Get Stronger By Being Beaten

Chapter 126: Who can make me coward (4 in 1)

Being beaten makes you stronger https://

Ning Wangfu, the door.

"A lot of people."

Duan Rou was dumbfounded. It was the first time she saw the prince celebrating his birthday.

People who come to celebrate their birthdays don't give gifts one by one, but send them in boxes one by one, which is very shocking.

"King Ning's platoon is really big enough," Lin Fan said.

Zhao Duoduo muttered, "How can those officials be so rich, did you hear what the registered person said, a whole box of gold and silver, a whole box of rare treasures, where did they all come from, it's terrifying."

Jiang Hou said: "I think these are people's fat and people's cream."

The pomp of gift-giving was big enough, and King Ning's mansion was also big enough.

"King Ning invited me to the birthday party. You said that my hands are empty, isn't it a bit bad?" Lin Fan said with a smile.

Zhao Duoduo said: "Brother, this King Ning is a person of status, why don't you just buy something, what do you mean?"

Duoduo is still so kind. The key is that he is a little embarrassed. He attended the prince's birthday empty-handed. Although there are conflicts between the eldest brother and the prince, the etiquette is impossible.

It stinks!

It stinks!

Zhao Duoduo sniffed the tip of his nose, and when he turned around, he saw a vendor pushing the stall passing by.

"Brother, buy a portion of stinky tofu as a birthday gift to give to the lord. I really feel that we go over empty-handed, and it's a bit shameless." Zhao Duoduo said.

Duan Rou and Jiang Hou stared at Zhao Duoduo.

As if he didn't expect him to say such a congratulatory gift.

Was really shocked.

He even said that he would give Ning Wang a copy of stinky tofu, and if it was someone else, he would rather give nothing than stinky tofu. This is simply an insult to Ning Wang and a deliberate provocation.

Duan Rou patted Duoduo's shoulder, "Duoduo, I always thought you would only flatter adults, but now I realize that you are such a man, and I will really admire you in the future."

Jiang Hou also patted Zhao Duoduo on the shoulder and said nothing.

But it was as if nothing had been said.

Zhao Duoduo couldn't understand what they were thinking. It's not normal to buy something and take it with you. What's the fuss about.

It made him a little uncomfortable.

Not much to say.

Duoduo bought a copy of stinky tofu directly. It smelled really stinky, but it was so fragrant. I bought a few more copies and sent one copy to Lin Fan and the others.


King Ning's personal butler, Butler Wang, is welcoming the incoming guests. He is a popular person beside King Ning. Those who come are polite to Butler Wang, and some have to show a humble appearance to have a good relationship with Butler Wang.

Everyone knew that Steward Wang's status in the palace was absolute.

Anyone who wants to meet King Ning needs the nod of Butler Wang.

"Sir, that's the steward of Prince Ning's mansion." Jiang Hou said softly.

He has already inquired about the situation very clearly. Not a single lamp in Prince Ning's mansion is a fuel-efficient lamp, especially the housekeeper Wang. Relying on the steward of Prince Ning's mansion, he is backed by King Ning, and is equivalent to the existence of the emperor in Yancheng. No one dares to dare. provoke.

at this time.

Butler Wang, who was greeting several foreign officials, seemed to sense that someone was paying attention to him.

Turning his head, his eyes fell on Lin Fan.

Look up and down.


Wearing the attire of an inspector, he was young and was not a local inspector at all. There was only one possibility. He was Lin Fan who came from the Haining Inspectorate.

He hurriedly walked towards Lin Fan.

The officials who had just chatted with Butler Wang were quite surprised. They looked in the direction that Butler Wang was walking in. They were very puzzled. Who the **** did Butler Wang see, and he was in such a hurry.

that they were forgotten.

But what can attract Butler Wang's attention must be an important person, not something they can provoke.

"May I ask if your Excellency is Lord Lin of the Haining Inspectorate?" Butler Wang asked with his fists folded.

Looking at Lin Fan, Qi Yuxuan was absolutely very human, so he should have guessed it well.

"Haha, King Ning invited me to the birthday banquet. Could it be that he doesn't even know what I look like?" Lin Fan asked with a smile.

When Butler Wang heard it, it seemed that it was all right, and apologized:

"Please don't blame Mr. Lin. My lord has heard of Mr. Lin's name for a long time, and he also invites him in."

Butler Wang knew that the other party was not good, but the other party was someone that the prince valued. In any case, he naturally had to treat him well. After all, he was an enemy or a friend, and he had to look at the situation behind.

Several officials standing at the door.

Quite surprised.

"Who is that, who made Steward Wang so polite, could it be the son of a certain family?"

"No, the clothes he wears are obviously the clothes of the inspectorate. The Yancheng inspectorate belongs to King Ning. It's definitely impossible to make Butler Wang so polite. Could it be that he is..."

The two looked at each other.

Shock flashed in his eyes.

