Get Stronger By Being Beaten

Chapter 152: The people of heaven have come


"Why do you always follow me, boy?"

The Sword Demon looked at Wuming, who could be seen at the door every morning, the good guy, actually hit his mind on him, living alone, and was not very willing to have someone follow him.

"Senior Sword Demon, this junior pursues the ultimate in swordsmanship wholeheartedly, and hopes to learn from Senior Sword Demon." Wuming said sincerely.

Sword Demon said: "My swordsmanship is much worse than that of Lin Xunguo. You can learn from him, so why bother with me?"

He shook his head, always feeling that the other person's head was not smart enough.

Obviously there are stronger kendo masters who can learn.

Don't choose him.

It's just that Wuming's next words made the Sword Demon stunned.

"Senior Sword Demon, I have been by his side for a while, but it has been difficult for me to comprehend Xeon's swordsmanship from him, so..."

Not finished yet.

"Fuck off..."

Sword Demon Qi's liver and gallbladder are about to burst.

According to this kid's meaning, it doesn't mean that my sword demon's kendo is easy to learn. Although he admits that he is not as good as Lin Fan's kendo, but being said so bluntly, the senior sword demon is also a bit complaining. .

Looking at the sword demon who turned and closed the door, the nameless little head was stunned, and he didn't know what was going on for a while.

"Senior, what's wrong with you?"

Wuming stood outside the door and asked, but after all, it was still a blind spot where no one found out.

The sword demon in the house didn't pay any attention to him.

Wuming sighed and turned to leave. The seniors were very weird, but he didn't give up. Short-term losses were normal. Maybe this was the test that seniors put him.


Lin Fan walked around in the inspectorate and came to the place where Xiaowu practiced. Before he got there, he heard a bang, and when he came to the courtyard, he saw Xiaowu and Duoduo fighting each other.

The two palms flickered with tiny thunder, and the constant collision actually formed a lot of destructive power.

"Well, it's amazing. The improved Tianjiu Shou is really extraordinary. I remember that I only moved to the blood realm before, but I didn't expect to reach the true vein realm so soon."

He observed that Xiao Wu was young and his cultivation was not very high.

However, Xiao Wu's potential is huge, and his hard-working daily practice makes his Qi and blood higher than those of the same realm, and his destructive power is stronger.

This is a pair of palms with thunder, which has a bonus to destructive power.

After a long time.

Xiao Wu and Zhao Duoduo ended their discussions. The two looked at each other and smiled at each other. Both of them clearly felt that they had become stronger.

clap clap!

Applause came.

"Okay, it's really good." Lin Fan praised, whether it was Xiao Wu or Zhao Duoduo, the two of them had made great progress.

"Brother Lin."

"Big brother."

Xiao Wu and Zhao Duoduo did not expect Brother Lin to come.

They didn't feel it.

"How do you feel? You didn't encounter anything you didn't understand in the middle of your practice."

Lin Fan asked, as long as there are no accidents, within a few years, Xiao Wu must be a good player, and Zhao Duoduo's strength can definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

Maybe a few years later, Zhao Duoduo can really become a powerhouse in the Innate Realm by virtue of his cultivation.

Xiao Wudao: "No, since I practiced Tianjiu, I feel that my body is unimpeded and there is no difficulty."

Zhao Duoduo said, "Me too."

Lin Fan nodded. It was true. Ordinary cultivation would encounter the problem of blood clogged, but Tian Jiu Shou was worthy of being one of the best in the world. As long as he kept practicing, the thunder that would be produced would slowly open up the meridians of his body.

Right now.

He frowned slightly, felt a strange breath, and then looked not far away.

"You guys continue to practice hard, I have something to do."

After speaking, they left in a hurry without waiting for Duo to react to Xiao Wu. They looked at each other, very puzzled, not knowing what happened to Brother Lin.

Forest outside the city.

"Come out, don't be sneaky." Lin Fan stood with his hands behind his back and shouted towards the surroundings.

Just now, he had already sensed that someone was spying on the Procuratorate.

I thought to myself.

Could it be that this group of idiots from the Holy Religion came to give people their heads again?

I don't know yet, I can only see the situation first.


A low laughter came.

Immediately after.

A figure appeared like a ghost. The other party looked young, stood on the branches with both feet, and looked directly at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan was quite surprised when he saw the other party.

"Who are you?"

He can be sure that he has never seen each other, inexplicably, and appeared with a smile, with a mysterious origin.

"Envoy Lin Xun, it doesn't matter who I am, you just need to know that I am from Heaven."

"Heavenly Court."

Lin Fan was startled. He didn't expect Heavenly Court to actually find him. In his opinion, it was a bit unbelievable. Luo Huan, the master swordsman who killed him at the beginning, handled the body perfectly and should not be found.

Who would have thought that they have already achieved this level and have been discovered.

It seems that this Heavenly Court's intelligence network is terrifying.

However, it can be understood that when Gu Wu and Gu Wen came to Yan City, they did not restrict their freedom. If there is a big force looking for it, they can indeed find it.

"Do you know Heavenly Court?"

Lin Fan shook his head, "I don't know."

"Haha, Ambassador Lin Xun, why do you have to pretend to be crazy with me, since I can find you, I can be sure." The man said with a smile, he didn't act like Lin Fan had imagined.

Lin Fan said, "Since you know, why ask me."

The man said: "The premise of the exchange is to hope that the two sides can treat it honestly, but it's a pity... The Ambassador Lin Xun doesn't seem to be sincere."

"Don't talk nonsense, say your intentions, I think what you need in heaven is Tianjiu, if you need it, I can give it to you, after all, neither I, Lin Fan, nor those two children are willing to cause more troubles. "Lin Fan doesn't value Tian Jishou. He has a lot of things right now, and it would be really troublesome if he was stared at by the Heavenly Court.

The most important thing is... the two immortals of heaven and earth have said that the heavenly court is very scary. Those who are dispatched are masters, and they are also practicing the unique skills of the world. It is very terrifying to be able to practice the skills to those in their hands.

He very much agrees with this.

The man said: "No, our Heavenly Court has no interest in Tian Jishou, but is very interested in Lin Xunguo."


Lin Fan was a little surprised.

He didn't expect Heavenly Court to think like this.

Suddenly has no interest in Tian Jishou?

Destroying people's whole family wants to get Tian Ji's hand, but now I have no interest in it.

A mass of anger burned in Lin Fan's heart.

But he was patient and did not show his anger, but walked towards the other side step by step.

"Oh, well, He De He Neng, I, Lin Fan, can actually arouse Heavenly Court's interest." Lin Fan smiled, getting closer and closer to the other party.

The man said: "Yes, I am very interested. According to the investigation of our Heavenly Court, Lin Xunguo's envoy is not ordinary. Even our Heavenly Emperor has heard about it, and he specially ordered me to come and see."

He naturally saw Lin Fan approaching him.

But he didn't take it to heart.

Still calm and calm.


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