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Chapter 986 Dark Skeleton King: Hull!

Saw the murderer killed.

Nightcrawler turned pale in shock, and asked Zhulong: "What are you doing with your T size?!"

Zhulong pulled out the ghost sword and asked the night traveler: "Shouldn't I ask you this sentence?"

"What do you mean?"

Zhulong smiled lightly: "What do I mean, don't you understand?"

This guy... do you already know that he has long been dissent, and his recent actions are not really helping them at all?

However, the matter has come to this point, and the Nightcrawler can't take care of so much.

He directly stated his attitude: "Da, we have tried our best to help you from the beginning, but you and the ghost king have used us many times and played us like monkeys!"

"It's time to settle this account! I march at night, but it's not so easy to use!"

With that said, Nightcrawler waved his sword and gave an order: "Brothers, get on it and grab me the sword in Zhulong's hand!"

As soon as the words fell, around, thousands of night marching players killed the skeletons all the way, and surrounded the candle dragon!

Zhulong disagreed and snorted coldly: "If you didn't see that you still have value, you bunch of trash would have disappeared from this world long ago."

Now that things have been obtained, all purposes have been achieved.

Night march, for the candle dragon and the ghost king, has no use value.

The voice just fell.

Zhulong leaned the ghost sword on his back, then took out his double swords and fought!


The red light flashes, and the overall pk mode is turned on.

A rank 155 rank six warrior, Zhulong, the first person on the Demon Clan Heavenly Ranking in Liuguang City, holding two swords in hand, smashed into the oncoming night marching crowd!

Because you can use two weapons at the same time, and get dual-weapon attribute bonus.

The attack power of the candle dragon is much more than others.

In addition to other equipment, it is not bad, and there are various bonus effects such as high-level titles and equipment talents, which makes his damage surprisingly high!

A sword down, at least 10 million damage!

Double sword dance, kill the Quartet!

Brush brush brush brush!

In a scream, the night marching players were cut to the ground one by one!

The candle dragon has a tyrannical skill that is immune to all controls for one minute.

As soon as the hegemony body is turned on, the freezing technique of the night marching wizard, the ice arrow of the archer, and various skills with control effects cannot help the candle dragon at all.

In the blink of an eye, the number of people hanging in Zhulong's hands has exceeded double digits!

But the candle dragon, after all, is not a promise.

His strength is still far from reaching the point where one is worth a thousand.

What's more, after the recent period of wretched development, the overall strength of the Night Marching Army has improved a lot.

The thousands of players present were all the most elite members of the Night Marching Army.

Under the fierce siege of the elite thousand-person regiment of the night marching army, Zhulong was outnumbered and gradually defeated.

With one-third of his blood, Zhulong swung his two swords to kill, and released a sword light to overturn a large group of night marching players in front of him to the ground.

Immediately, he looked at the Demon King Buye, who was also being besieged by the Night March players.

He took off the ghost sword on his back and threw it towards Buye.


The ghost king Buye, who pierced through a night marching warrior player in front of him with a blood-colored spear, looked at the ghost sword flying towards him, and just reached out and caught it.

The ghost king gets the ghost sword, like a fish gets water.

The ghost king Buye directly threw away the blood-colored spear that had accompanied it to battle the battlefield before, held the ghost sword high, and giggled:

"I finally got the Ghost Sword!"

"The world will be dominated by me!"

The voice just fell.

Boom boom boom!

Lightning flashes and thunders in the air, and the situation changes suddenly.

The huge cloud of skeletons floated directly above the dark castle at some point.

Countless lightnings shot out from the cloud of skeletons and landed on the castle.

Then, a roar came from inside the castle—

"A group of ants, you dare to take away this king's ghost sword!"

"Mortal, your doom is here!"

in speech.

As the ground shook for a while, lightning began to bloom in the skull cloud, attacking the night marching players around the dark castle.

Once those lightnings hit the night marching players, the damage caused is more than 50 million!

This scene shocked everyone!

In the audience, once the crispy mage shooter professional player is touched by lightning, he will be instantly killed.

The rough-skinned warrior knight was completely unable to resist the two attacks of lightning!

At the same time that the night marching players were madly bombarded by lightning, the ground trembled more and more, and it had reached the point where people could stand unsteadily!

Moreover, it is not just the area around the Dark Castle.

The entire Skeleton King City and even the entire Skull Island were affected.

Like an earthquake, all players on the map of Skull Island felt a strong vibration!

Even players in Liuguang City can feel the vibration.

The 40 million Streaming City players fell into agitation at this moment.

The chat area of ​​the main city of Liuguang City, instant frying pan:

An unknown melon eater: "Good guy, God

Will the world still have an earthquake? "

A great immortal who is on a mission in Skeleton King City and brushing skeletons: "Fuck! It's the ultimate boss of Skeleton Island that is about to be refreshed! Don't believe me, I'm in Skeleton King City, the core area of ​​Skeleton Island. The vibration of Skeleton Island is very big, and I I just heard the roar of the Dark Skeleton King!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was even more excited:

"The three skeleton leaders of Skull Island are all 27-star bosses. It is said that the Dragon Clan excavated a 29-star BOSS Promise Sword Soul in it before. This Skull Island's ultimate boss, the Dark Skull King, must start with at least 30 stars, right?!"

"The layout upstairs is too small. Say, this ultimate boss can't be only 1 star higher than the supporting role bosses that have appeared so far, right? Skull Island is a super map!"

Countless players are talking about it.

at the same time.

Inside Skull Island.

With the continuous shaking of the earth.

A city-wide announcement suddenly fell from the sky—

"Ding~ Attention to all players on the [Skull Island map]: the ultimate boss of Skull Island [Dark Skull King: Hull is about to appear! Due to the refresh of the ultimate boss of Skull Island, all the gates of Skull King City have been opened, please all players jointly Fight against the BOSS and stop the Dark Skeleton King from invading the Streamer City!"

"Ding ~ all players in the [Skull Island map, please pay attention..."

The citywide announcement was issued three times in a row.

This shows the seriousness of this situation.

Fifteen years ago, after the Dark Skeleton King: Hel's army captured Skull Island, he has been concentrating on cultivation in Skeleton King City.

Hull's purpose is to cultivate more powerful strength, so that in the future, he will attack the streamer city of mankind!

But now, because a player entered the seventh floor of the Skeleton King City and took away the relationship of the [Ghost Sword], the Dark Skeleton King left the customs ahead of schedule.

The purpose remains the same.

Dark Skeleton King, he is going to attack Liuguang City in advance!

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