Although they are not people from the rivers and lakes, they are officials in various places, but they still know the imperial decree issued by the sage. It seems that they pay special attention to a certain inspector.

"Lin Fan of the Haining Inspectorate, Lin Xun's envoy."

They were shocked, they didn't expect that King Ning would invite him over.

Doesn't it mean that there is a conflict between the other party and King Ning?

Think carefully.

After thinking about it, I am afraid that King Ning's birthday is not so simple.

"Go, let's go first, don't meet this person, so as not to get involved in unnecessary disputes."

The two officials hurried into the palace.

Even though Lin Fan's status is very high now, they don't want to cling to them. Anyone with a bit of knowledge knows that things are definitely not that simple.

Come to the door.

"Ning Wang's birthday, I came in a hurry, but I didn't bring any gifts, and I can't be like these people, a big box of gold and silver jewelry, just give this one."

Lin Fan placed the stinky tofu on the gift registration table.

The people around were dumbfounded when they saw the stinky tofu in front of them. Some covered their mouths and looked at Lin Fan in a daze, as if they had seen a ghost. This is unheard of, unseen.

Butler Wang wanted to get angry a little, but the expression on his face was still gentle and always smiling.

The registrant holding the pen did not know how to write, nor how to communicate.

Butler Wang raised his head and said in a loud voice, "Lord Lin, the envoy to the country, will give you a copy of the thousand-year-old white jade."

Everyone can see clearly.

This is clearly a stinky tofu.

Butler Wang actually said that it was a thousand-year-old white jade.

Of course, even if everyone knew it was not, no one dared to say it.


Patrol envoy?

The one who has been in the limelight recently.

I didn't expect him to come.

Many people are stepping on their feet, wanting to see what the person who has won the Sacred Heart looks like, they only know that he is very young, and they don't know anything else.

Lin Fan glanced at Butler Wang, my good fellow, you can call a piece of stinky tofu a thousand years of white jade, and his ability to open his eyes and talk nonsense is indeed a must.

Zhao Duoduo muttered, his voice not too small, "The big people in Yancheng really know how to play, stinky tofu is just stinky tofu, I have to say it's a thousand-year-old white jade..."

Butler Wang squinted, the one who came with Lin Fan, no matter where he was placed, would surely die.

People who can't speak are a waste of air in the world.

"Lord Lin, please come inside."


Lin Fan walked towards the mansion. His status was in the entire palace, and King Ning was higher than him. As for other people, he didn't want to look at them. Anyone who came to attend King Ning's birthday must remember it well.

In the mansion, those guests who have arrived all have status. With the help of King Ning's birthday, they also talked with each other and pulled together. When they saw Butler Wang entertaining a young man in person, they all wondered who the other party was.

After Steward Wang, Lin Fan and the others went deep inside, a group of people chatted and discussed.

People coming in from outside.

Quickly tell someone you know what happened just now.

"Ah... He is Lin Fan. I didn't expect to be so young. It's really enviable. At such a young age, he is highly regarded by the saints, and the power in his hands is probably unparalleled."

"So what can be done, King Ning's birthday, he didn't come to congratulate him obediently."

"Don't talk nonsense, just outside..."

"What? Stinky tofu?"

"Keep your voice down, I think it's not that simple this time, and there's a good chance there will be a good show."

"Could it be that he dares to make trouble in Ning Wang's mansion?"

"It should be impossible."

Most of the people present were officials. In their perception, the prince was second only to the saint. Who would dare to be presumptuous in front of the prince?

Even if he is valued by the saint and has a great gift, he may not dare to cause trouble.

"Big brother, Prince Ning's mansion is really big, much bigger than my house, much bigger." Zhao Duoduo whispered.

He was afraid of being heard and thought he was someone who had never seen the world.

Duan Rou and Jiang Hou looked around.

It was found that there were not many guards, which was somewhat inconsistent with the security index of the palace.

The sword holder Wuming felt a lot of fierce killing intent.

These killing intents were not directed at them.

But there are many masters hidden everywhere.

It is difficult for ordinary people to detect, but for him, the gold medal killer of the dark pavilion, it is a very simple thing to feel the killing intent.


Under the leadership of Butler Wang.

They came to a banquet hall with a large space, long tables lined up on both sides, and the high platform was where King Ning sat.

As he entered the banquet hall under the leadership of Butler Wang, the people inside all turned towards him, as if they were looking at him.

"Haha, your distinguished guest is here." King Ning, who was sitting above him, was very mighty and exuded a kind of majesty of a superior position. When he saw Lin Fan's arrival, he got up and went down to greet him, "I have heard the prestige of Lord Lin for a long time, and I see you today. It's really different."

"King Ning is polite." Lin Fan said with a smile.

He looked at King Ning's face, looked around, and then looked around. He didn't know anyone, but none of the people who could sit here were ordinary people.

