Get Stronger By Being Beaten

Chapter 195: Thor is born

"Lin, what are you laughing at?"

Huang Jitian didn't understand what was so funny about Lin Fan at this moment. The Jagged Alliance's private army was here, and it was a big deal to dispatch tens of thousands of troops once.

But in order to deal with Lin Fan, or not to deal with it, but to force Lin Fan back, the Jagged Alliance did something that had never been done before.

It is to call in private troops.

To deal with one person.

No one will believe it if you say it.

Lin Fan said: "Huang Jitian, you came here with the Jagged Alliance private army, are you trying to stop me with these?"

"Could it be not enough?" Huang Jitian squinted, the patrolling envoy in front of him was much more domineering than he imagined.

Any master in the arena, seeing so many private troops, and they are all cultivated, the elite among the elites will definitely turn around and leave, and will not stop for more.

"It's really not enough to see, but it's good, you bring the private army, and it saves the trouble of the national patrol."

Hear what Lin Fan said.

Huang Jitian fell into deep thought.

What did he mean?


Could it be that he thought...impossible.

He still didn't want to believe that Lin Fan could deal with the 40,000 private army.

When Wu Xin saw his own private army, he felt very relieved, but this Lord Lin seemed to be a little arrogant, wouldn't he want to fight with his own private army?

Give me a break.

He wouldn't believe there was such a person.

Even if these private troops don't move, stand and let him kill, I am afraid that they will kill them softly.

"Huang Jitian, have you seen Thunderbolt?" Lin Fan asked.

Huang Jitian was stunned, thunder?

He didn't know what Lin Fan meant.

But soon, he suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Lin Fan as if he had seen a ghost.

Lin Fan stretched out his palms towards the sky. Suddenly, the originally clear sky suddenly flashed with thunder and lightning. Looking up at the sky, he saw countless thunder snakes with thick arms intertwined, densely packed, like forming a big net.

The private army soldiers raised their heads in fear.

"what is that?"

"Thunder, how can there be thunder when it is good."

"Is this a curse?"

Even if they were trained in an orderly manner, when faced with this situation, they were slightly flustered. The neat and orderly formation gradually changed, and the horses they were riding were affected by the thunder and began to agitate.


Huang Jitian's heart trembled, he could be sure that the thunder in the sky was real, and then looked at Lin Fan, could it be that he made all this?


Although it is said that the great master has realized that the unity of heaven and man can create a vision, but the current situation is definitely not something that can be done by human beings.

He was a little skeptical, but thought of what Lin Fan had just said to him.

'Have you seen Thunder? ’

This is what Lin Fan told him.

Thinking of this, he looked at Lin Fan in shock. Could it be that he really made these?

Lin Fan noticed Huang Jitian's eyes, and said indifferently, "As you think, I did all this, but it's just the beginning, and the exciting things are yet to come."

This is the first time he has used the [Thunder] feature like this.

The resulting situation is a bit overbearing.

To deal with these private armies, he has the means.

But after thinking about it, I still feel that the effect of [Thunder] is the best, and the impact is the most shocking.

These private armies are a problem.

If they kill them all, it will be a bit bloody, but it is not enough to leave them alone. They can only leave a scene that shocks them deep in their hearts, so that they will be forever fearful, and then they will know what the fate of opposing the Inspectorate will be.

【Dharma Phase】

Lin Fan let out a low roar, golden light bloomed behind him, a huge dharma image appeared, the special effects were full, the long hair rose with the wind, the light absorbed every strand of hair, and the thunder wrapped around his body, as if a **** of thunder had descended into the world.

To say that the previous shock is fairly general.

That's the moment when Lin Fan's special effects are full.

There is no other sound in the world.

"I saw a fairy."

Wu Xin was stunned, muttering to himself, holding his head up, his eyes filled with the stalwart figure of Lin Fan.

In his opinion, apart from the immortals who can display such means, who else can do it.

Immediately, his heart became cold, and the Jagged Alliance was actually provoked by a god, Wan Duzi, this is really a complete Wan Duzi.


The 40,000 private troops became more and more restless.

"We are dealing with gods."

"It must be an immortal. Apart from immortals, who can have such an ability."

"Damn it, my mother believes in immortals the most, and this is Thor, if she knew, she would definitely kill me."

"I think……"

The agitation became more and more serious, and the war horses under the crotch were already kneeling on the ground under this terrifying power, shivering, even if they were restrained, it was still useless.

They are all well-trained elites, and they will not have any fear in the face of any enemy, but now they feel that what they are facing is not a human being, who can withstand this special girl.

Huang Jitian noticed the situation of the private army behind him.

Gritting his teeth.

roared angrily.

"Steady, hold me steady."

"He's not a fairy, he's a man."

