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Wei Jie weakly said, "You'd better prepare yourself mentally..."

mentally prepared? What's the meaning.

The next day, when Xue Chong went to class, he finally realized what Wei Jie meant when he said mentally prepare himself.

Xue Chong, who has not been approached actively for a long time, in the morning, a girl offered to buy breakfast for Xue Chong. During class, a girl in the class who had never spoken to him offered to help him take notes. After class, I received two pink envelopes directly. ----Although he was asked to transfer it to Qin Chuan.

After leaving the teaching building, someone even chased after him directly, ignoring his cold face and asking for Qin Chuan's phone number.

However, Xue Chong did not.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that among those who kept asking him for Qin Chuan's phone number, there were not only girls but also boys.

If it was a girl, Xue Chong might be able to endure for a while. But boy, Xue Chong couldn't bear it anymore.

Rao is looking at their slightly red face, Xue Chong will feel disgusted.

Being annoyed, Xue Chong took the book and simply hid in a remote corner.

The location has not been found, but accidentally found the culprit, Qin Chuan.

Because Xue Chong just walked to a corner and didn't go out, only one voice was heard.

It seems that Qin Chuan is not the only one, because there are two voices.

Yun Baijian lay on the grass, sighed leisurely, and said, "Hey, it's still cool and quiet here! The classroom is chatting every day, and the noise makes my head big."

Qin Chuan on the side did not speak, Yun Baijian waited for two seconds, unable to bear the loneliness, then raised his head and looked at Qin Chuan, who was leaning on the tree trunk and wondering what he was thinking, and said, "I still think about you for half a year. Did you ignore your master? Look, it's been more than half a year, maybe others have forgotten about you. Besides, it's not just a game, why are you so serious."

Qin Chuan raised his eyes halfway, glanced at Yun Baijian coolly, and withdrew his gaze, but still didn't speak.

Yun Baijian and Qin Chuan had not known each other for a day or two, so he naturally knew the meaning of this look.

Xue Chong, who was on the side, didn't have the habit of listening to people's corners, and was about to turn around and leave, but Yun Baijian's next sentence stopped Xue Chong's footsteps.

So Yun Baijian couldn't figure it out, and then he said: "Isn't there only one master? If we find another one, we can't find a master? In this school alone, the students who play [Apocalypse] I don’t know how many, as long as you show up casually, let alone ten, even a hundred is not a problem.”


This time, Qin Chuan finally spoke.

Qin Chuan: "others are not him."

Hearing this answer, Yun Baijian couldn't help but groaned and looked at Qin Chuan dumbfounded, "No, Qin Chuan, are you serious? Isn't it just a game..." After speaking, he couldn't help but smirk. Leaning forward, gossip said, "What kind of country is your master, you have been remembered for half a year. Or... I will also play [Apocalypse] and help you find someone?"

Qin Chuan gave him a cool look.

Lips slightly lifted, and a word was returned directly.


Qin Chuan's attitude was obviously out of the question.

Yun Baijian lay back on the grass with a sense of tastelessness, and said without thinking: "I also want to help you, why don't you appreciate it. And let people get away... Who told you to play the girl's account when you have nothing to do with people? Confessing her gender? If I knew that my apprentice pretended to be a woman to lie to me, and lied for so long, I would hide too."

Qin Chuan: "I didn't lie to him."

Yun Baijian: "Yes, yes, it's just misunderstanding, no explanation, right? But what's the difference between you and cheating."

Apocalypse... men disguised as women... master and apprentice... deceit...

Xue Chong's entire body froze in place.

He suddenly... had a bad feeling.

The two of them were completely unaware of Xue Chong's existence and continued to speak slowly.

Yun Baijian went on to say: "I said that you have nothing to do with the girl's account, and what are you calling a girl like Qingzhi... I have heard that there are men who play the girl's account, and they are playing as their daughters. But you are playing the girl's account. My daughter is playing, is it just boring, or is it just to deceive your unfortunate master... I don't know."

Qin Chuan didn't answer, so there was no way to know what the answer was.

At the corner, Xue Chong, who was standing still, looked extremely unsightly.

He froze in place, his mind blank.

That's right, the unlucky master in Yun Baijian's mouth... is him.

Xue Chong's eyes were lost, and his eyes were a little dull.

Half a year ago, after discovering that his lovely apprentice was a man, Xue Chong was at a loss for a few days.

In those few days, he had tried to deceive with the female number... Oh no, it should be called concealment now.

He had tried to imagine what kind of person he would be in the real world, who used the female number to hide him for so long.

A mentally immature teenager? Or a social youth who idles around all day, plays games day and night, and doesn't have a serious job? Or is it an adult who is fully grown and working, but has only weird fetishes?

Xue Chong has thought about it a lot, almost all levels, people of all ages have thought about it.

But the only thing I didn't expect is that it is a family with good results and good grades.

Excellent, good-looking and extremely popular school grass.

Xue Chong's mind was blank for a long time.

In those days, he not only guessed the identity of the other party, but also thought about many other things.

For example, if he asks questions online, how will the other party answer. If he dissolves the master-disciple relationship, how will the other party react?

However, Xue Chong never thought about what he would do if he met in reality. Or rather, what should be done.

He rushed out and grabbed the other person's neckline and asked him why he did that? But now, let alone touching him, even if he was a little bit closer to the man, he would feel disgusted. Not to mention holding each other by the neckline.

Go to the campus website to post, saying that Qinchuan has a special hobby, playing female account on the game? Maybe it will have the opposite effect. Moreover, Xue Chong would not do this kind of despicable method.

After thinking about it, Xue Chong found that there seemed to be nothing he could do.

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