King Ning took Lin Fan's hand and walked towards the stage, "I am really happy that the envoy Lin Xunguo is here to show his respect. The position has been reserved for Lord Lin long ago."

Some operations, the performance is very polite.

If you don't know about King Ning's situation, Lin Fan can really be deceived by the other party. This is very friendly. As a prince, he immediately stepped down to greet you, and even pulled you and asked you to sit beside him, and change to any one People, I am afraid that they will faint with excitement.

The people present were very envious.

To make King Ning attach so much importance, this is the treatment they don't have.

Lin Fan wanted to let go of his hand, what did the old man want to do while holding Xiao Tender's hand?

Let others see that we are familiar, no matter how friendly you pretend to be, you won't give any face when you can work.

Lin Fan was placed on his right by King Ning. Sitting across from him was a middle-aged man with white temples and sharp eyes, but at the moment he looked at him with a smile.


The other party is also wearing the uniform of the inspector.

Being able to sit next to King Ning, the guy in front of him is probably Wang Zhixing, the person in charge of the Yancheng Inspectorate, that is, Jiang Hou told him that in order to occupy other people's properties, he would directly charge them with a crime and be executed in public.

"Sir Lin, let me introduce to you, this is Mr. Wang Zhixing, the person in charge of the Yancheng Inspection Office. He is serious and responsible. There was a disaster near Yancheng, which made people's lives difficult, and Mr. Wang led his troops to fight against the thieves For two days and two nights, the lives of the people of Yancheng were finally protected."

King Ning introduced it to Lin Fan.

"Lord Lin." Wang Zhixing clasped his fists.

"Lord Wang." Lin Fan also clasped his fists.

Very good, there is a real master, it is very good, remember the appearance of the other party, save the trouble later.

Wang Zhixing's disguise is very good, although he has not met Lin Fan, but he is very uncomfortable, because his appearance has disrupted the faction of the inspection institute, not to mention his dissatisfaction, even the general hospital in the capital is not satisfied very.

Boys who came out of nowhere, got holy grace, and rode on their heads. Their achievements were paid for with their lives, so how could they be ruled by a young man casually?

"Master Lin, this is Chen Ci, the head of the Qingshan faction. The Qingshan faction of Chen's head is close to Yancheng, and has trained many martial arts masters for our Yancheng." King Ning pointed to an old man below.

This old man can't be considered an old man, and he has just finished middle age and entered old age.

"Master Chen." Lin Fan clasped his fists, smiled, and looked for the son of Master Chen. He was really on the table next to him. He saw a man who was somewhat similar to him. He looked a little rebellious. , There is a tendency of excessive indulgence between the eyebrows.

Hmm... I found another one, which is very good.

Head Chen clasped his fists and said, "Master Lin fought with Young Master Bai, and it spread all over the world. If there was nothing wrong with him, he would definitely go to the scene to watch the cheers."

Lin Fan smiled, but didn't say much, don't use it to cheer, and will use your son's life to add to the fun.

Chen Ci was very suspicious of Lin Fan's cultivation.

The list issued by Tianji Pavilion is fifth, but it can kill the master with one stroke. This is what people on the innate list can do. I feel that the ranking must be wrong.

King Ning pointed to the other two and said, "Lin Lin, these two are the famous twin immortals in the world, Zhou Tian and Zhou Di. They have been hiding in the mountains and forests for many years. Today, this king's birthday, It is also my honor for the two seniors to come to congratulate you."

Lin Fan looked at the two old men. They were dressed in one black and one white. They looked a bit similar. They should be brothers and sisters. They had long beards, one black and the other white, very distinctive.

The breath exuding from them can be seen that their cultivation bases are all masters.

Wuming, who was standing behind Lin Fan, frowned slightly when he saw the two of them, but he didn't expect to see them.

These two are indeed famous, and they were ruthless characters who caused a **** storm in the arena ten years ago.

What they practice is Heaven and Earth Qiankun Gong.

This technique is extremely powerful and can be called terrifying. One yin and one yang can turn the world upside down, especially the combined strike technique of the two is one of the best in the world. It is extremely difficult to break their heaven and earth.

He had seen the introduction of the two in the dark pavilion.

Once it is used, it is true qi circulation. Any external force will be absorbed by them. If it is stuck by their true qi, the true qi in the body will be absorbed by them continuously. It is difficult to get rid of it. , difficult.

Lin Fan nodded to the two old men.

The two old men did not change their expressions, there was no fluctuation, and there was no wave at all.

Lin Fan felt that King Ning was introducing him to the strength in his hands. Few of the people present were simple characters. Maybe he was saying that it was basically impossible for you, Lin Fan, to make trouble at this king's banquet. Unless you don't want to leave alive.

Duan Rou and Jiang Hou are a little uncomfortable. They both have cultivation and can feel the aura emanating from the strong. There are many strong people on the scene, and all kinds of aura are mixed together, which is very suppressing them. of.

