
Accompanied by a dragon roar resounding through Liuguang City.

Outside the east gate of Liuguang City, the fourth-order Dragon Emperor Babu took off with Zhang Yi.

On land, the Hall of Stars, the Sword Pavilion, the Royal Family, and all the players were all stunned.

"Good guy, take the fourth-order Dragon Emperor as a mount!"

Seeing Zhang Yi riding a dragon approaching the Dark Skeleton King.

The rest also acted quickly.

Tens of millions of high-level players ranked within one million from more than 20 secondary main cities in the Apocalypse Star Country quickly rushed to those Skeleton Legions and Dark Skeleton Kings.

On average, there are 40 to 50 million players in each secondary main city.

Those in the top 1 million or less must be at the top of the list.

In other words, the players who came to participate in the rescue are all strong in the major cities!

Their appearance directly reversed the situation.

The Skeleton Legion was instantly defeated, unable to approach Liuguang City for half a step.

Even the Dark Skeleton King, under the joint attack of a group of strong players, did not advance but retreated, and took a few steps backwards!


Dark Skeleton King's HP also dropped to 50%!

And since the reinforcements appeared, the speed at which it approached Liuguang City began to become extremely slow.

According to the current trend, it has been possible to kill the Dark Skeleton King outside the city before it enters the city of light!

Countless players in Liuguang City were overjoyed.

However, just when everyone thought the victory was in hand, the situation changed again!

"Stupid human beings, do you think you can stop this king's footsteps with your vulnerable flesh and blood?"

The Dark Skeleton King, who was surrounded by the crowd, roared:

"Destroy them all to this king!"

The voice just fell.

The Dark Skeleton King suddenly stopped.

Then, he screamed in the sky.

boom boom --

In the air, lightning flashes and thunders.

The next moment, the surrounding skeleton warriors who were fighting with the player suddenly turned into beams of gray light and flew into the body of the Dark Skeleton King!

It is absorbing the skeleton army and transforming it into its own power!

Soon, millions of skeleton people were absorbed by the Dark Skeleton King.

At this moment, the size of the Dark Skeleton King seemed to be even bigger.

The whole body exudes an aura that swallows the sky and destroys the earth!

The level is still level 160, but the ID logo on the head of the Dark Skeleton King has changed slightly.

It has evolved from 32 stars to 33 stars!

"God... I rely on it!"

All around, the crowd was shocked.

Originally 32 stars have been unmatched.

Now it has evolved into 33 stars! !

The Skeleton King has been strengthened, and the only benefit is that there is no Skeleton Legion.

The evolved 33-star Skeleton King is even more invincible.

The damage that can be caused to players has increased from about 50 million to 60 to 70 million!


Step down, and hundreds of players turn into white light directly...

After Skeleton King evolves.

The situation, which had finally stabilized a little, was reversed again.

Even the top players from the major cities united, they can no longer stop the progress of the Skeleton King!

Soon, the Dark Skeleton King was already in the city.

Stopping outside the East City Gate, that head is already higher than the city wall of Liuguang City, like a monster!

In Liuguang City, countless players and NPCs are terrified of the Skeleton King outside the city.

Some people started to escape from Liuguang City in order to save their lives, and ran to the wild to find a safe place to hide.

Lightning flashes and thunders in the air, and the darkness gradually engulfs Liuguang City.

Looking outside the Dongcheng Gate, it was only a few steps away from the main city, and the Dark Skeleton King was approaching as he stepped on the crowd.

Standing at the gate of Dongcheng [the vice-captain of Warring States Warriors, Master Warring States Zhou Yu sighed: "This guy is too fierce, he can't stop it!"

"How did you, Liuguang City, provoke such a big guy? The most powerful one that we have ever seen in Tianxuan City is only a 28-star BOSS. You directly got a 33-star BOSS, who can do this now? Can you beat it?"

In the Hall of Stars, the lord of the Silver Moon Legion in the Bloody Battle of the Eight Wastes said: "Now is not the time to talk about this, the only thing that is certain is that Liuguang City can't be preserved."

In the voice of the words, Lin Qian hurriedly said to Zhang Yi: "Brother Zhang Yi, come with us to Tianxuan City! With your strength, Brother Zhang Yi, you must have not died in the last month, right?"

The second-level main city cross-city condition is that the player must not die within a month.

Zhang Yi did meet the standard, but at least more than 95% of the Dragon Clan did not meet the standard.

Zhang Yi said resolutely, "I can't leave the dragon clan behind."


The captain of the sword pavilion, the sword saint raised the long sword and shouted: "The brothers, I will accompany you to defend the city of Liuguang!"

The dragon clan is immortal, the dragon travels the world, Xingtian, and Yiqi Juechen who has long since withdrawn from the Judgment Temple to defend the city.

And Huang Wuji, Juggernaut, Ruochen and the others.

They all accompanied Zhang Yi, guarding the east gate, looking at the gradually approaching Dark Skeleton King, ready to do it.

The last desperate resistance!

While approaching.

A low voice full of ridicule came from the mouth of the Dark Skeleton King: "Stupid humans, give up!"

"You can't resist this king!"

at this time.

A voice came from behind Zhang Yi and the others:

"We will never give up!"

Follow the sound and look back.

I saw a young priest man dressed in a golden robe, with a radiant face, a golden light all over his body, and a slightly fat body, which could not hinder the spread of the powerful aura. Holding a golden book in his left hand, he walked slowly from the city. Come!


The moment they saw the golden-robed priest man, the dragon clan did not destroy them, and some couldn't believe it:

"you are fat?"

Zhang Yi smiled lightly: "It's the adjudicator."

"Good guy!"

Everyone in the dragon clan was amazed: "This aura is so strong!"

"Is this the charm of a hidden profession? It feels like the whole person has changed!"

who ever thought.

The fat man broke in a second.

Changed the solemn appearance just now.

Scratching the back of his head, he smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I'm late..."

"It's not too late." Zhang Yi said: "The boss hasn't entered the city yet, and it's still too late to stop it now."

The fat man nodded.

Others find it surprising.

"Can he deal with a 33-star boss that no player in the city can deal with?" Juggernaut was the first to express doubts.

Even the Dragon Clan's own people couldn't believe it.

The Dragon Clan Immortal said inconceivably: "Although Fatty mainly focuses on control, now that he has a hidden occupation, his control ability must be stronger."

"But general control doesn't seem to work on bosses, right? Bosses are naturally immune to control!"

Zhang Yi smiled indifferently.

Looking at the fat man, he said to the skeptical Dragon Clan Immortal: "You underestimate the adjudicator too much."

"The control of the adjudicator is not ordinary."

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