"Sure enough, they are all ruthless killers. They were controlled by me and didn't want to live, so they were so arrogant."

Lin Fan sighed, now the killers are so domineering.

Even if the other party didn't say so.

But it is no longer important. The other party wants to shout and cause movement, which is enough to show that this is the dark pavilion.

Without turning his head, he continued to walk forward.


Lin Fan stood on the cliff and looked down, and suddenly opened up. A huge wooden building appeared in the line of sight below, which shocked him. He didn't expect such a majestic building.

What kind of craftsmanship and financial resources can we build such a building here.

"Killing intent, strong killing intent."

He felt a strong killing intent shrouded below him.

As expected of the top killer organization in the arena, the Dark Pavilion.

"Finally found."

Lin Fan looked down, pinched the back of his neck, and relaxed. There would definitely be a fierce battle, and there were definitely many experts in the dark pavilion, so he shouldn't be disappointed.

He jumped up, opened his arms, and swooped down like a bird.

Landing, silently.

If the people in Jianghu knew that Lin Fan came to the headquarters of the Dark Pavilion single-handedly, his eyes would definitely burst out in fright. How terrifying the Dark Pavilion was, as long as it was a Jianghu person, who would not know the horror of the Dark Pavilion.

"Where has this person gone?"

Take a look.

Without thinking about it, I walked directly into the building.

He didn't even think about hiding right now, he just appeared openly, just see it when he saw it, no one was worth his avoidance.

Enter the building.

Walking down a gray corridor, oil lamps hung on the walls on both sides, dispelling the darkness and illuminating the surroundings.

"The dark pavilion places the headquarters here, and it is indeed difficult to be discovered. The Tianji pavilion is very domineering, and even this can be found."

Think of the intelligence capabilities of Tianji Pavilion.

He felt really scary.

I don't know who is behind the scenes of Tianji Pavilion.

"who are you?"

Right now.

Several assassins from the Dark Pavilion actually met Lin Fan directly.

When they saw a stranger appear here, they all acted in shock, as if they had seen a ghost.

This is the Dark Pavilion headquarters.

How could someone show up here.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Guess what."

The digital killers glanced at each other, and with a swipe, daggers suddenly appeared in their empty hands, and without thinking, they directly attacked Lin Fan.

The cultivation of these killers is not very high, and they have not reached the innate.

The dagger is still covered with internal force, not infuriating energy.

It can be seen from their movements that their movements are very sharp, and there is no extra movement at all.


Lin Fan smiled, rushed to the killer in front of him, raised the dagger in his hand and stabbed at him. Suddenly, the killer disappeared in front of him, appeared behind him in the blink of an eye, and wiped the dagger towards him. Throat.

Jingle Jingle!

In addition, several killers appeared in different positions of Lin Fan, and all the daggers stabbed him in the fatal position.

"Good trick." Lin Fan said.

This group of killers is not high in cultivation, but the means of killing people are very good.

As for the nameless killer skills, it is definitely not as good as these guys.

"Learning Kung Fu horizontally, you can't get in with a gun or a gun."

The Dark Pavilion Killer was startled.

"Withdraw, withdraw."

Lin Fan smiled and patted them with both palms, bang, bang, just like slapping mosquitoes.

The killer was shot directly at the wall.

There was a violent collision with the wall, the body of the collision was blurred, and the inner organs could be seen, and cracks appeared in the impacted wall.

All kills in seconds, not one alive.

"What else is there to withdraw? Poorly weak, there is no progress at all." Lin Fan shook his head, and it was difficult to feel the improvement in progress.

When the daggers of these killers stabbed him, apart from being conscious, it was really useless.

Continue walking forward.


He was surprised to find that the area of ​​the building was really large, and the structure inside the building was very strange. Until now, he hadn't seen a house, but it was more like a dungeon.

Walking, walking, it has come to an end.

A huge stone door was hidden, and light was transmitted from the crack of the door.

Lin Fan walked towards the stone door, and there was a loud noise from behind the door.

"If you want to live, if you want to die, the choice is in your hands."

"There is no waste left here, the end of the waste is only death."

Hear voices from inside.

Lin Fan squinted, and through the crack of the door, a group of eight or nine-year-old children were fighting each other with daggers. Their moves were very immature, but even if they were immature, the daggers were real. They could hurt people and kill people.

A group of people dressed in the same costumes as the killers Lin Fan killed watched the group of children fighting each other.

There is no mercy, I have long been used to it, and I did not take it to heart at all.

They all came this way.

To live is to have a future, to die is to be thrown away like rubbish.


Lin Fan pushed open the stone door, and when there was movement, everyone looked at the stone door.

There was a stone pillar several meters high in the middle of the huge training ground. A man wearing a mask stood on the stone pillar with his hands behind his back. Hearing the door opening, he immediately focused his eyes on Lin Fan.

Someone came, and it was a very strange person.



The instructors who were still training the group of children just now had extremely fast movements, and in the blink of an eye, they had already surrounded Lin Fan.

"You are the inspector."

The instructor who was speaking frowned when he saw Lin Fan wearing it. This is the headquarters of the Dark Pavilion. How could there be an inspector coming here?