They did not expect that King Ning knew so many masters.

At this time, the servants of the palace came up with various delicacies.

"Everyone, today's Wang's birthday has invited the famous chef of Yancheng to cook in person. This is very rare. I hope you can enjoy it."

"Before this, someone will definitely ask, is there no show to add to the fun?"

"Haha, of course there is. This king once adopted a righteous daughter, and it has been eighteen years now. Just today, I will let you open your eyes and appreciate the dancing of this king's righteous daughter."

The voice just fell.

A charming scent came from outside the house.

Everyone was mesmerized by the scent.

Immediately after.

A soul-stirring musical instrument sounded, digital dancers poured in outside the door, countless delicate petals flew gently between the heavens and the earth, and the refreshing fragrance was intoxicating.

A beautiful woman in white clothes appeared like an orchid in an empty valley. With her light and graceful dancing posture, her wide sleeves opened and closed to cover her up, which brought out her beautiful appearance.

Everyone at the scene looked straight, even the twins of heaven and earth were fascinated by this woman.

The corners of Chen Bo's mouth were drooling, his heart was beating thumpingly. He was so beautiful, so beautiful. He dared to swear to God that no woman he had ever met in his life could compare to the one in front of him.

Not even one-tenth, percent.

For others, there is only one idea of ​​encountering this woman, and it can only be viewed from a distance, not to be obscenity, but for Chen Bo, he just wants to press this woman under his body and rub it hard.

Lin Fan squinted, this woman's appearance was not entirely as soft as the people from the Central Plains, but a product of the combination of foreigners and people from the Central Plains, commonly known as mixed blood.

"Big... Big brother, so beautiful." Zhao Duoduo said.

"To be your daughter-in-law?"


Zhao Duoduo nodded frantically.

Duan Rou snorted, "Men all have sex."

She admits that the other party is very beautiful. She is also a woman. She thinks that she is not as good-looking as her, but these old guys at the scene, hey hey... It's you, she can be your granddaughter, you see what does it mean.

And this one, it's you, you've already lost one eye, and the other eye is so big, what are you doing, aren't you afraid of exploding?

King Ning was very satisfied with the situation at this time, and looked at Lin Fan, wanting to see how this son behaved, as long as he showed the look he wanted, everything would be easy to say.


King Ning frowned, he didn't expect Lin Fan to be whispering to others at such a moment, and his eyes were not on her righteous daughter at all.

This is not a good situation for him.

Wuming whispered: "Tian and Di Shuangxian are masters at the master level, and they are very strong. They used to be secluded, but according to the investigation of the dark pavilion, they actually started to do things for others."

"How do these two compare to Ba Dao?" Lin Fan asked.

"It's hard to say, I haven't played against each other, maybe evenly matched." Wuming has never seen Heaven and Earth Shuangxian move, and what he knows is only what the dark pavilion has investigated.

Lin Fan frowned and pondered. He was measuring the strength of the two immortals. These two should be the strongest experts on the scene.

As for the beauty of the dance...

Nima, don't miss anything, there is nothing to see, at least you have to take a pot of wine, dance, and pour it on your body, don't ask you to rub... At least you have to be sexy.

That's it... With the blessing of the tenth-level beauty in the short video, I'm almost immune to watching it.

Level 10 beauty.

Ten grades elongated.

Level 10 thin face.

The firepower is full, and all are angels.

After a while.

The sensational dance is over.

"Okay, really good..."

The crowd applauded and cheered.

According to their characters, if it was elsewhere, they would definitely swarm up, pull the woman into their arms, and rub them hard, but this is in Prince Ning's mansion, and this is Prince Ning's righteous daughter, who would dare to do this Do.

Therefore, they can only applaud, shout ok, and look at each other with their eyes by the way. Although they can't touch it, it doesn't seem to be excessive.

"Lord Lin, how do you think the little girl dances?" King Ning smiled.

Lin Fan said: "Well, very good, dancing is very good."

Although it is a compliment.

But everyone felt that this was a perfunctory answer.

"Yan Ji, come here, my adoptive father will introduce to you. This is Mr. Lin, who has been designated as the inspector of the country by the sage, and is in charge of all inspectors in the world." King Ning beckoned.

Yan Ji slowly came to Lin Fan's side, "Yan Ji has seen Lord Lin."

When talking, Yan Ji's eyes were like water, and she looked at Lin Fan with affection. Any man who faced such eyes would be melted, and he would fall into a deadly gentle village.

"Girl Yan's dancing skills, I'm afraid it would be difficult to practice without 20 years of hard work." Lin Fan said with a smile.

Yan Ji said softly, "I wonder if Lord Lin is satisfied?"

Lin Fan waved his hand and said, "It's not about me, it's about everyone. They all looked straight, and they were all attracted by Miss Yan's dancing, which means they were very successful."

Seeing that such a beautiful woman communicated with Lin Fan, everyone was envious and jealous.

