and are ready to welcome the ghost king!

Zhang Yi was also staring at the city gate.

But until the Night March players all came out, the Ghost King and the Torch Dragon didn't show up either!

"Did they find out that this is a trap?" Xing Tian asked suspiciously.

The original girl said thoughtfully: "They should know that we are on the sixth floor. If they enter the sixth floor, they will definitely be attacked by us, so they dare not come over!"

At this time, Ye Jintianming said: "If the thing the ghost king is looking for is on this boss, and after killing the boss, they must come out to get the thing no matter what!"

This is true.

What's more, the 28-star BOSS is not to be missed.

Therefore, Zhang Yi directly issued orders.

Countless dragon players swarmed up from all around.

The Night Walker was worried about being suspected, and immediately led the Night Walk players to retreat and returned to the seventh floor.

Sure enough, at the seventh-floor city gate, I saw the ghost king and candle dragon who were guarding there and refused to cross the gate.

Nightcrawler showed a very angry and anxious look, and said to the Candle Dragon Ghost King:

"The boss has gone to the sixth floor. There are many people from the dragon race there. They are going to take our boss away!"

However, Zhulong disagreed and said, "It's okay to let them grab it."

Nightcrawler was incredible: "But isn't what the Ghost King is looking for on that boss?"

Candle Dragon did not answer the question of Nightcrawler.

This made Nightcrawler feel a little overwhelmed for a while.

On the other side of the city gate.

Under Zhang Yi Xingtian's joint attack with thousands of senior players from the Dragon Clan, the casualties were a little heavy.

At the cost of the death of more than 200 people.

make the skeleton

The blood bar above the head of the Skeleton King's guards gradually bottomed out!

At this moment, the ghost king and the candle dragon still did not appear.

Zhang Yi didn't wait for them anymore.

Destroy the boss.

The last blow was won by Ye Jintianming.


The huge body of the Skeleton King's guard fell to the ground with a bang, shattering into a pile of bones.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Immediately, countless golden lights flooded the audience.

Get rich experience rewards from 28-star BOSS.

About 30% of the more than 2,000 dragon players who participated in the BOSS wave were upgraded.

In addition, next to the body of the Skeleton King's guards, there are loot such as equipment, treasure chests, and skill books scattered all over the place.

There is also a pile of gold coins that have grown into a mountain after Ye Jintianming's talent has been increased by a hundred times!

With the boss being pushed down, Xing Tian took someone to clean up the spoils.

Zhang Yi is holding the scepter of bathing fire, aiming at the direction of the city gate, the golden fireball technique is ready, ready to attack at any time.

Countless dragon archers pointed their bows and arrows at the city gate!

But so far, the candle dragon and the ghost king have not appeared!


In the air, the situation suddenly changed, and the wind was blowing.

Looking up, the dark clouds over Skull Island turned into a huge skull!

Lightning streaks shot out from the skull-shaped dark cloud, and shot within the seventh-floor Royal City of the Skeleton King City!

The sudden vision seems to indicate that something big is about to happen!

Not just Skull Island.

At this moment, even in Liuguang City, countless players inside and outside the city, looking up at the skeleton cloud and countless lightnings appearing in the sky, are all shocked—

"What a big skull cloud!"

"Just like the real thing, what's the situation, why do I have an ominous premonition?"

"Could it be that the natural disaster is coming to Liuguang City?!"

Anxiety and fear spread out in Liuguang City.

Except for Zhang Yi, no one knew what was going to happen.

Even Xingtian looked at the cloud of skeletons that kept growing lightning, and became suspicious: "It seems that something is about to happen."

The voice just fell.

Zhang Yi said in a deep voice, "It's the Dark Skeleton King that has been refreshed."

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