He can only roar like this now, hoping that they can stabilize, once the turmoil occurs, it will be difficult to control.

It's just that the flashing thunder that appeared in his eyes was so dazzling that it occupied his entire eyeball.

Lin Fan smiled inwardly. It seemed that his current shape was indeed domineering. Although it was formed by the special effects, the power was not something that could be imagined casually.

"Why didn't you kneel when you saw God? Are you trying to be disrespectful to God?" Lin Fan shouted angrily, exploding in everyone's ears like thunder, and their eardrums hurt, as if they had been penetrated.

With the words out.

The already terrified private soldiers were even more afraid. It was obvious that someone wanted to put down their weapons and knelt directly to the ground, daring not to provoke the majesty of the immortals.

They are not fools, how can they be so easy to deceive.

But the situation in front of them has really merged with the fairy gods in their hearts.

Huang Jitian's breathing gradually became serious. He knew that he couldn't continue like this, otherwise, let alone restraining Lin Fan, even the private army behind him would be threatened by him to retreat.

"Lin Fan, stop pretending to be a ghost, there are no ghosts and gods in the world, you just used a trick."

Huang Jitian turned his infuriating energy, sound waves came out, and the sound resounded throughout the audience, in order to wake up the private army who already had a heart of fear.

With his roar.

It did wake up a lot of private troops. Yes, there are no gods in the world. They are all fake and non-existent. All this is definitely the trajectory of the other party.

Lin Fan looked at the situation in front of him.

He sighed softly.

"The way of heaven has collapsed, and the world no longer believes in ghosts and gods. Since this is the case, it can only be punished by heaven."

The voice just fell.

I saw Lin Fan press down with both palms.

"Thunder Dragon is born."


The sky trembled.

The intertwined Thunder Snakes seemed to be under control, and instantly changed their direction. Countless Thunder Dragons descended from today and fell directly towards the private army.



Screams erupted.

Wearing armor, they were bombarded by Thunder Dragon and fell to the ground instantly, black smoke all over their bodies.

Lin Fan controlled the power of [Thunderbolt], otherwise, he could really wipe them out.

"how is this possible."

Huang Jitian looked at the scene in front of him in horror, and just said that this was a vision created by Lin Fan pretending to be a ghost, and then he saw such a scene.

The dense private army was hit by thunder.

"No, it's impossible."

Huang Jitian roared, and suddenly a thunderbolt fell from the sky and slashed towards him. He could not resist, but as if thinking of something, he hurriedly retreated, that is, the warhorse under his crotch suffered and was smashed by the thunder. On the ground, foaming at the mouth, twitching constantly.

After a long time.

Heaven and earth returned to a sunny state.

The originally magnificent private army no longer looked like before, but collapsed to the ground one by one, unable to move.

completely annihilated.

Huang Jitian was dumbfounded, his eyes widened, and he stared blankly. To him, the scene that just happened was like a dream. It was impossible. How could this be possible?

"Big...sir, it's amazing, I admire it." Wu Xin came back to his senses, it was impossible to run. If he had a little thought before, it would be scaring him now, and he no longer had any ideas.

The whole person has been frightened silly.

Confused mind.

Is this **** still something that humans can do?

It was completely beyond his Lin Fan smiled and didn't say much, but continued to walk forward.

When passing by Huangjitian.

He stopped.

"Brother Jitian, although there are many private troops, they can act as a deterrent, but they are useless in front of this country patrol."

He spoke softly.

He didn't stop, but continued to walk towards the Jagged Alliance.

Huang Jitian, who was already dumbfounded, looked at the situation in front of him dumbly, his breathing gradually became short, and he was really stunned by Lin Fan.

"Is he really a fairy?"

Thinking of this, what comes to mind is the scene of Thunder coming to the world.

Think of the priest.

Not good...the leader doesn't know yet.

Thinking of the leader's temperament, he would definitely attack the opponent. Although the leader was very strong, there was definitely no room for him to fight back against Lin Fan.

And this time.

Lin Fan's every move has long been followed by Tianji Pavilion.

Now if Jianghu wants to know when something big will happen, he has to see if Lin Fan is doing something.

When he went to Guangming Temple.

The people of Tianji Pavilion are already squatting.

Now it's squatting.

In the grass in the distance.

A Tianji Pavilion intelligence officer looked at it dumbfounded.

"I'm afraid I'm dreaming."

He was dumbfounded.

He felt that everything in front of him was beyond his knowledge.

There is paper and pen in front of him.

But now the content on the paper is his graffiti, not graffiti. There are countless small black dots on the ground, representing the private army of the Jagged Alliance, but there are still countless intertwined lines.

The next content, he did not draw.

Because it was stunned.

I don't know how to express this situation.


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