Everyone wanted to change their identities with Lin Fan.

But most of them knew that this was deliberately done by King Ning, fearing that it was to take down Lin Fan.

The allure of beauty...they love it.

Just when Yan Ji wanted to continue to say something.

Lin Fan whispered, "Miss Yan, today is your adoptive father's birthday. It's not good for you and me to chat. Besides, Miss Yan is wearing thin clothes, so you should change your clothes quickly."

Yan Ji knew that things could not be urgent, so she left quietly.

Ning Wang seemed to be expressionless, but he was actually surprised. He didn't expect the effect to be small.

Even Butler Wang was stunned.

Unexpectedly, this kid is much more difficult than they imagined. Or, there are more people at the scene, which suppresses his performance. If there is no one, it may start to erupt.

There is this possibility.

Duan Rou quietly gave Lin Fan a thumbs up. As expected of the adults she admired, she was awesome. Unlike some guys, her eyes were straight.

Really shameful.

"Everyone, this king would like to thank everyone for your support here. Let's do it first..." King Ning stood up, holding a glass of wine, and looked around at everyone. For him, there are still many things that have not happened in today's birthday banquet. is coming.

"I wish Wang Ye a long life with the sky, everything you want will come true, longevity is boundless, thousands of years, thousands of years, thousands of years."

The crowd raised their glasses to congratulate.


King Ning laughed, this situation made him quite happy.

Lin Fan held the wine glass, but did not drink, but found that Wang Zhixing's eyes were always on him. He pretended to take a sip, slowly put down the wine glass, and looked at Wang Zhixing, who had a lot of opinions on him.

It was already seen in his eyes.

After a while.

King Ning pinched his head with a painful look on his face, as if he could not drink enough.

Even Wang Zhixing on the side was the same, shaking his head, trying to stay awake.

Lin Fan squinted, what the hell, he looked down again, and found that the same is true of the two immortals of heaven and earth, and the same is true of Chen Ci of the Qingshan faction.

frown tightly.

I don't understand what they are going to do.

Or... are they trying to do these puzzling things against themselves?

Just when he was thinking about these things.

Another group of maids appeared with something.

A maid bowed her head and walked towards King Ning. Seeing King Ning's appearance, her eyes flashed with light, just as she was about to approach King Ning.

The maid threw away the food tray, took out a soft sword from her sleeve, and roared.

"Dog thief, die..."

The sword was fierce, and at such a close distance, the opponent was poisoned again, and he couldn't raise his strength, that is, he would die, and no one could save him.

The tip of the sword was about to stab King Ning.

But at this moment, a mutation occurred.

Wang Zhixing, who seemed to be unable to do so, suddenly burst into rage, spread his five fingers, wrapped his True Qi around his fingers, grabbed the attacking sword with his bare hands, and his True Qi directly broke the long sword and sent the woman flying with one palm.


The woman suffered heavy injuries, spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell heavily to the ground.



A group of men in black entered through the window and stabbed towards King Ning with swords.

"Let's go, let's go, we've got the game." The woman shouted.

King Ning said coldly, "Kill me, don't let any of them go."


The Heaven and Earth Immortals drank the wine leisurely, and did not take this scene seriously. For them, these were just boring slapsticks among children.

The masters that King Ning arranged around the scene directly surrounded the scene. The group of assassins who rushed in had no way out, and were instantly surrounded in a circle.

The woman stood up slowly and glared at King Ning, "Dog thief, if you slaughter my Liang family, you must die."

King Ning stood with his hands folded, "Hmph, you rebels, dare to assassinate this king, do you think that by arranging a cook to come in, you will be able to hide from this king's eyes, give me a hand, and kill this group of rebels on the spot. "


The masters of the palace are pressing step by step.

The woman was desperate and did not expect to fail. For today, they have been preparing for a long time.

No matter how they develop, they are definitely not the opponents of King Ning.

It is even more difficult to poison King Ning. There will be people who will try the poison at King Ning's meal. Therefore, they thought of doing it at King Ning's birthday banquet. After all, at this moment, King Ning will never let anyone try the poison. .

But who would have thought that it would be discovered.

Which step is the problem?

Or their layout is a joke from beginning to end, the other party may already know it, just want to catch them all in one go.

Lin Fan, who was watching the play, heard these words from the woman, and immediately became interested. He was thinking about how to attack, but he didn't expect someone to assist him.

Ah, very good.

Seeing that the master of the palace is about to approach.

He knew he couldn't wait any longer.

Get up suddenly.


Features Shengwei burst.

A tyrannical power was crushed towards the masters of the palace.


Everyone's eyes turned to Lin Fan.

They frowned, what the **** was this guy trying to do.

King Ning said: "Lord Lin, these groups are all rebels."

Lin Fan said: "I don't know if it's a thief or not, but as a special envoy to the country, it is necessary for me to inquire about what happened."

"Wuming, looking at these guys, whoever dares to shoot will kill whoever."