"I'm from the Inspectorate, but you're wrong. I'm not the Inspector, I'm the Inspector. I've been looking for your Dark Pavilion headquarters for a long time, and I finally found you." Lin Fan said with a smile.

The children fighting each other gasped and watched the scene.

They didn't know who was coming.

Since he was caught here, he has lived a life that is worse than death. He has to undergo rigorous training every day. There are no friends or relatives here.

Maybe the companion you talked to will become your opponent in a blink of an eye. Either you kill me, or I kill you.

Some children are desperate and are about to become the killing machines cultivated by the dark pavilion.

Some children are still struggling, there is always light in their eyes, they know fear, they know fear, they know what they are doing, but they have no ability to resist.

The masked man standing on the stone pillar was shocked.

He knew that Lin Fan, the national patrol envoy, was a strong man. Tianji Pavilion once ranked him in the top ten on the Xiantian list, but the subsequent battle showed that he was not Xiantian, but a grandmaster.

But even the Grandmaster did not make him timid.

It's just a grandmaster. Lin Fan, his national patrolman, is a grandmaster, and he is also a grandmaster, and he is also a grandmaster among the assassins in the dark pavilion. The methods of killing are not comparable to ordinary grandmasters.

"Kill him." The masked man said.

This group of instructors did not hesitate and charged towards Lin Fan at a very fast speed. They cooperated with each other to form a formation, forming a kind of cooperation that blocked all paths for Lin Fan.

call out!

call out!

They threw hidden weapons and smeared poison, all of which were extremely deadly poisons in the world.

Lin Fan didn't move at all, and let the hidden weapon hit him. Anyway, the image he created was that of a master of horizontal training, and it was normal for him to be impenetrable.


Seeing that Lin Fan's ten fingers were extremely sharp, as the group of instructors appeared in front of him, he waved his arms, swiping, swiping, and the speed was extremely fast, as if he could only see one after another cold light.


The instructors, who were originally intact, were imprisoned in the air, and their bodies seemed to be cut open by a sharp machine.

"This is the pinnacle of sharpness."

Lin Fan slowly retracted his hands and looked up at the guy standing on the stone pillar.

"Today I found the headquarters of the dark pavilion. The purpose is very simple. It is to destroy the dark pavilion. There is no need for such an organization to exist."

His words were full of domineering.

The masked man who heard this was unknowingly furious, and his body exuded a powerful gloomy aura.

In Lin Fan's line of sight, the aura emanating from the other party's body was indeed very strong, and the pressure formed caused the surrounding children who were being trained to shiver, and panic appeared in their pupils, as if they had encountered some kind of terrible thing.

"Lin Fan, the national patrol envoy, why did you come to the dark pavilion?" the masked man said solemnly.

Lin Fan said, "Why did you come? It must be for the purpose of punishing traitors and eradicating evil. You guys are collecting money to kill people in the dark pavilion, and you have come here without a king's law. Is it okay to be here?"

"Haha." The masked man laughed loudly, "It's ridiculous, to say the king's law in the dark pavilion, don't think that because you are a national patrol, everyone is afraid of you, although I don't know how you came to the dark pavilion, but These are no longer important, you are going to stay here today."

"So confident?"

He was stunned.

Mixed in the rivers and lakes for so long.

It was the first time I met such a confident guy.

Although the terrifying aura of this guy in the mask is very strong, in Lin Fan's view, it's just like that.

But can't play now.

Play with him a little and you can kill him.

The masked man is tall and straight, wears a mask, can't see his face, and has long hair scattered behind him, giving people a gloomy feeling all the time. Feel.

Confident and domineering.

He is the chief instructor of the Dark Pavilion, responsible for all killer training. This is his territory, and the intrusion of the national patrolling envoy Lin Fan is a provocation to him, and naturally cannot be tolerated.

"Who is the leader of your dark pavilion, let him come out, you stop me, you are just courting death." Lin Fan said.


The masked man swooped down, "It is rumored that your strength is terrifying, I don't believe it, how powerful your strength can be."

His speed was extremely fast. When he swooped in, he put his palms together, and then sent a palm towards Lin Fan. He was extremely powerful.

Infuriating to this level is indeed terrifying.


Lin Fan shook his head. It was the same sentence. If it was in the past, this person in front of him could indeed bring him a shocking joy, but now... it's really not enough to watch.


Between electric and flint.

No one could see what happened.

But that 'puchi' sound seemed to have pierced through something.

Tick ​​tock! Tick ​​tock! Tick ​​tock!

The blood slowly dripped onto the ground.

The masked man made a low voice ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and looked down, saw the other's arm, pierced his chest, and lifted him high, his whole being was dumbfounded.

Did not expect this result.

"how is this possible."


The masked man couldn't believe it.

"As I said, you stopped me, you were really just courting death." Lin Fan smiled, and slowly retracted his arm, the blood on his arm was not stained at all.

Stain resistance is just good.

Always keep it neat and tidy.

The masked man couldn't believe that these were real until he died. To him, it was like a false dream.

He knew that Lin Fan was very strong.

But I didn't expect it to be so scary.

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