"Yes, my lord." Wuming did a great job of light, and he shifted his position and appeared in the encirclement in an instant, still holding the sword in his arms, but no one dared to underestimate him.

The sword intent he exudes is very sharp and sharp.

The woman looked at Lin Fan, "Excuse me, are you the Haining Inspector Lin Fanlin?"

"I am." Lin Fan said.


The woman knelt down and said, "Lord Lin, please call the shots for the more than 100 members of our Liang family."


The companions knelt down.

"Please let the adults call the shots."

at this moment.

Lin Fan felt that a dazzling light was blooming on his body, and a sacred mission fell on him.

King Ning frowned, "Lord Lin..."

Lin Fan raised his hand and interrupted King Ning's words, "Your Highness, let's talk after I ask what happened."

Lin Fan looked at the masters of the palace, and said angrily, "Let me retreat."

The masters of the palace looked at each other in dismay, and did not obey Lin Fan's words. They were from the palace, and if they wanted to listen, they also obeyed the instructions of the prince.

Anonymous squinted.


As soon as the sword was unsheathed, the sword light flashed, and the swords in their hands were all broken.

"Those who do not retreat have such a knife in their heads."

The nameless aura is shocking and scary.

They know this guy is not joking, and if he doesn't retreat, he will really die.

"Retreat." Ning Wang said.

The masters of the palace retreated to make way.

Lin Fan said, "Get up, come to me, and tell me what's going on."

He knew it was time to revive.

The woman got up and walked towards Lin Fan.

Wang Zhixing stared at the woman, just when the woman was about to approach, he made a bold move, spread his fingers and grabbed at the woman's heart, not intending to leave the woman alive.


Lin Fan moved, Wang Zhixing's speed was very fast, but his speed was even faster, pulling out phantoms one after another, directly hitting Wang Zhixing's abdomen with a slap, his characteristics were sharp and explosive, and his strength penetrated.

Wang Zhixing was severely injured, his chest seemed to have been slashed by dozens of knives, blood splattered, and flew out backwards, his back collided with the pillars, cracked lines, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his breath was wilted.

"Hmph, you dare to disobey my decision, it's just courting death." Lin Fan scolded angrily.

One palm hit Wang Zhixing, and everyone was shocked.

Such a thing happened on a good birthday.

The officials were shocked. They didn't expect that Lin Fan was really a ruthless character. He even dared to destroy the prince's birthday, and he felt that he didn't give the prince any face at all.

This person really ate bear heart and leopard gall.

King Ning's face was ugly. He never thought that Lin Fan would dare to show no face. This was something he never thought of.

"My lord, I'm so sorry, I have soiled your ground." Lin Fan said.

King Ning took a deep breath and sat down slowly. He wanted to see what he wanted to do.

The woman knelt down and said, "Lord Lin, the youngest daughter Liang Shi, is the daughter of the Liang family who was once exterminated. More than ten years ago, her father Liang Zhongting impeached King Ning and was sent to exterminate the family. There are more than 100 members of the Liang family, and only My brother, I, and Uncle Liang escaped, and I asked the adults to make decisions for the little girl."

"Get up." Lin Fan said, then turned to look at King Ning, "Your Highness, do you think your Highness did this?"

How he hoped that King Ning could say something stubbornly, what this king did, how could he...

Then everything is really easy.

King Ning shook his head and said, "Master Lin, this king has always been on good terms with people, and has never done anything like this. I hope that Master Lin will not listen to one-sided words."

"Dog thief, do you dare to do it or not." Liang Shi roared at King Ning fiercely.

King Ning said calmly: "Little girl, don't talk nonsense. Framing the prince of the royal family is a death penalty."

Although King Ning's demeanor was very calm, at this time he was more like a beast, as if he wanted to swallow everything up.

Lin Fan said, "Miss Liang, did you see King Ning at that time?"

"No." Liang Shi shook her head, feeling a little chill in her heart. Could it be that...she believed in the wrong person.

Immediately after.

Lin Fan said again, "Then look around, are there any people involved?"

Liang Shi looked around and pointed at Steward Wang sharply, "He, I remember him, he was involved, and he was the one who took the lead at that time."

Butler Wang, who was standing beside King Ning, was slightly stunned, the corners of his mouth raised, he didn't take this matter to heart, he just pointed at what he could do, I was King Ning's housekeeper, who would dare to touch me.

"And him..." Liang Shi pointed to the half-dead Wang Zhixing who was beaten by Lin Fan, "He was with a lot of inspectors at the time, I remember what he looked like."

"Anything else?" Lin Fan asked.

Liang Shi shook his head, "No more."

"It's a pity." Lin Fan was a little disappointed. Even if you pointed at King Ning and said he was the leader, you still have to believe in the great Lord Lin in your heart, and you can make him cry and regret what he did.


Liang Shi didn't understand what Lord Lin meant when he said what a pity, but she... still believed in her original thoughts. He believed that Lord Lin from Tianji Pavilion would definitely not be fake.

King Ning said, "Lord Lin, this is just an anti-thief's words, and I hope that Lord Lin can investigate clearly."

"That's natural. My lord's investigation into the case is based on evidence, but since Miss Liang has already identified the murderer, I can only take them back and have a good interrogation. If they are innocent, naturally They will be cleared of their innocence." Lin Fan said.


The place is quiet.

Some of the people who participated in the Wang Ye's birthday were hoping to have a good relationship with the Wang Ye. They didn't expect such a thing to happen. To be honest, it was beyond their imagination.

They never thought that Lin Fan would be challenged by the prince.

After all, that's how the world is.

Joining forces can make life more comfortable.

Even, they all thought, how could Lin Fan offend King Ning for this group of people? He must have found a way to do it, and then killed this group of people behind his back. This is the best choice. made.

But now...

They were really shocked.

Based on the current situation, Lin Fan is going to take away both Wang Ye's housekeeper and Wang Zhixing, the head of the inspectorate.

Hearing Lin Fan's decision.

King Ning's face became colder, "Lord Lin, do you mean to take away this king's housekeeper?"

"Not only him, but also him, I want to take away as well." Lin Fan said.

"Lin Lin, it's better than this, you can take this girl Liang and the others to investigate this matter first. If it is really related to the housekeeper of my palace, then this king will definitely cooperate with Lin Lin's investigation. As for people, stay here first. Be by my side." King Ning didn't want to turn against Lin Fan for a while, but wanted to try to win him over.

Lin Fan looked at King Ning strangely, as if looking at a fool.

"King Ning, you don't understand the law?" Lin Fan asked.

King Ning was stunned, then his expression changed, "Lord Lin, what do you mean?"

"If the lord understands the law, he should also know that they are suspects. Since they are suspects, then I have to take them away. As for what Prince Ning said to keep people, I'm afraid it is impossible." Lin Fan said slowly.

It's all about going down with King Ning.

Only hardness can make people happy.

He likes to use powerful people to operate, in order to let all those who suffer and suffer know that the Lord Lin you are expecting even dares to do it, and who else dares to do it.

Don't be afraid of offending people, as long as you have difficulty, come to me.

at this time.

King Ning's face gradually became gloomy. He looked at Chen Ci, the head of the Qingshan faction, and the two immortals of heaven and earth. The meaning conveyed in his eyes was very clear. This king is already angry, and the next thing should be left to you.

"Lord Lin, could it be that this king doesn't even have this face?" King Ning smiled and wanted to give Lin Fan one last chance, so he said it in a joking tone, so as not to embarrass both parties.

Lin Fan's expression turned serious and he said solemnly, "My lord, I enforce the law in accordance with the law, and what I say is fairness, not to mention the lord, even if you are a saint today, it is useless."

good guy.

Speak directly to death.

Liang Shi, who belonged to the weak, listened to every word Master Lin said in her heart. She looked at Lin Fan with hope. She never thought that Master Lin was more fair and just than rumors. She was very moved by these words.

If there were people like Lord Lin in the inspectorate back then.

Perhaps... the Liang family would not have such a result.

King Ning took a deep breath, his anger burned, no one had dared to speak to him like this for a long time.

Right now.

The sound of dense footsteps came.

Outside the door, a group of inspectors hurried in and saw Wang Zhixing, who was heavily injured and leaned against the pillar.

"Sir, what's wrong with you?"

This group of inspectors all came to participate in the birthday banquet of the prince, but their status was not high, so they could only eat outside. When they heard the movement inside, they hurried in.

Wang Zhixing slowly raised his hand, pointed at Lin Fan, and said angrily, "Kill him for me..."


The inspectors drew their swords and aimed at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan shouted angrily, "The inspector Lin Fan is here, what do you guys want to do?"

They heard each other identify themselves.

Lin Fan, the national patrol envoy?

They naturally knew who this was. This was a person who was proclaimed by the sage. It was equivalent to the entire Hongwu inspector who had to obey the other party's orders.

It's just... They didn't stop the knife just because Lin Fan revealed his identity, but were waiting for an order.

Afraid of hair.

Yancheng's Inspectorate is a separate existence in their hearts, never obeying any orders, and with King Ning's horses leading the way, how can they be afraid because of Lin Fan's identity.

"Kill him for me."

Wang Zhixing was furious, but the injury was so severe that when he became angry, his heart seemed to be split open, and the pain made his face turn pale.


The inspectors rushed towards Lin Fan.

"The following crimes are unforgivable."

"Nameless, kill them for me."

Lin Fan didn't think to keep his hands. There were so many people on the scene that they really should use thunderous means to suppress a wave. Besides, these guys were bought by King Ning long ago. I'm afraid they have done many bad things with Wang Zhixing.

It's a disaster to keep.

It even insulted the identity of the inspector.

Wuming raised the sword, the sword intent was vertical and horizontal, the sword light flashed, and it was extremely dazzling.

He did not use twelve sword moves.

It was the killing sword that he used to kill the enemy at the fastest speed. This group of guys was not worthy of him to use any of the twelve swords.

In the blink of an eye.

The nameless figure spun and returned to the original place in one step.

The sword is sheathed.

Still holding the sword.

As if everything around him had nothing to do with him.



I saw the necks of the inspectors split open, and blood spurted out one after another, staining the entire banquet hall red.

The head of the Qingshan faction, Chen Ci, frowned.

Such a fast sword.

Such a sharp sword intent.

The means are even more ruthless.

Show no mercy.

Heaven and Earth Shuangxian looked at Wuming with interest, as if he never expected that there were still people who practiced kendo to this level.

If Wuming knew the thoughts of Heaven and Earth Twin Immortals.

Will definitely tell them.

The frog at the bottom of the well, do you know how powerful your sword is?

Duan Rou clenched her fists tightly, so powerful, so powerful. I didn't expect Wuming, who usually doesn't say a word, to be so powerful.

Jiang Hou felt really right.

Can see more masters.

There was an uproar at the scene.

I didn't expect that these guys are really ruthless, and they actually started killing on the prince's birthday. Could it be that the current prince is so clueless?

Not even anyone could hold back.

Butler Wang was frightened. He was really frightened. He felt that the other party was serious. It wasn't like a joke. If the other party was afraid of the prince, he would never dare to kill people here.

His face changed slightly, and he took a step back.

If it wasn't for the prince still by his side, he really wanted to escape.

"My lord, I have offended you so much. I will take them away, and the birthday banquet can continue." Lin Fan said.

He knew that things were not so simple.

Can you leave so easily?


The masters at the scene have not moved, how can they leave so easily.

But the process still has to go.

What to say, what to say.

That's what leads to what's going to happen next.

However, he almost forgot one thing.

Chen Bo couldn't let it go.

The next person to do it may be the two immortals of heaven and earth, so before that, Chen Bo's matter must be resolved.

"Chen Bo." Lin Fan roared like thunder.


Chen Bo was startled, he was startled suddenly, looked at Lin Fan with a startled expression, and asked me what to do, it has something to do with me, I just came to join in the fun with my father.

"A year ago, you were wandering around in Yancheng, and when you saw a girl, you got angry and took the girl into the room for rape, right?" Lin Fan said angrily.

"Yeah... ah, what?" Chen Bo was taken aback by Lin Fan, and the girl he heard seemed to be indeed, but he forgot, after playing so much, who knows who is with whom.

Chen Ci said, "Lord Lin, what do you mean?"

He didn't expect that the other party would point the finger at his son. You haven't even passed the level of King Ning, but you turned your head to deal with our Qingshan faction. Do you really think that you have three heads and six arms and are lawless?

"You're breaking the law, naturally you have to be caught," Lin Fan said.

Chen Ci ignored Lin Fan, but looked at King Ning and said, "My lord, this person is crazy, I suggest throwing him out."

"throw it out."

"throw it out."

King Ning invited many people from the rivers and lakes to banquet. At this time, they all shared their hatred and voiced together. Suddenly, the scene shook, and anyone who encountered this situation had to panic. UU Reading

Lin Fan stood proudly, looking at everything in front of him.

"I didn't understand why the sage wanted to set up an inspectorate to rectify the rivers and lakes, but now I understand it. You people in the rivers and lakes think that you are ungoverned, lawless, and lawless. Even if you know you are doing something wrong, you still want to unite against law enforcement. It seems that in the future, I can't be merciful to you."

Lin Fan cast haste, phantom.

for a moment.

As if shrunk to size.

He directly grabbed Chen Bo, who was ignorant. The speed was so fast that Chen Cidu was a little unresponsive.

"Let go of my son." Chen Ci said angrily.


The crowd stood up abruptly, directly blocking the way, and a group of officials quietly retreated.

I didn't expect that such a thing could happen to the lord.

Totally unexpected.

"Lord Lin, I think you should leave with your people. Prince Ning's mansion doesn't welcome you, and neither does this group of heroes. Don't do things too ruthlessly, or the consequences are beyond your imagination."

King Ning stood with his hands behind his back and said slowly.

He knew this was going to happen.

There is also this absolute confidence.

It is a dream to want to take people away from his palace.

"Your Highness, don't know the law and break the law, otherwise you won't be able to eat good fruit." Lin Fan stared at King Ning with sharp eyes. He had torn his face with King Ning long ago, so why be polite.


King Ning laughed and shook his head, "This king is sitting here, but I want to see how your Lord Lin leaves."

This moment, this scene, this thing.

It is the most shocking time in the world.

One person faces the power of King Ning.

Who can be coward?

Anyway, he's not cowardly.

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